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Type Political Subdivision & Region
Usage English
Other Forms FormsPanjab

Meaning & History

From Punjabi پنجاب or ਪੰਜਾਬ (Panjab) from Persian پنجاب (panjab) meaning "five rivers" or "five waters", derived from پنج (panj) meaning "five" and آب (ab) meaning "water, river". The Persian term itself is probably derived from Sanskrit पञ्चनद (pancanada) meaning "land of the five rivers", referring to the five rivers that run through the region: Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, and Beas. This is the name of a region in South Asia as well as a province in Pakistan and a state in northern India.
Added 8/29/2017 by HL
Edited 9/13/2021 by HL