Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Political Subdivision
Usage Burmese
Scripts သထုံ(Burmese)
Pronounced Pron. [/θətʰòʊɰ̃/]  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Thaton is a town in south-central Myanmar, whose name is Likely Derived from the formal Pali name Sudharmapura, itself named for sudharma, the moot hall of the Buddhist deities. The name of Thaton probably originated as the formal Pali name Sudharma, which then became vernacular Mon form Sadhuim, which is in turn pronounced "Thaton" in Burmese.
Added 1/31/2024 by flutter
Edited 1/31/2024 by flutter