Type Country
Usage English
Pronounced Pron. /ˈpoʊ.lənd/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

From the name of the Slavic tribe of the Poles, derived from the medieval Slavic word polje meaning "field", combined with land. This is the name of a country in Eastern Europe.

Related Names

Other Languages & CulturesPoljska(Bosnian) Polsha(Bulgarian) Poljska(Croatian) Polsko(Czech) Polen(Danish) Polen(Dutch) Poola(Estonian) Puola(Finnish) Pologne(French) Polen(German) Polonia(Greek) Polonia(Italian) Polonia(Late Roman) Polija(Latvian) Polska(Macedonian) Polen(Norwegian) Polska(Polish) Polônia(Portuguese (Brazilian)) Polónia(Portuguese (European)) Polonia(Romanian) Polsha(Russian) Poljska(Serbian) Poľsko(Slovak) Poljska(Slovene) Polonia(Spanish) Polen(Swedish) Polshcha(Ukrainian)


Entry updated April 23, 2024