UN: Rowena
LN: Parks
Name: Elly Marchita
Age: 29
Occupation: Massage Therapist
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Drawing, Hiking, Camping, Swimming, Biking
Significant other
Name: Richard Elijah Sr.
Age: 31
Occupation: 5th grade teacher
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: Basketball, Football, Camping, Hiking, Biking
Current children: Richard Elijah Jr. "Eli" - 11 years old (only Richard Senior's child), no disabilities
Others living with you: None
Pets: Naminé (welsh corgi-age 2), Sora (welsh corgi-age 2)
Type: 2 story house
Location: USA
Land owned: 100 acres
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 3
Other: Large yard, otherwise wooded area with trails, a few creeks, and a large pond.
What is/are the household’s religion(s)? Christian
What language(s) do household members speak? English, Russian
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to? We go on family trips at least once a month to anywhere that has hiking/camping.
How many children would you like to adopt: 1-3
Gender(s): Any
Age: Any
Nationality: Any
Languages preference: Any (at least
some English or Russian preferable)
Religion preference: Any
Multiples: Any
Will you accept:
--siblings? Yes
--close relatives? Yes
--neighbors? Yes
--friends? Yes
--kids with pets? Yes, any pets
--children with disabilities? emotional - minor to moderate
--pregnant teen/teen mother? Yes
--baby’s father? No
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives? Yes
Other: None
This message was edited 2/23/2008, 10:11 PM