ka 11 EnglishPhonetic element /kɑ/ in English names (often in an unstressed final position or, in African-American names, an unstressed initial position, as /kə/).
ka 12 IgboIgbo comparative suffix meaning
"exceed, surpass, greater".
ka 4 華 JapaneseMeans
"flower, splendour", a Japanese kan'on reading of
kaan хаан MongolianMongolian title meaning
"khan, ruler, leader".
kǎi 凯, 凱 ChineseChinese character meaning
"triumph, victory, music of triumph".
kalyana कल्याण SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"beautiful, lovely, auspicious".
kamil كامل ArabicArabic word meaning
"perfect, complete".
kān 栞 ChineseChinese character meaning
kāng 康 ChineseChinese character meaning
"peaceful, quiet".
kanta कान्त SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"desired, beloved, beautiful".
karama كرامة ArabicArabic word meaning
"nobility, generosity, miracle, wonder".
karim كريم ArabicArabic word meaning
"generous, noble".
katleho SothoSotho-Tswana word meaning
"prosperity, success".
kaûã TupiTupi word meaning
"hawk, falcon".
kay 1 EnglishPhonetic element /keɪ/ in English names. It can be realized in spelling as
cay, and so on.
kè 1 克 ChineseChinese character meaning
"overcome, win".
kẹ́ YorubaYoruba word meaning
"cherish, care".
ker EnglishPhonetic element /kɜɹ/ in English names.
ketill Old NorseOld Norse word meaning
"kettle, cauldron" (later also acquiring the meaning "helmet").
kham ຄຳ LaoLao word meaning
khamis خميس ArabicArabic word meaning
"Thursday", usually written with the definite article:
الخميس (al-khamis).
khayr خير ArabicArabic word meaning
"goodness, charity".
kirana किरण SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"dust" or
"thread" or
kirkja Old NorseOld Norse word meaning
"church" (via Old English from Greek).
kōng 空 ChineseChinese character meaning
"empty, hollow, sky".
korkem көркем KazakhKazakh word meaning
"beautiful, elegant, graceful, artistic".
koto 琴 JapaneseRefers to a type of musical instrument, from a Japanese kun reading of
kǒu 口 ChineseChinese character meaning
"mouth, entrance".
krta कृत SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"done, accomplished".
krttika कृत्तिका SanskritSanskrit word referring the constellation of the Pleiades.
kruna CroatianCroatian word meaning
"crown", ultimately from Latin
kuàng 邝, 鄺 ChineseChinese character that refers to the Kuang clan.
kuí 葵 ChineseChinese character meaning
kún YorubaYoruba word meaning
"to fill, to be full, replenish".
kūn 坤 ChineseChinese character meaning
"earth, female".
kur 𒆳 SumerianSumerian word meaning
"mountain, land, underworld".
ky EnglishPhonetic element /kaɪ/ in English names.