Name List: Main O-R

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Obadiah m "servant of Yahweh"
Oberon m "elf power"
Obsidian m
Océane f "ocean"
Octavia f "eighth"
Octaviana f "eighth"
Octavie f "eighth"
October f
Odalis f / m "fatherland" or "wealth, fortune"
Odalric m "prosperity and power"
Odalys f "fatherland" or "wealth, fortune"
Odelia 1 f "fatherland" or "wealth, fortune"
Odell m / f "woad hill" (a woad is an herb used for dying)
Oden m "inspiration, rage, frenzy"
Oderisius m
Odessa f
Odette f "wealth, fortune"
Odilia f "fatherland" or "wealth, fortune"
Odilon m "fatherland" or "wealth, fortune"
Odin m "inspiration, rage, frenzy"
Odysseus m "to hate"
Oedipus m "swollen foot"
Oein m
Oenone f "wine"
Ogden m "oak valley"
Oisín m "little deer"
Oizys f "misery, woe, or distress"
Olava f "ancestor's descendant"
Oleander m / f
Olena f "torch" or "corposant" or "moon"
Olis m "defending men"
Olivene f
Oliver m "elf warrior" or "ancestor's descendant"
Olivia f "elf warrior" or "ancestor's descendant"
Ollivander m
Olson m "son of Olof" - "ancestor's descendant"
Olwen f "white footprint"
Olympia f
Onat m "decent", "proper", "beneficial", "correct"
Ondine f "wave"
Onesimus m "beneficial, profitable"
Onesiphoros m "bringing advantage, beneficial"
Onesiphorus m "bringing advantage, beneficial"
Onuphrius m "he who is good, he who is happy"
Onyx m / f
Opal f "jewel"
Opaline f
Opellia f
Opellius m
Ophelia f "help"
Ophira f
Ophiuchus m "serpent bearer"
Opiter m
Opsius m "power, might, influence", "aid, help, support", "wealth, abundance, riches"
Ora 1 f / m "to pray"
Oran m "little pale green one"
Orel m "light of God"
Oren m "pine tree"
Orestes m "of the mountains"
Orgetorix m "killer king"
Oria f "golden"
Oriana f "gold"
Oriane f "gold"
Orientius m "east" and "daybreak, dawn, sunrise"
Origen m "falcon" or "high", "born"
Orin m "little pale green one"
Orinthia f "to excite, to agitate"
Oriol m "golden"
Oriole m / f "gold"
Orion m "boundary, limit" or "light of the heavens"
Orla 1 f "golden princess"
Órlaith f "golden princess"
Ornella f "flowering ash tree"
Oros m
Orpheus m "the darkness of night"
Orrell m "ore hill"
Orrin m "little pale green one"
Orsola f "little bear"
Orson m "bear cub"
Ortrun f "point" and "secret"
Ortwin m "point" and "friend"
Oryx m / f
Osanna f "deliver us"
Osanne f "deliver us"
Oscalie f
Osgyth f "god", "battle"
Osiris m
Ossian m "little deer"
Oswin m "god friend"
Otos m "horned owl"
Ottilie f "fatherland" or "wealth, fortune"
Ouida f
Ourania f "the heavens"
Ouranos m "the heavens"
Ove m "edge of a sword" or "terror"
Overton m "upper town"
Ovidius m "a sheep"
Ovince m
Owain m "well born"
Oxford m "where the oxen ford"
Oxytheus m "sharp, keen, pointed, acid(ic)", "god"
Ozias m "my power is Yahweh"
Pace m / f "peace"
Paden m
Padgett m / f "attendant"
Pagan m "rustic, rural", "heathen"
Page m "servant, page"
Paigan f "rustic, rural", "heathen"
Painter m / f
Pallas 1 f "maiden"
Panagiotis m "all holy"
Pantaleon m "all", "lion"
Pantheon f / m
Parisa f "like a fairy"
Park m
Parrish m
Pascal m "relating to Easter"
Pascale f "relating to Easter"
Pash m / f "relating to Easter"
Pask m "relating to Easter"
Patton m "nobleman"
Pavel m "small" or "humble"
Pax f / m "peace"
Paxton m "peace town"
Pazel m "God's gold"
Pegaz m "strong" or "from a water spring"
Pelias m "rock pigeon"
Pellam m
Pellinore m "Beli the great"
Pembe f "pink"
Pendragon m “head dragon” or “dragon’s head”
Penn m "head, top"
Penna f "feather, wing"
Pennant m
Pennington m / f
Penrose m / f "highest part of the heath or moorland"
Pentecost m "fiftieth (day)"
Percival m
Percy m
Perdix m "partridge"
Peredur m "hard spears"
Peregrine m "traveler"
Pericles m "exceeding glory"
Peronel f "yokel"
Perpetua f "continuous"
Perran m
Perrin m "stone"
Perrine f "stone"
Perrinot m "stone"
Persephone f "to destroy", "murder"
Persis f "Persian woman"
Pertinax m "persistent, stubborn"
Petra f "stone"
Petronel f "yokel"
Phaedra f "bright"
Phaenna f "shining"
