Name List: Main A-B

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Abaddon m "ruin, destruction"
Abigaia f "my father is joy"
Acacia f (a type of tree) "thorn, point"
Acacius m "innocent, not evil"
Achilles m
Achlys f "death-mist, mist-over-eyes"
Ada 1 f "noble"
Adair m / f "wealth, fortune", "spear"
Adalwin m "noble friend"
Adamantine f "of unyielding quality" or "diamond like"
Adamine f "man"
Adamma f "daughter of beauty"
Adanna f "father's daughter"
Adastra f "to the stars"
Addington "Eadda's town" - "rich, blessed"
Addison f / m "son of Adam" - "man"
Adelaide f "noble"
Adelais f "noble"
Adeline f "noble"
Adelyn f "noble"
Aderyn f "bird"
Adira f "strong, mighty"
Adler m "eagle"
Adna f "settler"
Adonis m "lord"
Adrasteia f "not inclined to run away"
Adriel m "flock of God" or "my help is God"
Aelia f "sun"
Aelius m "sun"
Aella f "whirlwind"
Aenor f
Aeolus m
Aeschylus m (ES-kəl-əs) "shame"
Æthelflæd f "noble beauty"
Æthelthryth f "noble strength"
Æthelweard m "noble guardian"
Aex f "goat"
Afton f / m
Agamemnon m "very steadfast"
Agathangelos m "bearer of good news"
Agathon m "good"
Aglaia f "splendor, beauty"
Agnes f "chaste"
Agnetis f "chaste"
Agnodice f "chaste before justice"
Agrona f "battle, slaughter"
Aias m "mourner" or "earth, land"
Áine m (AWN-ye) "radiance"
Aion m "century"
Alan m "little rock" or "handsome"
Alanis f "little rock" or "handsome"
Alannah f "little rock" or "handsome"
Alard m "noble", "brave, hardy"
Alaric m "ruler of all"
Alarid m "to ride all" or "to ride a temple"
Alastor m "avenger"
Alastríona f "defending men"
Alazne f
Albiorix m "king of the world"
Alchemy f / m
Alden m "old friend"
Alder m “noble army” or "old army" - tree name
Aldred m "old counsel, wisdom"
Aldric m "old power"
Aldus m / f "old"
Aldwin m "old friend"
Alecto f "unceasing"
Alexa f "defender", "defending men"
Alexander m "defending men"
Alexandra f "defending men"
Alexandretta f "defending men"
Alexandria f "defending men"
Alexandrina f "defending men"
Alexandrine f "defending men"
Alexandros m "defending men"
Alexia f "defender"
Alexiana f "defender"
Alexina f "defender"
Alexine f "defender"
Alexios m "defender"
Alexis m / f "defender"
Alexius m "defender"
Alfwin m "elf friend"
Aline f "noble"
Alistair m "defending men"
Alix f "noble sort"
Alla f
Allan m "little rock" or "handsome"
Allen m "little rock" or "handsome"
Allyn m "little rock" or "handsome"
Alodia f "foreign wealth"
Aloysius m "famous battle"
Alphaeus m "changing"
Alric m "noble ruler"
Altair m "the flyer", brightest star in the constellation Aquila
Althea f "healing"
Alwin m "elf friend" or "noble friend"
Amada f "beloved"
Amadea f "love of god"
Amadeus m "love of god"
Amadi 1 m "free man"
Amaranth f "unfading"
Amarantha f "unfading"
Amaryllis f "to sparkle"
Amator m "lover (of God)"
Amatus m "beloved"
Ambrose m "immortal"
Ambrosine f "immortal"
Amelia f "work"
Amery m "____ power"
Amica f "friend"
Amice f "friend"
Amicus m "friend"
Amis m "friend"
Amity f "friendship"
Amleth m
Amon m "the hidden one"
Amory m / f
Anastasia f "resurrection"
Anastasios m "resurrection"
Anastasius m "resurrection"
Anatolia f "sunrise"
Anatoliana f "sunrise"
Anatolius m "sunrise"
Anax m "lord, master"
