[Opinions] Re: Tiana
The fairy princess / queen association comes from Titania, which is unrelated to Tiana but has a cooler meaning so the baby name websites use it instead of the real ones (short form of Tatiana or Christiana).I’ve never seen the Disney film so I don’t have any associations with it.

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…are human rightsCats aren’t a human right, but they are pretty awesome 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
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Tiana  ·  peregrine  ·  1/26/2024, 8:47 AM
Re: Tiana  ·  ari.  ·  1/29/2024, 6:45 PM
Re: Tiana  ·  number1212  ·  1/26/2024, 1:13 PM
Re: Tiana  ·  Manipura  ·  1/26/2024, 10:43 AM
Re: Tiana  ·  Wordsmith  ·  1/26/2024, 10:18 AM
Re: Tiana  ·  ShioTanbo1  ·  1/26/2024, 9:47 AM
Re: Tiana  ·  Manipura  ·  1/26/2024, 11:48 AM
Re: Tiana  ·  clevelandkentevans  ·  1/26/2024, 9:32 AM
Re: Tiana  ·  peregrine  ·  1/26/2024, 1:58 PM
Re: Tiana  ·  RoxStar  ·  1/26/2024, 1:43 PM
Re: Tiana  ·  Manipura  ·  1/26/2024, 2:09 PM
Re: Tiana  ·  Amphelise  ·  1/26/2024, 9:06 AM
Re: Tiana  ·  peregrine  ·  1/26/2024, 1:59 PM
Re: Tiana  ·  Rainya  ·  1/26/2024, 9:01 AM
Re: Tiana  ·  peregrine  ·  1/26/2024, 2:02 PM