Submitted Place Name Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Change Summary
2/6/2023, 2:12 AM better_nit_bitter
12/17/2022, 5:41 PM Mike C
3/10/2022, 10:06 AM koningkaaskind
3/5/2022, 4:14 PM koningkaaskind

Name Saint Lucia
Type Country & Island
Pronounced Pron. /seɪnt ˈluː.ʃə/(English)
Other Forms FormsSt. Lucia, St Lucia
Edit Status Status3. usages AND description are verified

Meaning & History

Named after Saint Lucia of Syracuse, Legend states that French sailors were shipwrecked on the island on December 13th, the feast day of St. Lucy, and therefore named the island in her honour. This is the name of a small island nation in the Caribbean.
Added 3/5/2022 by koningkaaskind