Margaret Rose "
Maggie" -
Margaret Rose is gorgeous.
Maggie sounds like maggots.
Charlotte Linnea "
Lottie" -
Charlotte Linnea is stunning. Why ruin it with
Liliana Willow "
Liana" -Stunning!
Luciana Nicole "
Lucia" -I love
Lucia and like
Luciana said loo-SEE-ah and loo-see-AH-nah.
Nicole is so dated and ruins the beauty of Lucia(na).
Sophia Grace "
Sophie" -I
LOVE Sophia Grace.
Sophia is so gorgeous, why would you want to ruin it with the ugly and cutesy
Derek Hunter -
Derek is ugly and
Hunter is so violent
Gabriel Atticus -I love
Gabriel, but
Atticus sounds like attic.
James Matthew -Great!
Sebastian Elliot "
Ash" -
Sebastian is so ugly and pretentious.
Ash is okay, and I like
William Kieran -I
LOVE William and can deal with Keiran but they don't sound good together.