Name List: Main F-K

Standard view
Name M/F Remark Rating
Fable m / f
Fae f "fairy"
Falcon m
Fallon f "leader"
Fallows m / f
Fally f
Falon f "leader"
Faolán m (FWAY-lahn) "little wolf"
Faron m "journey"
Farren f / m "iron grey"
Farron m / f
Faryn f "iron grey"
Fathom m
Faulkner m "falconer, one who hunts with falcons"
Fauna f "to befriend"
Faust m "auspicious, lucky"
Faustina f "auspicious, lucky"
Faustine f "auspicious, lucky"
Faustus m "auspicious, lucky"
Fawn f
Fay f "fairy"
Faye f "fairy"
Feardorcha m "dark man"
Feidlimid m / f "beauty" or "ever good"
Felicia f "happiness"
Felician m "lucky, successful"
Felicity f "happiness"
Felina f "cat-like"
Felinus m "cat-like"
Felix m "lucky, successful"
Fen 2 m "peace"
Fender m "to defend"
Fenn m "peace"
Fenna f "peace"
Fenrir m "fen-dweller"
Ferapont m "servant" or "worshipper"
Feray f "radiance of the moon"
Ferelith f
Ferox m "wild, savage, ferocious"
Ferrer m "blacksmith"
Ferris m / f
Ffion f "foxglove"
Fiachna m "raven"
Fiachra m "raven"
Fiammetta f "fire"
Fianna f "warriors"
Fidel m "faithful"
Fielder m "dweller by the open country"
Fife m
Finn 1 m "fair", "white"
Finnén m "white"
Finnian m "white"
Finnigan m "descendant of Fionnagán" - "white"
Finola f "white shoulder"
Fiona f "fair" or "white"
Fionán m "white"
Fionn m "white"
Fionnán m "white"
Fionnlagh m
Fionnuala f
Fiorella f "flower"
Flaminius m "flamen"
Flanagan m "descendant of Flannagán" - "red"
Flannán m "red"
Flannery f / m "red valor"
Fletcher m "maker of arrows"
Flora f "flower"
Florence f "prosperous, flourishing"
Florentina f "prosperous, flourishing"
Florentine f "prosperous, flourishing"
Florestan m "to flower; to put forth blooms"
Florestine f "to flower; to put forth blooms"
Floria f "flower"
Florian m "flower"
Florry m "king of princes"
Floyd m "grey"
Flynn m "red"
Folly f
Ford m
Forest m
Forrester m "one who works in a forest"
Foster 1 m
Fox m
Francis m "Frenchman"
Fraser m
Fredenandus m "brave peace"
Frederick m "peaceful ruler"
Frey m "lord"
Freya f "lady
Freyr m "lord"
Fritjof m "thief of peace"
Frona f diminutive of Sophronia - "self-controlled, sensible"
Frost m / f
Fyfe m
Gable m
Gaea f "earth"
Gaël m
Gaëlle f "speaker of Gaelic languages" or "blessed and generous"
Gage m "measure" or "pledge"
Gaia f "earth"
Gaiana f "earth"
Gaiane f "earth"
Gaianos m "to rejoice"
Gaianus m "to rejoice"
Galahad m
Galatea f "goddess of calm seas" or "milk-white"
Galen m / f "calm"
Galilaia f
Galilea f "Galilean; from Galilee"
Galileo m "Galilean; from Galilee"
Gallagher m "descendant of Gallchobhar" - "stranger", "help"
Gallia f "rooster"
Gallus m "rooster"
Gamaliel m "benefit of God"
Gannon m "white"
Ganymede m "to be glad" and "to think, to plan"
Garegin m
Garen m
Gareth m
Garland m "triangle land"
Garner m "one who gardens"
Garnet 1 f / m "dark red"
Garnet 2 m / f "a person who made hinges" or "guard, protect"
Garrard m "brave spear"
Garth m "garden"
