Elements Starting with P

pa Sanskrit
Sanskrit affix meaning "protecting, guarding".
padma पद्म Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "lotus".
paganus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "rural, rustic", later acquiring the meaning "heathen, pagan".
page Medieval French
Old French word meaning "page, servant".
pagus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "region, area, countryside".
pāk پاک Persian
Persian word meaning "pure".
pāla पाल Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "guard, protector".
palaṭ פָּלַט Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to deliver, to rescue, to escape".
pallava पल्लव Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "budding leaf, shoot, sprout".
palma Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "palm tree".
palumbes Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "wood pigeon".
palus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "stake, post".
pán Chinese
Chinese character meaning "tray, pan".
pān Chinese
Chinese character meaning "water in which rice has been rinsed". It also refers to a river that flows into the Han River.
pan πᾶν Ancient Greek
Greek prefix meaning "all".
pana פָּנָה Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to turn to, to turn away".
panin פָּנִין Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "pearl, coral, precious stone".
paṅka पङ्क Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "mud".
panningaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "coin, penny".
pantex Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "stomach, paunch".
panther πάνθηρ Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "panther", probably of Sanskrit origin.
papa Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "father" (an alternative to the more formal pater), and later acquiring the meaning "bishop" and then "pope".
pappas πάππας Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "father" (an alternative to the more formal πατήρ (pater)), and later acquiring the meaning "priest".
parama परम Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "highest, best".
parere 1 Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "to be apparent".
parere 2 Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "to produce, to give birth".
paries Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "wall".
park Medieval English
Middle English word meaning "park" (of Old French and Frankish origin).
parṇa पर्ण Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "leaf".
parthenos παρθένος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "maiden".
parvīn پروین Persian
Persian word referring to the Pleiades.
paşa Turkish
Turkish title meaning "pasha, military ruler".
pascha πάσχα Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman
Greek and Latin word meaning "Easter" or "Passover", of Hebrew origin.
pastinaca Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "parsnip".
pastor Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "shepherd".
paṯal פָּתַל Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to twist, to struggle, to wrestle".
pater πατήρ Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "father". The genitive form is πατρός (patros).
pater noster Ancient Roman
Latin words meaning "our Father". These are the first two words of the Lord's Prayer. This can refer to the prayer itself or to rosary beads.
path Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "path".
pati पति Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "husband, lord".
patina Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "pan".
pauper Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "poor".
pavo Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "peacock".
pax Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "peace".
pay English
Phonetic element /peɪ/ in English names. It can be realized in spelling as pay, pey or pai.
pe Japanese
Japanese on reading of běi.
peac Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "pointed hill, peak".
pecok Medieval English
Middle English word meaning "peacock".
péi Chinese
Chinese character meaning "long (clothing)".
pei Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of píng.
penda Swahili
Swahili word meaning "love".
pene πήνη Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "threads, weft".
péng 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "friend".
péng 2 Chinese
Chinese character referring to the former state of Peng, which existed during the Shang dynasty in what is now Jiangsu province.
penn Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "pen, enclosure".
penning Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "penny".
per Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic prefix meaning "over, again, very".
perdŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "first, in front of".
peregrinus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "traveller".
peri περί Ancient Greek
Greek preposition meaning "around, exceedingly".
perla Late Roman
Late Latin word meaning "pearl".
pertho πέρθω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to destroy".
pesaḥ פֶּסַח Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "Passover".
petra πέτρα Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "rock".
pętŭkŭ пѧтъкъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "Friday".
pfenning Old High German
Old High German word meaning "penny".
pfuol Old High German
Old High German word meaning "pool".
phaidros φαιδρός Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "bright".
phạm Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of fàn.
phan Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of pān.
phanes φανής Ancient Greek
Greek suffix meaning "appearing".
pheme φήμη Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "rumour, fame, reputation".
phemi φημί Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to speak, to declare".
phero φέρω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to bring, to carry, to bear".
phet ເພັດ Lao
Lao word meaning "diamond".
phifan Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to peep, to pipe".
phileo φιλέω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to love".
philomel English
English word meaning "nightingale", from the Greek name Philomela.
philos φίλος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "lover, friend".
phoibos φοῖβος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "bright, pure".
phon พร Thai
Thai word meaning "blessing", of Sanskrit origin.
phone φωνή Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "voice".
phonos φόνος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "murder, slaughter".
phos φῶς Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "light". The genitive form is φωτός (photos).
