[Opinions] Glycerine???!!
As if Frenzy and Fury and Felonie weren't bad enough, and they are plenty bad, Glycerine.
What possible excuse can there be for that?I actually do think there should be naming laws here in the USA. A case-by-case basis wit a disinterested panel of analysts.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
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Re: Interesting girls names from Nebraska between 1989 - 2019 [E, F & G]  ·  jonesilove  ·  2/2/2024, 2:57 PM
Glycerine???!!  ·  RoxStar  ·  2/2/2024, 2:29 PM
Re: Glycerine???!!  ·  jonesilove  ·  2/2/2024, 3:01 PM
Re: Interesting girls names from Nebraska between 1989 - 2019 [E, F & G]  ·  Impala1729  ·  2/1/2024, 7:59 PM