Adah - Smith (no idea why)
Amity -
VilleAnice /
Annis - milk
Apphia - Via Appia
Aquinnah -
Thomas of Aquino
Aria -
EraBelrose - Place
Bianca -
Una paloma blanca
Cadence - Falling down the stairs
Candace -
CandyCassia - cherries
Celeste - Angels
Celestia - less
Charlotte - Church
Charmaine - mean
Charmian - Charming
Chaya - earth
Chloë - Zoë
Constance - the Godfather
Constancy - Stanze
Cora -
Mora (a brand of snacks)
Coralie - ocean
Corisande - coriander
Calliope - lovely voice
Daphne - Dekkers
Delia -
OdileElaina - EEE-laina
Elise - Für
EliseEmmaline - what line?
Evangeline - church
Evelyn - the mummy
Felicia - congrats
Felicity - fluffy fifi
Gabriella -
Daniella, Michaella yawn
Genevieve - Viva
Genevra -
GenevaGloria - Halleluja
Gloriana - Chloride
Guinevere -
LancelotGwendolen - crayons (personal association with someone I know)
Gwyneth - Paltrow
Gwynne -
GwenIris - GooGoo Dolls
Irit - Iritation
Ivah - Ivanhoe
Jacoba - Jaco-beh
Jeanna -
JaneJessamyn -
JessalynKayla - K Lah
Keturah - birds
Kyrie - Mister
Laurel -
HardyLenore -
ElanorLila - Purple
Liliola - Lala-oola
Lilith -
LokiLillian -
ScarlettLola - Ferrari
Lydian - Armenian
Lyrica - Lycra
Mahalia - Amahula
Maribel - Mariugly
Mira - Ants
Mirabelle - Ding dong
Mirabilis - Miraculous (sp?)
Mirella - Yourella
Miriam -
JudithMoriah - mines
Moselle - Jesuselle
Mosera -
MontserratMoza - Jeza
Ophelia -
HamletOrianna - gold
Pearl - Plastic
Peninnah -
PennyPhoebe - buffay
Priscilla - cinderella
Prudence - witch
Quinna - Five
Rhoda - Rhodes
Rosabel -
FlowerRosalie -
AmelieRosalinde -
Flower tree
Rosalyn - i=y
Rosamund -
Rose mounth
Saffronia - Tante Sidonia
Sabrina - teenage witch
Sapphira - green
Selah - Telah
Siana - See
AnnaSidra - Sabre
Sophronia - Chromium
Sylvia - woods
Tirzah - a dog (I knew a dog named this)
Tova - Magic (close to the Dutch word for doing magic)
Valaida - void
Valkyrie - scream
Valora - drop
Vanessa - empty
Vania - vanity
Vashti - Rishna
Veronica - tv
Vittoria -
VitoVivienne - alive
Winona - first daughter
Yessenia - garden
(you can ask any questions about my first thoughts :)