phren φρήν Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "mind, heart, emotions".
phúc Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of .
phương Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of fāng.
phượng Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of fèng.
phylakteos φυλακτέος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to be watched".
phyllon φύλλον Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "leaf, foliage".
phyton φυτόν Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "plant, tree".
pictus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "painted".
píli Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "willow".
pilli Aztec
Nahuatl word meaning "noble child, prince".
pilvi Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "cloud".
píng Chinese
Chinese character meaning "level, even, peaceful".
pinus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "pine tree, pinewood".
pīpaną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "to whistle, to peep".
pipian Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "to peep, to pipe".
pirira Chewa
Chewa word meaning "persevere, endure".
pirum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "pear".
pīrūz پیروز Persian
Persian word meaning "victorious".
pīrūzah پیروزه Persian
Persian word meaning "turquoise (gemstone)".
pĭrvŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "first".
pīta पीत Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "yellow".
pitinnus Late Roman
Late Latin word meaning "small".
pitṛ पितृ Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "father".
planca Late Roman
Late Latin word meaning "plank".
platea Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "street, courtyard" (of Greek origin).
platys πλατύς Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "broad, wide, flat".
plěšĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "bald patch".
ploutos πλοῦτος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "wealth".
podium Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "balcony, platform".
pokorĭnŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "humble".
pol Anglo-Saxon, Old Saxon
Old English and Old Saxon word meaning "pool".
polanie Polish
Polish word meaning "Poles, Polish people".
pōlaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "pool".
polemeios πολεμήϊος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "aggressive, warlike".
polemos πόλεμος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "war".
polis πόλις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "city".
polmy Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "flame".
polys πολύς Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "much, many".
pono Hawaiian
Hawaiian word meaning "good, moral".
pons Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "bridge".
popŭ попъ Medieval Slavic
Old Church Slavic word meaning "priest".
porcus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "pig".
porrum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "leek".
porta Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "gate, door".
portus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "port, harbour".
posis πόσις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "husband, lord".
postis Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "post, pole".
potokŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "stream".
prabhā प्रभा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "to shine" or "light, radiance".
prācya प्राच्य Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "eastern, ancient".
pradīpa प्रदीप Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "lamp, light".
prakāśa प्रकाश Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "light, bright, shining".
prāṇa प्राण Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "breath, respiration, spirit, life".
praṇava प्रणव Sanskrit
Sanskrit word referring to ओम् (om), the Hindu sacred syllable.
praṇaya प्रणय Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "leader, guidance, love".
prasāda प्रसाद Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "brightness, clearness, graciousness, offering".
prasanna प्रसन्न Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "clear, bright, tranquil".
praśānta प्रशान्त Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "calm, quiet".
pratāpa प्रताप Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "heat, splendour, glory".
pratibhā प्रतिभा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "light, splendour, intelligence".
pratīka प्रतीक Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "look, appearance".
pratimā प्रतिमा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "image, likeness, reflection".
pravīṇa प्रवीण Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "skilled".
praxis πρᾶξις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "action, exercise".
prema प्रेम Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "love, affection".
preost Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "priest".
pretium Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "price, worth".
primus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "first".
princeps Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "first in line".
pritanī Brythonic (Hypothetical)
Brythonic word meaning "Briton, Celt of the British Islands".
prīti प्रीति Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "pleasure, joy, love".
priyaṃkara प्रियंकर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "agreeable, amiable".
protos πρῶτος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "first".
protz German
German word meaning "showy, pompous", ultimately from Bavarian German meaning "toad".
provincia Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "province, command".
pṛthvī पृथ्वी Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "earth".
Akkadian word meaning "mouth, word".
1 朴, 樸 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "plain, unadorned, simple".
2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "riverbank, shore".
pua Hawaiian
Hawaiian word meaning "flower, offspring".
pūjā पूजा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "honour, worship", the name of a Hindu ritual.
pūlād پولاد Persian
Persian word meaning "steel".
pŭlkŭ пълкъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "people, host, army".
punīta पुनीत Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "cleaned, purified".
pura पुर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "fortress, city".
pūrṇimā पूर्णिमा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "full moon".
purus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "clean, pure".
puruṣa पुरुष Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "man, person".
puṣpa पुष्प Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "flower".
puteus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "well (for water), pit".
putra पुत्र Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "child, son".
putrī पुत्री Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "daughter".
pyr πῦρ Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "fire".
pytt Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "pit, hole, well".