1. What do you think of
Veronica? I would think it's rather nice if I didn't know so many bitchy Veronicas.
2. Do you like
Roni as an occasional nickname? Yes, except I hate names ending in i.
3. Do you know any Veronicas? or Veronikas? Which spelling do you prefer? How old are the Veronicas you know? Do you know their middle names or their nicknames? do some of them go by
I know 2 in their 20s who use the full name but their friends sometimes call them
Ronny. One's full name is
Veronica Yvonne. I know a girl who would be 9 now called
Veronika and she pronounces is ver-on-EE-ka. I know a
Veronique in her 20s. Also I know an elderly
Veronica who goes by Vero.
4. Do you think it sounds like the name of a mean stuck up girl (those girls always seem to be named
Veronica in books and movies)? What do you think of when you hear the name? I think "that's a pretty name" until I remember the mean girl from the
Archie comics and I realize that most Veronicas I've come across are mean and stuck up, yes. But that wouldn't stop me from using the name if I really liked it.
5. Do you prefer
Vera? No I hate
6. What do you think of
Estella - ok, nms
Adelaida nn
Ada,- don't like it, like
AdahVeronica nn
Roni and
Maya for sisters? It's ok
Maya stick out? No not really
Do you prefer
Adelaida nn
Lola and
Maya? No