ta 1 太 JapaneseMeans
"thick, big, great", from a Japanese kan'yoon reading of
ta 5 EnglishPhonetic element /tɑ/ in English names (often in an unstressed final position or, in African-American names, an unstressed initial position, as /tə/).
tà 拓 ChineseChinese character meaning
"expand, open, support".
tab تاب PersianPersian word meaning
"heat, glow, radiance".
tǎn 坦 ChineseChinese character meaning
"flat, smooth, level".
táng 唐 ChineseChinese character referring to the Tang dynasty, which ruled in China from the 7th to 10th centuries.
tāo 涛, 濤 ChineseChinese character meaning
"large waves".
tau SothoSotho-Tswana word meaning
tay EnglishPhonetic element /teɪ/ in English names. It can be realized in spelling as
te', and so on.
teg WelshWelsh word meaning
"beautiful, handsome".
tejas तेजस् SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"brilliance, splendour".
téng 藤 ChineseChinese character meaning
"wisteria, creeper plant, rattan".
thato SothoSotho-Tswana word meaning
"will, desire".
thip ทิพย์ ThaiThai word meaning
"divine", of Sanskrit origin.
thula NguniNguni word meaning
"to be quiet, to be peaceful".
thulatha ثلاثاء ArabicArabic word meaning
"Tuesday", usually written with the definite article:
الثلاثاء (al-thulatha).
ti YorubaYoruba word meaning
"belonging to".
tirtha तीर्थ SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"sacred water, place of pilgrimage".
títí YorubaYoruba word meaning
"forever, long time".
tò IgboIgbo word meaning
"praise, glorify".
ton EnglishPhonetic element /tʌn/ in English names (often in an unstressed final position, as /tən/ or /ʔən/).
tóng 瞳 ChineseChinese character meaning
"pupil of the eye".
toq тоқ KazakhKazakh word meaning
"full, well-fed, prosperous".
tre EnglishPhonetic element /tɹeɪ/ in English names (typically African American, sometimes unstressed in the initial position, as /tɹə/). It can be realized in spelling as
tre or
Tswana TswanaTswana word referring to the Tswana people. It might be related to
tswa "to go out" or
tshwana "to resemble".
tú 1 图, 圖 ChineseChinese character meaning
"chart, map".
ty EnglishPhonetic element /taɪ/ in English names.
tzin AztecNahuatl affix meaning
"beloved, revered".