[Opinions] Re: Personal least favourite name types
Response to yours-
Generic type of name you mentioned I understand bit I do not share this dislike because I do not know much about Western world names... where I live we use many of same names since old times.
Cringy modern names- I also hate made up modern English names. Addition: when people where I live name their kid western name (e.g. "Dzhon" – John) instead of normal name here (e.g. Ivan).
– Names that will not come back due to changes in the English language. My best example for this is Semen... it is name in Ukraine, mostly old people name. My dad was called this he was old :/ very much middle age man or older name. But I do not use this in writing I intend English speakers reading unless it is real person. Other example is short form Misha sound a bit like Russian/Ukrainian for mouse and short form Liza sound like Russian for lick but I do not think we care here. Also Suki is name but I can not un associate with my language for b word... and name Marinka which is name of city in my country that was destroyed :(
- Names that will not come back due to association with a particularly bad person. I do not like Adolf even with no Hitler. But with Hitler I hate Adolf. Adalwolf is better. Donald I do not like because it sound tacky (no offense any Donalds) and because as not western person I have 3 associations: McDonalds, Donald Trump, Donald Duck... I not heard of any other Donald. Vladimir is mostly used in Russia (+ Russian speaking places) and some West Slavic countrys but still very well established. I live in Ukraine and I love name Vladimir. (There have also been so many people called Vladimir in history... Vladimir Great, Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Putin... not political: Vladimir Nabokov, so much more... and some people call Zelenskyy Vladimir too..) and Benjamin, in my country we even had people called Veniamin... but it also old man name here. An example here ruined by bad person, Lavrentiy: most people think of Beria...
Old Germanic names– I just don't like most them no other reason
Soviet made up names– some are nice (e.g. Dazmira, Astrela, Reva) but some are horrible (e.g. Revolt, Buntar, Komsomol).
Place names (that are not originally name)- like Odessa, Jordan, Israel, Georgia, Bratislava are fine but name your kid London? Please do not... (god forbid Londynn...)
Puritain names– do I need to explain this. Some are okay (like Loyal) but some.... calm down people ("Fight-the-good-fight-of-faith")
Probably more I can not think of


Personal least favourite name types  ·  BlakeIsHereStudios  ·  2/21/2025, 7:02 PM
Re: Personal least favourite name types  ·  number1212  ·  2/23/2025, 8:23 AM
Re: Personal least favourite name types  ·  Ceri  ·  2/22/2025, 5:30 AM
Re: Personal least favourite name types  ·  DarkLily243  ·  2/21/2025, 11:03 PM
Re: Personal least favourite name types  ·  Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk  ·  2/21/2025, 7:45 PM
Re: Personal least favourite name types  ·  DarkLily243  ·  2/21/2025, 11:38 PM