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Newark 1
Type Settlement
Pronounced Pron. NUU-wurk(American English)  [key]

Meaning & History

Newark is a city in New Jersey USA , Founded in 1666.
Old names are Pesayak Towne and New Milford.
May have renamed for Abraham Pierson who went there from Newark UK.
Added 3/4/2023 by idkwhoalt
Edited 3/4/2023 by idkwhoalt

Newark 2
Type Settlement
Pronounced Pron. NUU-wurk(British English)  [key]
Other Forms FormsNewark-on-Trent

Meaning & History

Newark-on-trent/Newark is a market town in the UK , Founded 1054 or 1123. Old names are Newarcha , Niweweorche and Newerche (in the book Domesday).
Newark comes from old english nīewe "new" + weorc "work".
Added 3/4/2023 by idkwhoalt