Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Country
Scripts Туркменистан(Bulgarian, Macedonian, Mongolian Cyrillic, Russian, Serbian) Туркменістан(Ukrainian)

Meaning & History

From Turkmen Türkmenistan, which is from the name of the Turkmen people combined with the Persian suffix ستان (stan 2) meaning "land of". The ethnic name is believed by some to mean "resembling a Turk" or "co-Turk", from the name of the Turkic peoples combined with the Sogdian suffix -myn or -men. Alternately, it may be a variant of English Turkman with influence from the pluralisation of the English word man as men. This is the name of a country in Central Asia.
Added 5/17/2016 by HL
Edited 11/25/2020 by Lucille, Sofia and HL

See Also

User submissions Túrkmenistan, Türkmenistan, Turkménistan, Turkmènistan, Turkmenistán