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Saint John 1
Type Settlement
Usage English
Other Forms FormsSt John

Meaning & History

Variant of St John. This is the name of several settlements, mostly in North America.
Added 5/2/2023 by ejthetyde

Saint John 2
Type River
Pronounced Pron. ˌseɪnt ˈdʒɒn(Maliseet)  [key]
Other Forms FormsWolastoq, Fleuve Saint-Jean

Meaning & History

The original Maliseet (Wolastoqey) name for the river was "Wolastoq", meaning "beautiful, bountiful river" (wolast = "good, pleasant," oq = "river"). The river was central to Maliseet culture, travel, and sustenance.

In 1604, French explorer Samuel de Champlain renamed it "Fleuve Saint-Jean" after Saint John the Baptist, as he arrived on June 24, the saint’s feast day. The name was later anglicized to Saint John River by British settlers.
Added 2/4/2025 by anonymous
Edited 2/4/2025 by Mike C