Fraser River

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Type River
Scripts Stó:lō, Teqtéqe
Pronounced Pron. /freɪzər ˈrɪvər/(English)  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

The Fraser River is named after Simon Fraser, a Scottish-Canadian explorer who navigated much of its length in 1808 while working for the North West Company. Indigenous names for the Fraser River include the Stó:lō name Sto:lo, meaning "river," and the Secwepemc name Teqtéqe. Historically, the Fraser River played a crucial role during the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush of 1858, which contributed to the establishment of British Columbia as a colony.

The Fraser River is the longest river in British Columbia, stretching approximately 1,375 kilometers (854 miles).
Added 12/15/2024 by anonymous