Submitted Place Names with "free" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted place names in which the meaning contains the keyword free.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Borgogne-Franche-Comtât (Political Subdivision & Region) Franco-Provençal
Meaning literally "Burgundy-Free County".... [more]
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (Political Subdivision & Region) French
Meaning literally "Burgundy-Free County".... [more]
Fraintche-Comtè (Political Subdivision & Region) Frainc-Comtou
From Franche-Comté de Bourgogne, or "Free County of Burgundy", a region separated from Burgundy proper in the 15th century.... [more]
Franche-Comtât (Political Subdivision & Region) Franco-Provençal
From Franche-Comté de Bourgogne, or "Free County of Burgundy", a region separated from Burgundy proper in the 15th century.... [more]
Franche-Comté (Political Subdivision & Region) French
From Franche-Comté de Bourgogne, or "Free County of Burgundy", a region separated from Burgundy proper in the 15th century. Comté, "county", was formerly feminine, although today it is masculine.... [more]
Freiburg im Breisgau (Settlement) Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish
It was founded in 1120 as a free market town, hence its name, which translates to "free (or independent) town in the Breisgau". Frei means "free", Burg is a fortified town in German and Breisgau is an geographical area of Germany, so basically it means: "fortified town of free citizens in the Breisgau ". This is a city in the Baden-Württemberg state of Germany.