Browse Place Names

This is a list of place names in which the meaning contains the keywords great or hall.
Daehan (Country) Korean
From Sino-Korean (dae) meaning "big, great" and (han) meaning "Korea". This is the official Korean name for South Korea.
Miranda (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Spanish, Portuguese
Possibly a derivative of Latin mirandus "admirable, wonderful". This is the name of several towns in Spain, Portugal and the Americas. It is also the name of a Venezuelan state.
Trefor (Settlement) Welsh
Means "big village" from Middle Welsh tref "village" and maur "large". This is the name of a few towns in Wales.
Valhalla (Other) Norse Mythology
From Old Norse Valhǫll meaning "hall of the battle-dead", from valr meaning "those slain in battle" and hǫll meaning "hall, manor". In Norse mythology this is the name of Odin's enormous hall where half of all warriors go after they die.