[Facts] Re: Lucifer, Superstar
by CheBanana (guest)
12/11/2000, 9:13 AM
I like your format, so here goes:
"Something to do with the island of Crete, I presume? Do tell! :)"
@@@ Nope, nothing to do with Crete :) It is actually quite delicious:
To quote dictionary.com:
Cre·tin (krtn) n. 1. A person afflicted with cretinism. 2.Offensive Slang. An idiot.
[French cre'tin, from French dialectal deformed and mentally retarded person, from Vulgar Latin *christinus,
Christian, human being, poor fellow, from Latin Chrstinus, Christian; see Christian.]
"Oh yeah, and one more reason (I'd forgotten to mention) for why I'm a Satanist. It amuses me when it
pisses off people like Anonymous Amy here. ;) "
@@@ I catch your drift. I often make it a hobby to disequilibrate Amy-types. Next time I see one
in the bus I'll give him/her the horned version of the "live-long and prosper" finger salute
(whatever it is called!) :P