Phaine f "shining" or "appearing"
Phelan m "little wolf"
Phelix m "lucky, successful"
Philander m "friend of man"
Phineas m "Nubian" or "serpent's mouth"
Phlox f / m "flame"
Phoenix m / f "dark red"
Photine f "light"
Phrixus m "thrilling, causing shivers"
Phryne f "toad"
Phyllis f "foliage"
Pier m "stone"
Piera f "stone"
Piety f "piety, devoutness"
Pine m / f
Piper f
Pitys f "pine"
Pius m "pious, dutiful"
Platon m "broad-shouldered"
Pleistoanax m "greatest lord"
Plutarch m "master of wealth"
Poet f / m
Polaris f / m "pole star"
Pollux m "very sweet"
Polymnia f "abounding in song"
Pompeia f "five"
Pompeius m "five"
Praxidike f "to exercise judgement"
Praxilla f "practical"
Praxis f "practical"
Prem m "love, affection"
Pretoria f
Primrose f "first rose"
Prisca f "ancient"
Priscilla f "ancient"
Priscille f "ancient"
Prometheus m "foresight, forethought"
Prosper m "fortunate, successful"
Prospérine f "fortunate, successful"
Prosperus m "fortunate, successful"
Prude f "prudence, good judgement"
Prudence f "prudence, good judgement"
Pruitt m "valiant", "brave", or "wise"
Pryce m "son of Rhys" - "enthusiasm"
Pryor m
Prys m "son of Rhys" - "enthusiasm"
Psyche f "the soul"
Ptolemais f "aggressive, warlike"
Ptolemocratia f "aggressive power"
Ptolemy m "aggressive, warlike"
Pyrrhus m "flame-coloured, red"
Pyxis m "the Compass"
Quade m "son of Uaid" - "ruler of the army"
Quaid m "son of Uaid" - "ruler of the army"
Queniva f "woman, wife; queen" and "gift"
Quetzalcoatl m (kwet-səl-KWAH-təl) "feathered snake"
Quill m / f "fragment of reed" or "shaft of feather"
Quilla f
Quillan m "heart, mind, spirit" or "holly"
Quincy m "fifth"
Quinley m / f "son of Coingheallach" - "faithful to pledges"
Quinn m / f
Quintessa f
Quintessence f
Quinton m "fifth" and "queen's town"
Quirin m "spear"
Quirina f "spear"
Quirinus m "spear"
Rafferty m "flood tide"
Ragnar m "advice", "army"
Ragnfastr m "advise, decision, might, power (of the gods)" and "firmly, fast"
Ragnor m "advise", "decision", "might", "power", "north"
Ragnvast m "advise, decision, might, power (of the gods)" and "firmly, fast"
Rain 1 f / m
Rainer m "advice", "army"
Rance m
Ransom m
Raven f / m
Ravenna f
Rayner m "advice", "army"
Reason m / f
Reed m "red", "clearing"
Reef f / m
Regina f "queen"
Regine f "queen"
Reid m "red", "clearing"
Reilly m / f
Reinhard m "advice" and "brave, hardy"
Reinhardt m "advice" and "brave, hardy"
Remedy f / m
Remus m
Renata f "born again"
Reverie f "daydream", "to speak wildly"
Rex m "king"
Rhain m "lance", "spear"
Rhea f "to flow" or "ground"
Rhett m "advice, counsel"
Rhian f "maiden"
Rhoeo f "flow, stream"
Rhona f "rough island"
Rhonwen f "fair spear"
Rhosyn f "rose"
Rhydian m "white ford"
Rhys m "enthusiasm"
Riagán m "impulsive"
Ridley m "reed clearing" or "cleared wood"
Rigby m "ridge farm"
Rio 1 m "river"
Riordan m "little poet king"
Ripley m "strip clearing"
River f / m
Roa f
Roan m "raven"
Rogan m "red"
Róisín f "famous type"
Roland m "famous throughout the land"
Roma 1 m "Roman"
Romaine f "Roman"
Roman m
Romeo m "a pilgrim to Rome"
Romilda f "famous battle"
Romilia f "of Rome"
Romilla f "of Rome"
Romilly f "of Rome"
Romula f "of Rome"
Romulus m "of Rome"
Rona 1 f "rough island"
Ronen m "song, joy"
Roosevelt m "rose field"
Roran m "red king"
Rory m "red king"
Rosalette f
Rosalind f "tender horse"
Rosaline f "horse", "soft, tender"
Roscius m "dew"
Rose f "famous type"
Roselette f
Rosen m
Rosenwyn f "white rose"
Rosetta f "fame"
Rosette f "famous type"
Rosia f "rose"
Rosianus m "rose"
Rosine f "famous type"
Rosius m "rose"
Roslindis f "tender horse"
Rossella f "red"
Roswitha f "fame" and "strength"
Rourke m "descendant of Ruarc" - "squall, rainstorm" or "famous power"
Roux m "red"
Rowan m / f "red"
Rowena f "fame", "joy, bliss"
Rowenna f "joyous fame"
Rowland m "famous land"
Roxana f "bright" or "dawn"
Roxanne f "bright" or "dawn"
Roydon m "rye hill"
Rubeus m
Ruby f "red"
Rune m
Rush m
Ruth 1 f "friend"
Ryker m "rich"
Rylan m "rye land"
Ryland m "rye land"
Ryn f