[Games] Re: Dream Family Congrats 3
in reply to a message by Bex
LN: Valerius
DW: Sarla Estelle
DH: Kai Cadogan
DD: Yonca Sarai
DD: Sunniva Mairwen “Sunna”
I know this isn’t an Irish thing, but I’m pretending it is and using it anyway. Sarla grabbed her purse, briefcase, and Yonca’s small hand. “Come, we’re late. Mummy‘s got to get to work.” The three family cats meowed around them begging for their morning meal. “Kai, could you feed the cats, please?!” she yelled to her husband.
“Sure!” He called back from across the house.
“Bye, dear!” she called.
“Bye, Daddy!” Yonca echoed.
“Wait!” He ran to his family, kissing first his wife, them his sweet three-year-old daughter. “Bye, my girls.” he smiled. Then quickly, passing the empty car seat on the small porch, Sarla left with their daughter for yet another busy day of work and pre-school.
An hour later when Kai was heading to work, he fed the cats as promised, opened the door, and went to the sidewalk to catch a the next cab. He too passed the car seat on the steps without a glance, but a little cooing sound got his attention. He turned around fully expecting that he’d accidentally let one of the cats out, but to his surprise it wasn’t a cat at all. Instead the empty car seat, was no longer empty. He rushed over to it and bent down. The newborn settled in a thin blanket in the seat was shivering and getting fussy. Kai’s world was spinning. He looked around swiftly for the mother or person who had dropped the child off, but there was no one. He picked the carrier up and brought it back into the house. Quickly he rang his wife. “Sarla, Sarla, there’s a baby in the carrier!”
“What?” she exclaimed, “A baby?”
“Sari, I’m not lying to you!” he practically shouted. “There is a child in the carrier!!”
Sarla and Kai had put the carrier in front of their home a few months ago after hearing that newborns were often abandoned by mothers who could not keep them. The only help that had been made to better the problem in the area was that people willing to save the children would put a baby’s car seat in front of their homes as a sign that any child dropped off there would be cared for. The couple had placed the carrier in front of their home after hearing about the problem, but never imagined the carrier would really be filled! I mean, this is the kind of thing that happens in the movies right? Not in real life! Nevertheless the Valerius family had a new member.
After legally adopting the infant, which the doctor judged to be only a few hours old when found, but was a few months old when finally adopted, the couple named her Sunniva Mairwen because Sunniva means “sun gift” and she was their gift found on a sunny morning and also Mairwen because it means “beloved” and “blessed” which they felt “Sunna” and they were all at once.
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November is National Adoption Month!

This message was edited 11/16/2005, 5:35 PM

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Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Bex  ·  11/14/2005, 7:16 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Seda*  ·  11/16/2005, 5:34 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  estel  ·  11/15/2005, 5:10 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Caroline  ·  11/15/2005, 2:12 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Array  ·  11/15/2005, 11:25 AM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  smiley  ·  11/15/2005, 11:14 AM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Diamante04  ·  11/14/2005, 10:29 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Mie  ·  11/14/2005, 9:51 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  jumper117  ·  11/14/2005, 9:41 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Lindsay  ·  11/14/2005, 9:01 PM
Cute! Love the name because of the meaning!...nt  ·  Seda*  ·  11/16/2005, 3:22 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Anani  ·  11/14/2005, 9:00 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  shangrila_la  ·  11/14/2005, 8:28 PM
Little Aravis Bree  ·  LadyBug18  ·  11/14/2005, 8:05 PM
Re: Little Aravis Bree  ·  Seda*  ·  11/15/2005, 2:59 PM
That's cool!  ·  LadyBug18  ·  11/15/2005, 7:27 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  EllieRose  ·  11/14/2005, 7:56 PM
Re: Dream Family Congrats 3  ·  Jenni  ·  11/14/2005, 7:51 PM