Elements Starting with F

Chinese character meaning "law, rule".
faber Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "smith, artisan".
fāḍa فاض Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to overflow, to flood".
faḍala فضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be in excess, to excel, to be gracious".
fāḍil فاضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "remaining, virtuous, generous".
faḍl فضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "overflow, grace, generosity".
fae Medieval French
Old French word meaning "fairy".
fæger Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "beautiful".
fagus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "beech tree".
fakara فكر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to think, to reflect".
fal Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "rule".
falco Old High German, Late Roman
Old High German and Late Latin word meaning "falcon".
falki Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "falcon".
falkô Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "falcon".
falx Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "sickle, scythe".
fán Chinese
Chinese character meaning "numerous, flourishing, luxuriant".
fàn Chinese
Chinese character meaning "bee".
fāng 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "fragrant, virtuous, beautiful".
fāng 2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "direction, way, square".
fanją Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "fen, swamp".
faqār فقار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "spine, vertebra".
fara Old High German
Old High German word meaning "journey".
faraj فرج Arabic
Arabic word meaning "comfort, relief".
farawa Old High German
Old High German word meaning "colour".
fardi Old High German
Old High German word meaning "journey".
fardiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "journey, voyage".
farḥān فرحان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "happy, cheerful".
fariḥa فرح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be happy".
farina Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "flour".
farn Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fern".
farnaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "fern".
farō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "journey".
farþa 𐍆𐌰𐍂𐌸𐌰 Gothic (Hypothetical)
Gothic word meaning "journey, voyage".
faru Anglo-Saxon, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old English and Frankish word meaning "journey".
fastr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "firm, solid".
fastuz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "firm, solid".
fataḥa فتح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to open, to conquer".
fatum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "fate, destiny".
fāza فاز Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to triumph".
fearn Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "fern".
fēi 1 绯, 緋 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "scarlet, dark red".
fēi 2 飞, 飛 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "to fly".
feld Anglo-Saxon, Old High German, Old Saxon
Old English, Old High German and Old Saxon word meaning "field".
felicitas Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "good luck, fortune".
felt Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "field".
felþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "field".
felu Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "much".
fèn 奋, 奮 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "strive, exert".
fēn Chinese
Chinese character meaning "fragrance, aroma, perfume".
féng 冯, 馮 Chinese
Chinese character referring to an ancient city in Henan province.
fèng 凤, 鳳 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "male phoenix, male fire bird".
fēng 1 枫, 楓 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "maple".
fēng 2 风, 風 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "wind, style".
fēng 3 丰, 豐 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "luxuriant, lush, bountiful".
feni Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old Dutch word meaning "fen, swamp".
fenn Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "fen, swamp".
fenni Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fen, swamp".
fer 1 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "man".
fer 2 فر Persian
Persian word meaning "brilliance, splendour".
ferrarius Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "ironworker, blacksmith".
ferrum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "iron".
festus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "festive, merry".
fetu'u Polynesian
Polynesian word meaning "star".
ffrau Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "stream, flow".
ffrewi Welsh
Welsh word meaning "pacify, quell, reconcile".
fi Yoruba
Yoruba verb prefix meaning "use, do".
fiach Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "raven".
fích Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "battle, fight, feud".
ficus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "fig".
fides Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "faith, belief".
fidula Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fiddle".
figa Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fig" (of Latin origin).
file Sotho
Sotho-Tswana word meaning "given".
fili Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "poet".
filius Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "son".
filo Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "much".
fils Medieval French
Old French word meaning "son".
filu Old High German
Old High German word meaning "much".
finn Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "white, blessed".
finnr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "Sámi, person from Finland".
firdaws فردوس Arabic
Arabic word meaning "paradise" (of Iranian origin).
fisc Old High German, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch
Old High German, Old English and Old Dutch word meaning "fish".
fiskaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "fish".
fiskr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "fish".
fiṭrī فطْري Arabic
Arabic word meaning "natural, innate".
flæd Anglo-Saxon
Old English element possibly meaning "beauty" (unattested as a word).
flæmingr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "Fleming, person from Flanders".
flaith Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "ruler, sovereign, lord".
flann Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "blood red".
flick English
English word meaning "flick, hit, swipe".
flint Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "flint".
flōduz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "stream, flood".
florens Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "prosperous, flourishing".
flos Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "flower" (genitive floris).
fluot Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "stream, flood".
fogal Old High German, Old Dutch
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "bird".
folk Old High German, Old Norse
Old High German and Old Norse word meaning "people".
fons Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "spring, fountain".
ford Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "ford, river crossing".
forest Medieval French
Old French word meaning "forest".
forestis Late Roman
Late Latin word meaning "unenclosed forest".
fors Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "waterfall".
forst Old High German
Old High German word meaning "forest".
fort Medieval French
Old French word meaning "fortress, stronghold".
fortis Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "strong".
fortuna Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "fortune, luck, chance".
forum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "forum, public place".
fossa Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "ditch".
fox Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "fox".
frakkar Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "Franks", referring to the Germanic tribe.
franc Medieval French
Old French word meaning "free", derived from the tribal name frankô.
Franca Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "a Frank", referring to a member of the Germanic tribe.
Franko Old High German, Old Dutch
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "a Frank", referring to a member of the Germanic tribe.
frankô Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "spear, javelin" and "a Frank", referring to a member of the Germanic tribe.
fraujô Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "lord, master".
freo Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "free".
fri Old High German
Old High German word meaning "free".
frīdaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "beautiful, beloved".
fridu Old High German
Old High German word meaning "peace".
frijaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "free".
frijōną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "to love".
frisii Ancient Roman
Latin word referring to the Frisian people, possibly from Germanic *frisaz meaning "curly".
friþ Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "peace".
fríðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "beautiful, beloved".
friðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "peace, love".
friþu Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "peace".
frithu Old Saxon, Old Dutch
Old Saxon and Old Dutch word meaning "peace".
friþus 𐍆𐍂𐌹𐌸𐌿𐍃 Gothic (Hypothetical)
Gothic word meaning "peace".
friþuz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "peace".
frost Old High German, Anglo-Saxon
Old High German and Old English word meaning "frost".
frouwida Old High German
Old High German word meaning "joy".
frumô Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "first".
frustaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "frost".
fu Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of èr.
1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "hibiscus, lotus".
2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing".
3 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "prostrate, lying down".
Chinese character meaning "abundant, rich, wealthy".
1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "begin, man, father".
2 辅, 輔 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "help, assist".
1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "man, husband".
2 Japanese
Japanese goon reading of fēng.
fuglaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "bird".
fugol Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "bird".
fuhs Old High German, Old Saxon
Old High German and Old Saxon word meaning "fox".
fuhsaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "fox".
fuji Japanese
Japanese kun reading of téng.
fuku Japanese
Japanese goon reading of .
fulk Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "people".
fulką Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "people".
fumi 1 Japanese
Japanese character meaning "writing", a kun reading of wén.
fumi 2 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of shǐ.
fún Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "give, scatter, squeeze".
funs 𐍆𐌿𐌽𐍃 Old High German, Gothic (Hypothetical)
Old High German and Gothic word meaning "ready".
funsaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "ready, willing".
fuoren Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to lead".
furnis Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "oven".
furu Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
futhi Nguni
Nguni word meaning "again, furthermore".
fuyu Japanese
Japanese kun reading of dōng.