Bottom of the SSA charts CAF
Using the bottom 50 names in the years: 1900, 1915, 1930 and 1945.
Set up the family however you want, as many members as you want, and use the namebanks provided. No spelling changes, and no switching the genders.
Abner, Ace, Adan, Adolf, Agnes, Alf, Alice, Allison, Allyn, Alma, Almon, Ambrose, Angus, Annie, Ansel, Antone, Arley, Arlyn, Armond, Artie, Artis, Arvin, Arvo, Author, Baxter, Benjiman, Bernardo, Bernhard, Beverly, Bobbie, Bobby, Brice, Buck, Burdette, Byrd, Caesar, Caleb, Cameron, Camille, Casey, Ceasar, Chad, Claire, Clarke, Clem, Cleve, Clint, Clive, Conley, Cora, Curley, Damon, Darvin, Del, Derrell, Deward, Doctor, Donal, Donna, Donnie, Donovan, Dorothy, Drew, Durwood, Duwayne, Dwaine, Elden, Elgin, Elisha, Elizabeth, Elvis, Elzie, Emmit, Ephraim, Essie, Estill, Eva, Evelyn, Evert, Farris, Felton, Ferris, Finis, Finley, Fleming, Florentino, Gaston, Gayle, Gaylord, Genaro, General, Gerardo, Gertrude, Gil, Giles, Gino, Glenwood, Gorden, Hamilton, Hans, Hayden, Hayes, Heber, Henderson, Herhard, Hillard, Hilliard, Holly, Hosea, Howell, Hudson, Hurley, Issac, Ivy, Jame, Jewel, Jodie, Johny, Jonas, Joyce, Judge, Kip, Kirk, Layton, Leamon, Leighton, Lenwood, Levy, Llewellyn, Lonzo, Loran, Lucas, Madison, Marcellus, Marshal, Masao, Mayo, Melville, Mickey, Newt, Nora, Oakley, Ocie, Olan, Ole, Oneal, Orland, Oswald, Otho, Ozie, Palmer, Paris, Parker, Pinkney, Pleasant, Price, Ransom, Raoul, Rayburn, Reece, Reid, Richie, Rollie, Rondal, Rosevelt, Rueben, Rush, Salvador, Santo, Schuyler, Shedrick, Shelley, Shellie, Spurgeon, Sumner, Terrill, Thornton, Unknown, Verle, Verlin, Verlyn, Vernell, Vincenzo, Wally, Webster, Wellington, Weston, Whitney, Wilfrid, William, Yoshio, Zack, Zollie,
Adelina, Albertha, Alline, Almeta, Altha, Alvira, Amber, Amber, America, Angelita, Ara, Arletta, Artie, Audry, Augustine, Bell, Bettye, Bettylou, Billy, Bina, Bridget, Bula, Caldonia, Carl, Carma, Cassie, Cathleen, Celesta, Charlsie, Christeen, Christie, Clarabelle, Clarabelle, Claudie, Clella, Cleone, Clifford, Concepcion, Dagmar, Deirde, Delcie, Delpha, Dicie, Dimple, Dorcas, Dorcas, Dortha, Dulcie, Eartha, Eda, Elenora, Ellar, Ellie, Eloisa, Elvina, Emmaline, Ena, Ena, Erie, Estela, Ethelene, Eudora, Evaline, Eveline, Fae, Freeda, Georgeann, Georgetta, Georgette, Gerda, Gerri, Glinda, Golda, Golden, Hazle, Henretta, Herlinda, Herminia, Icy, Idella, Iovy, Isabella, Isadora, Ivory, Jacquline, Jamie, Jaunita, Jeanetta, Jerry, Jill, Joetta, Jonnie, Josefina, Jossie, Juliana, Juliana, Juliet, Juliet, Kaaren, Karlene, Kathaleen, Kathlyn, Katrina, Lacy, Lannie, Larry, Lawanda, Leann, Leo, Leonor, Lera, Leslee, Lexie, Libbie, Lida, Linnie, Lockie, Lolita, Louvenia, Louvenia, Luisa, Luvinia, Lyla, Lynn, Macy, Madaline, Magdalena, Malvina, Mammie, Marguertitta, Margy, Marybelle, Maryellen, Marylyn, Marylyn, Maudie, Maye, Melissa, Meredith, Mickie, Mimi, Minna, Mitzi, Myrtie, Nancie, Nella, Nena, Nicole, Noreen, Ocie, Octavia, Odie, Oma, Ona, Oralia, Paralee, Pat, Patrica, Prudence, Raquel, Reatha, Romaine, Rosario, Rosia, Roy, Rozella, Ruthe, Salome, Sandra, Santos, Sigrid, Sudie, Sunny, Susann, Susanna, Suzann, Theda, Theda, Theo, Thomas, Thomas, Tomasa, Tressa, Trinidad, Trudie, Trudy, Twila, Twyla, Vassie, Verda, Verdell, Vernon, Versie, Vertie, Vira, Virgil, Vita, Vivien, Vlasta, Willodean, Zenobia,
This message was edited 11/26/2008, 4:58 PM