Guarani Submitted Place Names

Guarani names are used by the Guarani people of South America.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ahyganitã (Country) Guarani
Guaraní form of Afghanistan.
Amérika (Region & Country) Guarani, Papiamento
Guarani and Papiamento form of America.
Arahentína (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Argentina.
Chíle (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Chile.
Ehíto (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Aegyptus (see Egypt) via the Spanish form Egipto.
Ekuatóry (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Ecuador.
Epáña (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Hispania (see Spain) via the Spanish form España.
Hapõ (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Japão (see Japan) via the Spanish form Japón.
Kolómbia (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Colombia.
Méhiko (Country & Settlement) Guarani
Guarani form of Mexico.
Perũ (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Peru.
Pindoráma (Country) Guarani
From Tupi-Guarani pindó-rama meaning "land of palm trees", from pindo meaning "palm tree" and ráma meaning "land, section". This is the Guarani name of Brazil.
Venesuéla (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Venezuela.
Volívia (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Bolivia.