Abkhaz Submitted Place Names

Abkhaz names are used by Abkhaz speakers in Abkhazia, a disputed region in Georgia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Afğantʷʼəla Афӷантәыла (Country) Abkhaz
Alternative form of Afğanistan. Unknown etymology, most likely from Persian Afghanestan.
Anglyztwyla Англызтәыла (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz англыз (anglyz) meaning "English" and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name of England.
Apsny Аԥсны, Аҧсны (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz аԥсуаа (apsuaa), the native name of the Abkhaz people. The ethnic name itself is of uncertain meaning; one theory suggests that it means "land of the soul" or "land of mortals"... [more]
Aqwa Аҟәа (Settlement) Abkhaz
Meaning unknown, possibly derived from the Mingrelian toponymic marker ყვა (-qwa). This is the Abkhaz name for Sukhumi.
Arnauthtwyla Арнауҭтәыла (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz арнауҭ (arnauth) meaning "Albanian" and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name for Albania.
Arnawttʷʼəla Арнауҭтәыла (Country) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Albania.
Astampyl Асҭампыл (Settlement) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Istanbul.
Azerbaidzhan Азербаиџьан (Country) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Azerbaijan.
Byrzentwyla Бырзентәыла (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz абырзен (abyrzen) meaning "Greek" (derived from Mingrelian) and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name for Greece.
Chekhia Чехиа (Country) Abkhaz, Armenian
Abkhaz and Armenian form of Čechy, used as a name for the Czech Republic.
Dania Даниа (Country) Abkhaz, Georgian, Greek, Late Roman, Polish
Abkhaz, Georgian, Greek, Medieval Latin, and Polish form of Denmark.
Ermantwyla Ермантәыла (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz аерман (aerman) meaning "Armenian" (of Turkish origin) and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name for Armenia.
Indonezia Индонезиа (Country) Abkhaz, Albanian, Armenian, Breton, Georgian, Romanian
Form of Indonesia.
Ispania Испаниа (Country) Abkhaz, Armenian, Greek
Abkhaz, Armenian, and Greek form of Hispania (see Spain).
Kart Қарҭ (Settlement) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Karti.
Khyrthtwyla Қырҭтәыла (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz ақырҭуа (akhyrthua) meaning "Georgian" (of Mingrelian origin) and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name for the country of Georgia.
Leselidze Гьачрыҧшь (Settlement) Georgian, Russian, Armenian, Abkhaz
Msyr Мсыр (Country) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Misr, used as the Abkhaz name for Egypt.
Mysra Мысра (Country) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Misr.
Pat Ԥаҭ (Settlement) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Poti.
Qazahsthan Ҟазахсҭан (Country) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Kazakhstan.
Qyrghyzsthan Ҟырӷызсҭан (Country) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Kyrgyzstan.
Shamtwyla Шьамтәыла (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz ашьам (asham) meaning "Syrian", ultimately from Arabic الشام (ash-Sham), and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name for Syria.
Thadzhykisthan Ҭаџьыкисҭан (Country) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Tajikistan.
Thurkhmenisthan Ҭурқменисҭан (Country) Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Turkmenistan.
Thyrkwhtwyla Ҭырқәтәыла (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz аҭырқәуа (athyrkwhua) meaning "Turk" and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name for Turkey.
Urystwyla Урыстәыла (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz аурыс (aurys) meaning "Russian" and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name for Russia.