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[Opinions] Re: If you had to choose just one, what’s your favorite name?
I love the name Volodymyr. I like it better than the more well known version Vladimir. Of course pronunciation would be an issue here in the USA might be a problem. Maybe not now since everyone has heard of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. I really like Volodya as a nickname.


I like most flavours of Vladimir, top five in this order: Volodymyr, Vladzimir, Vladimir, Uladzimir, Włodzimierz I like Volodya as nickname for Volodymyr, it is also short for Vladimir even though it doesn't make sense. Vova is also short for Vladimir when it also doesn't make sense. More affectionate diminutives; Volodechka, Volodychok Other diminutives I like are Volya — it also means "willpower" in Ukrainian and Russian and that is great :) Vladik — I love sound of it, it don't make sense for Volodymyr but it don't need to make sense There's also these (I stealed them from Polish)
Vlodek, or Volodek (Włodek)
Vlodzyo (Władzio) Polish short forms make me feel like more Western Ukrainian and I like that About "its Zelenskyys name" problem not really in Ukraine it's like a top 10 name here it just happens to also be president's name
Theres many other notable Volodymyrs also like Volodymyr the Great (aka Vladimir- but in Ukraine history books we call him Volodymyr) and also we call people who are name Vladimir Volodymyr too, like Volodymyr Lenin and Volodymyr Putin
But sometimes we also call them Vladimir / Vladymyr
Personally I still call Putin Vladimir in Ukrainian and Lenin I grew up calling him Vladimir (my hometown was Russian speaking city) so I still call him this or sometimes use blend pronounciation (Vladymyr)