Anaxandra f "master of a man"
Anaxibia f "master of life"
Anchor m
Anchoretta f "more love"
Ancilla f
Ancille f
Andra 2 f "manly, masculine"
Andrada f
Andreth f "patience"
Andromeda f "to be mindful of a man"
Andronicus m "victory of a man"
Angerona f
Anicetus m
Annis f "chaste"
Ansel m "god" and "helmet, protection"
Anselm m "god" and "helmet, protection"
Anson m "son of Agnes" - "chaste"
Anthea f "flower, blossom"
Anthelia f
Anthylla f "blossom"
Antigone f "against, compared to, like", "birth, offspring"
Antioch m "against support"
Antiochus m "against support"
Antonia f
Anwen f "very beautiful"
Aoide f "song"
Apolla f
Apollo m "strength" or "father lion" or "father light" or "to destroy"
Apollon m
Arachne f "spider"
Archelaus m "master of the people"
Archer m "bowman, archer"
Archimedes m "master", "to think, to plan"
Arcturus m
Arden m / f "high"
Ardith f
Ares m "bane, ruin" or "male"
Arethusa f "water", "quick, nimble"
Arezou f
Aria f "Aryan, noble"
Ariadne f "most holy"
Arianwen f "silver", "white, fair, blessed"
Aries m "ram"
Aris 1 m "bane, ruin" or "male"
Arista f "ear of corn"
Aristaeus m "best"
Aristobia f "best violence"
Ariston m "the best"
Arline f
Arlington m
Arliss m / f
Arna f
Arnoldine f "eagle power"
Arrow m / f
Artemis f "safe"
Arthurine f "bear man" or "bear king"
Arwel m
Arwen f
Arwyn m
Asel f
Asher m "happy"
Ashland m / f "ash tree land"
Ashwin m
Aspen f "tree"
Astêr f "star"
Astoria f "hawk"
Astra f "star"
Astraea f "star"
Astraia f "star"
Astrid f "god", "beautiful, beloved"
Astrophel m "star lover"
Athanasia f "immortal"
Athena f
Atlas m "enduring"
Atticus m "from Attica"
Auberon m "elf power"
Audun m "fate, fortune", "friend"
Augustana f "great", "venerable"
Augustine 1 f "great, venerable"
Aura f "breeze"
Aurea f "golden"
Aurelia f "golden, gilded"
Aurelian m "golden, gilded"
Aurelius m "golden, gilded"
Aurian m "golden"
Aurora f "dawn"
Auxilia f "help, aid, assistance"
Auxiliadora f "helpful gift"
Avalon f "Apple island"
Averill m / f
Avis f "desired"
Aylin f "moon halo"
Azriel m "help of God"
Bailey m / f "bailiff"
Beatrix f "voyager, traveler"
Beau m / f “beautiful”
Beauregard m "beautiful outlook"
Bellamy m / f "beautiful friend"
Bellatrix f "female warrior"
Bellona f "to fight"
Benedetta f "blessed"
Benedictus m "blessed"
Bennett m "blessed"
Benson m "son of Benedict" - "blessed"
Bentley m "clearing covered with bent grass"
Beth f "my God is an oath"
Bethan f "my God is an oath"
Beverly f / m "beaver stream"
Bishop m "overseer"
Blaine m "yellow"
Blair m / f "plain, field, battlefield"
Blaise m "lisping"
Blake m / f "black" or "pale"
Bonamy m / f "good friend"
Bowen m "son of Owain" - "well born"
Braith m "speckled"
Bram m "father of many"
Brant m "sword" or "fire"
Braxton m "Bracca's town"
Brenna f
Brennan m "descendant of Braonán" - "(little) rain, moisture, drop"
Brennus m "king, prince" or "raven"
Briar m / f
Brontes m "thunderer"
Bronwen f "fair breasted"
Bryn f / m "hill, mound"
Brynn f "hill, mound"
Bryony f "to swell"
Comet m
Diana f
Fianna f
Forrest m
Gael m
Hallel f / m
Hillel m
Isidore m
Ivy f
Joan 1 f
Lael m
Laelia f
Maximus m “greatest“
Nadira f
Nail m
Orabel f
Orna 1 f
Orna 2 f
Osanna f
Soline f
Tollak m
Wilda f