Gaspardine f "treasurer"
Gaston m "stranger, guest"
Gatlin m "companion, kinsman"
Gatsby m "Gaddr's homestead" - "sting, spike, goad"
Gavin m
Gavroche m "street urchin" or "mischievous child"
Gaynor f "white phantom"
Geir m "spear"
Geirr m "spear"
Gellért m "spear", "brave, hardy"
Gemini f "twins"
Gemma f "gem, precious stone" - combo-Gemma Fox
Genesis f "birth"
Geneva f "family woman"
Gennadius m "noble, generous"
Georgina f "farmer, earthworker"
Geraint m "old man"
Geraldine f "rule of the spear"
Gerardine f "spear", "brave, hardy"
Geredrudis f "spear of strength"
Gerel f "light"
Gereon m "old man"
Germain m "brother"
Germaine f "brother"
Gershom m "exile", "a stranger there"
Gershon m "exile", "a stranger there"
Gertrude f "spear of strength"
Gia f "Yahweh is gracious"
Giada f "(stone of the) flank"
Gideon m "feller" or "hewer"
Gilda f "sacrifice, value"
Gildine f "sacrifice, value"
Ginevra f "fair, white", "phantom, magical being"
Gioia f "joy"
Giselle f "hostage" or "pledge"
Gladwin m "bright friend"
Glauce f "blue-grey, bluish grey" and "gleaming, bright"
Glauke f "blue-grey, bluish grey" and "gleaming, bright"
Glendower m "valley water"
Glenice f "pure, clean, holy"
Glenn m "valley"
Glennis f "pure, clean, holy"
Glenys f "pure, clean, holy"
Gloria f "glory"
Glory f
Glynis f "pure, clean, holy" or "valley"
Glynn m "valley"
Gnaea f
Gnaeus m
Gobnait f (GAWB-net) - "little smith"
Godric m "power of god"
Gordan m "dignified"
Gormlaith f "blue princess" or "illustrious princess"
Gossamer f
Gostislav m "guest", "glory"
Gothicus m
Govannon m "smith"
Gráinne f "grain"
Granger m "farm bailiff", "grain"
Grassina f
Gratian m "grace"
Gray m / f
Grayer m
Greer f "watchful, alert"
Gresham m "grazing homestead"
Gretchen f "pearl"
Grey m / f
Greyer m
Griffin m "strong prince"
Griffith m "strong prince"
Grimsley m
Griselda f "gray battle"
Gudrun f "god's secret lore"
Guthrie m
Gwenaël m "blessed and generous"
Gwenallt m "fair wood"
Gwendolen f "white ring"
Gwendoline f "white ring"
Gwendolyn f "white ring"
Gwenllian f "white, fair, blessed" and "flaxen"
Gwenneg m "white, fair, blessed"
Gwrtheyrn m "supreme king"
Gwynedd f / m
Gwyneth f "white, fair, blessed"
Gwynn m "white, fair, blessed"
Hades m "unseen"
Hadley f / m "heather field"
Haggith f "festive"
Hala f "halo around the moon"
Hale 2 m "nook, retreat"
Halla f "rock"
Hallam m "at the rocks" or "at the nook"
Hallow m / f "nooks", "hollows"
Harbor f / m
Harland m "hare land"
Harlem m / f
Harley f / m "hare", "woodland, clearing"
Harlow f / m "rock hill" or "army hill"
Harper f / m
Hartwin m "brave friend"
Harvest m / f
Helena f "torch, corposant" or "moon"
Helia f "sun"
Helice f (HEL-ə-kee) "circling one"
Hemera f "day"
Henrietta f "home ruler"
Hera f
Herais f
Hermione f "cairn, pile of stones, boundary marker"
Hersilia f
Hesiod m "to throw song"
Hesper f "evening"
Hesperos m "evening"
Hestia f "hearth, fireside"
