Round One:
Jamie and I were married in a small outdoor wedding. It was lovely! For our honeymoon, we went to
Paris, the city of love. I guess it really is the city of love, because that night, we conceived! We rushed to finish up the house, painting the kitchen, fixing this and that, and decorating the baby's room! I've managed to find some cute maternity clothes, and I absolutely love feeling the baby kick!
Round Two:
Gabriel Ryan was born! He weighed eight pounds, four ounces, and has light brown peach fuzz for hair, with soft tan skin and dark eyes. He's the most beautiful baby a mother could ask for! His room is painted a sky blue with an airplane motif- very cute. We also adopted a cat from the local shelter- she's what's called a Russian Blue and is very cute! Her name is
Lulu- a cute name for a cat, in my opinion.
Round Three:
We adopted a little girl from
Israel named
Nessa Shayna, meaning "beautiful miracle." And it is a beautiful miracle that we could adopt her- she was in need of love and a good home. She is four years old. We even got to take a lovely trip to
Israel! In the midst of all this, we found out that we're expecting triplets! The first thought in my head was, "How are we ever going to survive?" But now I love the idea of having triplets! The pregnancy was great at first- I felt like I was on a natural high. But soon, I was the size of an elephant and just as graceful. At thirty-six weeks, I delivered!
Alessa Rachel was first, followed by
Benjamin Quinn, and finally,
Violet Lena. They all have dark brown hair and the cutest little faces! It's almost impossible to entertain
Nessa, feed
Gabe, and change three diapers all at once, but we're going to have to manage! Finally, we moved into a new, enormous house. It has six bedrooms and three bathrooms- and I have a feeling we're going to need it!
Round Four:
I am still in shock. My sister-in-law,
Sonia, was killed in a car crash. She was hit by a drunk driver and her car spun off the road. Two days later, her husband
Michael had commited suicide. It's devastating, especially since she left her two children behind-
Jordan, six, and
Evan, a newborn. We have been given custody of
Jordan and
Gabe understands that Aunt
Sonia and Uncle
Michael went to
Heaven, but I'm not sure if he truly understands that they won't come back. As for
Nessa, she understands but as she only met
Sonia and
Michael once, she isn't that bothered by it. However, she understands that it's a very sad occasion and tries to fit in with the rest of us. Finally, we explained to
Jordan that his Mommy and Daddy are watching over him now. Understandably, he was very upset but I'm not sure if he fully understands the concept of death.
Round Five:
Nessa and
Jordan, ten, are in fifth grade now. As requested, they are in different classes. It's really great to see them so grown up!
Nessa is very musical and has a good voice. She takes singing lessons and acting lessons and hopes to get a good roll in the upcoming school musical.
Jordan has found his favorite sport- basketball. While he's a little too short to make the tall hoops, he's very enthusiastic!
Gabe, eight-and-a-half, is in third grade. He's having trouble with his organizational skills but has so many friends- every day he comes home with a new friend- whether it's
Andrew, or
Justin, or
Kyle or
Bobby, or
Will... I seem to lose track but he sure doesn't!
Alessa and
Violet are both enrolled in gymnastics classes and are loving it!
Ben, seven, is thriving both in and out of school, whether it's doing homework, playing soccer, or having a playdate! And finally,
Evan started preschool this year and loves it!
My biggest shock this year was that we are pregnant again! With a big smile, we welcomed
Sonia Michelle into the world, honoring her late aunt and uncle. Everyone is oohing and aahing over her, and it's great because I get so much help, especially from
Nessa and
Jordan, and sometimes the younger ones, too!
Round Six:
With our house bursting at the seams, we have been forced to move everyone around!
Jordan, 12, and
Gabe, 10 1/2, share a room.
Ben, 9, and
Evan, 4, share a room. As for the girls,
Nessa, 12, rooms with
Sonia, 2, and
Alessa and
Violet, both 9, share a room. Whew! It's not easy have eight kids! Adding in a parent's room, that means we have five out of six bedrooms filled, along with a guest bedroom that always seems to be full!
Violet, still a gymnast, while
Alessa has turned to dance, had an accident and fell and broke her leg. While at first she hated it, now she thinks it's amazingly cool that she gets to ride the elevator at school! Now the only problem is getting her up two flights of stairs to her bedroom... We let her sleep on the couch. :) On the bright side, we took a vacation- quite a feat with ten people!- to New
York City to stay with
Jamie's parents! It was a lot of fun!
Round Seven:
Age 42, married, adopted four kids from
Age 42, married, two kids, works as a lawyer in custody cases
Gabe: 40, married, one child, works in retail
Alessa: 39, married, four kids, works in retail
Ben: 39, married, expecting his first child, works as a software engineer
Violet: 39, married, two kids, works as an interior designer
Evan: 34, married, expecting his first child, works as a math teacher
Sonia: 32, married, works as a photographer
Arielle NorahEDD 6/4/06

Proud Mother of 20 PP's.
This message was edited 2/9/2006, 1:36 PM