miśra मिश्र SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"mixed, mingled, honourable".
mithra 𐬨𐬌𐬚𐬭𐬀 AvestanAvestan word meaning
"oath, covenant, agreement".
moha मोह SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"bewilderment, perplexity".
mohita मोहित SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"infatuated, fascinated, bewildered".
narkissos νάρκισσος Ancient GreekGreek word for the narcissus flower, possibly derived from
νάρκη (narke) meaning "sleep, numbness". The character was probably named after the flower, not vice versa.
nīti नीति SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"guidance, moral conduct, behaviour".
odar Old IrishOld Irish word meaning
"dun-coloured, greyish brown, tan".
ór Old IrishOld Irish word meaning
"gold" (of Latin origin).
pa प SanskritSanskrit affix meaning
"protecting, guarding".
paganus Ancient RomanLatin word meaning
"rural, rustic", later acquiring the meaning
"heathen, pagan".
papa Ancient RomanLatin word meaning
"father" (an alternative to the more formal
pater), and later acquiring the meaning
"bishop" and then
pappas πάππας Ancient GreekGreek word meaning
"father" (an alternative to the more formal
πατήρ (pater)), and later acquiring the meaning
pater noster Ancient RomanLatin words meaning
"our Father". These are the first two words of the Lord's Prayer. This can refer to the prayer itself or to rosary beads.
pilli AztecNahuatl word meaning
"noble child, prince".
prabhā प्रभा SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"to shine" or
"light, radiance".
prāṇa प्राण SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"breath, respiration, spirit, life".
prasāda प्रसाद SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"brightness, clearness, graciousness, offering".