Holden m "deep valley"
Hollis m / f "holly trees"
Hortense f "garden"
Hortensia f "garden"
Hudson m "son of Hudde" - "heart, mind, spirit"
Hulda 1 f "hiding, secrecy"
Humility f "humbleness; meekness"
Hyale f "crystal"
Hylaeus m "forest, woodland"
Hyperion m "over"
Ia f "violet"
Iacchus m "to shout"
Iah m "moon"
Iair m "he shines"
Ian m "Yahweh is gracious"
Ianthe f "violet flower"
Iasis f / m "healer"
Idaea f "from mountain Ida"
Idaia f "from mountain Ida"
Idan m "era"
Idonea f "to love again" // "suitable"
Idony f "to love again"
Idris 2 m "ardent lord"
Ignotus m "unknown"
Ilan m "tree"
Ileana f
Ilia m "my god is Yahweh"
Iliana f "my god is Yahweh"
Ilias m "my god is Yahweh"
Ilithyia f "the readycomer"
Illiana f "my god is Yahweh"
Illtyd m "multitude of land"
Illyria f
Illyrios m
Ilona f
Ilsabe f "my god is an oath"
Inanna f "lady of the heavens"
Indigo m
Indine f
Indra m "possessing drops of rain"
Indri f
Indu f "bright drop" - This is a name for the moon
Indus "body of trembling water, river"
Indy 1 m
Inger f "Ing is beautiful"
Ingrid f "Ing is beautiful" (Ing being a Germanic god)
Invidia f "to look against, to look at in a hostile manner"
Io f
Iolanthe f "violet flower"
Iole f "violet"
Iorwerth m "handsome lord"
Iphigeneia f "strong born"
Irenaeus m "peaceful"
Iria f "peace"
Iris f "rainbow"
Iro f "hero"
Isâs m "worthy of merit"
Iset f "the throne"
Iseult f "ice battle, iron battle"
Isidore m "gift of Isis"
Isla f "island"
Ismene f "knowledge"
Isobel f "my God is an oath"
Isolde f "ice, iron", "battle"
Isott f "my God is an oath"
Isra f "nocturnal journey"
Italus m "of Italy"
Ithel m "generous lord"
Ivor m "archer, soldier, bowman"
Ixchel f (ee-SHEL) "rainbow"
Iynx f "jinx"
Izar f "star"
Jack m
Jade f "(stone of the) flank"
Jair m "he shines"
Jamesina f
Jamesine f
Janice f "Yahweh is gracious"
Janis f "Yahweh is gracious"
Janus m "archway"
Jasper m "treasurer"
Jenna f "Yahweh is gracious"
Jessa f
Jessamine f "jasmine"
Jessenia f
Jinx m "charm, spell"
Jonas 2 m "dove"
Josephine f "he will add"
Jove m "shine", "sky", "father"
Judah m "praised"
Judas m "praised"
Jude 1 m "praised"
Judeline f "praised"
Julian m "downy-bearded" or "shine", "sky", "father"
Juliet f "downy-bearded" or "shine", "sky", "father"
Juna f "youth"
Junia f "youth"
Juno f "youth"
Jupiter m / f "shine", "sky", "father"
Jynx m / f
Kaur f "princess"
Kaur m
Keegan m "descendant of Aodhagán" - "fire"
Keelan m / f "slender", "fair"
Keir m "rough wet ground"
Kelda f "a spring"
Kendra f
Kenna f "handsome" or "born of fire"
Kepler m "maker of cloaks and hoods"
Keshet m / f "rainbow"
Kestrel f "rattle"
Kiersa f
Killian m "church"
Kingsley m "king's wood"
Kingston m "king's town"
Kinsley f "royal victory"
Kio m "horn, spike"
Kleio f "glory"
Klotho f "spinner"
Klytië f "famous, noble"
Knoll m "hilltop"
Knox m "round hill"
Koray m "ember moon"
Kore f "maiden"
Kynaston m "Cynefrið's town" - "royal peace"