Elements Starting with V

vacca Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "cow".
vaditi вадити Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to accuse, to argue".
vagn Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "wagon".
vahu 𐎺𐎢 Old Persian
Old Persian word meaning "good".
vai Tahitian
Tahitian word meaning "water".
vajra वज्र Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "diamond", also referring to Indra's thunderbolt.
valdr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "ruler".
valens Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "strong, vigorous, healthy".
valkyrja Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "Valkyrie", derived from Old Norse valr "the slain" and kyrja "chooser".
vallis Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "valley".
vallum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "wall, rampart".
valr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "the dead, the slain (of battle)".
vân Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of yún.
văn Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of wén.
vangr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "meadow".
vanr Old Norse
Old Norse word referring to a member of the Vanir group of gods.
vantṛ वन्तृ Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "possessor, owner".
vár Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "spring (season)".
vara वर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "blessing, boon".
vard վարդ Ancient Armenian
Old Armenian word meaning "rose".
varga 1 Hungarian
Hungarian word meaning "cobbler".
varga 2 Spanish
Dialectal Spanish word meaning variously "slope, flooded field, pastureland, hut".
vargr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "outlaw, wolf".
varṇa वर्ण Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "colour, appearance, form".
varr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "aware, cautious".
varṣa वर्ष Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "rain".
vāsanā वासना Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "imagination, idea, impression".
vastag Hungarian
Hungarian word meaning "thick, stout".
vasu वसु Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "excellent, good, wealth, light".
vasuṃdharā वसुंधरा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "possessor of wealth", referring to the earth.
vatī वती Sanskrit
Sanskrit suffix meaning "resemblance, having".
vatra Croatian
Croatian word meaning "fire" (of Persian origin).
vatsa वत्स Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "beloved, dear".
Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "holy, sanctuary".
veda वेद Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "knowledge".
vedrŭ ведръ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "clear, cheerful".
vee English
Phonetic element /vi/ in English names.
vega Spanish
Spanish word meaning "meadow" (of Basque origin).
vegr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "way, path, road".
veig Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "strength".
věkŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "age".
velĭ вель Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "great".
velji Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "brother".
veneti Ancient Roman
Latin word referring to a people who lived in northeastern Italy.
venturus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "the things that will come, the future".
věra вѣра Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "faith".
verus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "true, real".
veselŭ веселъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "cheerful".
vesper Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "evening, west".
věstĭ вѣсть Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "message, news".
vestr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "west".
vęťĭjĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "more, greater", a comparative form of velĭ.
vibhava विभव Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "power, majesty".
vicarius Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "substitute, deputy".
victor Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "victor, conqueror".
vicus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "village".
vidŭ видъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "sight, view".
viện Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of yuàn.
việt Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of yuè.
víg Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "war, battle".
vík Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "cove, inlet".
víkingr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "viking".
vili Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "will, desire".
vilja Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "grain, cereal".
vĭlkŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "wolf".
villa Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "country house, estate".
ville Medieval French
Old French word meaning "town, city".
villr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "wild, untamed, uncontrolled".
viltis Medieval Baltic
Lithuanian word meaning "hope".
vimala विमल Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "clean, pure, spotless".
vinaya विनय Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "leading, guidance, modesty".
vincere Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "to win, to defeat".
vinda विन्द Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "finding".
vindr 1 Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "wind".
vindr 2 Old Norse (Hypothetical)
Old Norse element possibly meaning "victor, winner".
vinh Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of róng.
vinr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "friend".
vintr Old Norse
Old East Norse word meaning "winter".
vinum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "wine".
viola Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "violet (flower)".
viorea Romanian
Romanian word for the alpine squill flower (species Scilla bifolia) or the sweet violet flower (species Viola odorata).
vipina विपिन Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "forest, thicket".
vipula विपुल Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "large, extensive, plenty".
vir Old Norse
Old Norse element, probably meaning either "warrior, fighter" (related to wīgą) or "holy man" (related to wīhaz).
vīra वीर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "hero, man, brave".
viridis Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "green, young".
viśāla विशाल Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "wide, broad, spacious".
vĭśĭ вьсь Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "all".
višĭňa Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "sour cherry".
vitati витати Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to welcome, to greet".
vitędzĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "hero, knight".
víðir Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "willow".
víðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "wide, large".
viðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "tree, wood".
vitŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic affix meaning "master, lord, hero".
viveka विवेक Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "wisdom, distinction, discrimination".
vivere Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "to live".
vizkr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "wise".
vlaming Medieval Dutch
Middle Dutch word meaning "Fleming, person from Flanders".
vohu 𐬬𐬊𐬵𐬎 Avestan
Avestan word meaning "good".
vojevoda Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic title meaning "warlord, chief".
vojĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "warrior, soldier".
volděti Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to rule, to control".
vǫllr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "field, meadow".
volstĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "power, rule, sovereignty".
volxŭ волхъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "foreigner, Celt, Roman", ultimately of Germanic origin.
von English
Phonetic element /vɑn/ in English names.
vǫr Old Norse
Feminine form of varr.
vorbĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "sparrow".
vorna Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "crow".
vörös Hungarian
Hungarian word meaning "red".
vǫrðr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "guard, guardian".
vortiti Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to return, to turn".
vrá Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "corner, nook".
vrda Old Persian (Hypothetical)
Old Persian word meaning "flower, rose".
vrome Medieval Dutch
Middle Dutch word meaning "pious, devout".
vrume Medieval German
Middle High German word meaning "noble, honourable".
Vietnamese form of .