[Opinions] Re: Evanora
Evanora looks lovely but I wonder if it's pronounced EE-vah-nora or eh-vah-nora. Because it looks like Eva and Nora smooshed together. It also sort of looks like Evil Nora or Ever Nora. I think it might be a cool way to honor your Evan and Nora but it does sound a bit too made up.
Evanora sort of reminds me of a girl in a book I read once who was named Noramary and I always thought that was pretty (although I'd go with Nora-Mary or Nora Mary instead).That movie looks quite interesting! I don't know why The Wizard of Oz story seems to be so popular right now though, seems there's been quite a few Oz themed movies, books and musicals made recently.
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Evanora  ·  Ismene  ·  3/6/2013, 5:43 PM
Re: Evanora  ·  Dracotorix  ·  3/7/2013, 2:35 PM
Re: Evanora  ·  mirfak  ·  3/7/2013, 8:38 AM
Re: Evanora  ·  Anneza  ·  3/7/2013, 1:47 AM
Re: Evanora  ·  jennifer  ·  3/6/2013, 7:15 PM
Re: Evanora  ·  LadyBug  ·  3/6/2013, 7:03 PM
Re: Evanora  ·  humblebee  ·  3/7/2013, 8:05 AM
Re: Evanora  ·  Calla  ·  3/6/2013, 5:58 PM