AzovАзов(Settlement & Body of Water)Russian, Ukrainian, English From the Arabic Bahr al-Azuf meaning "dark blue sea" or from Kipchak азакъ (azaq), meaning "river mouth, lowlands". The Sea of Azov is a sea on the borders of Southeast Ukraine and Southwest Russia, connected to the Black Sea... [more]
BonayreБонайре(Political Subdivision & Island)Ukrainian, Russian Ukrainian form of Bonaire as well as a Russian variant name for the island.
BoryslavБорислав(Settlement)Ukrainian Boryslav is a city located on the Tysmenytsia River (a tributary of the Dniester), in Lviv Oblast (region) of western Ukraine. Boryslav is designated as a city of oblast significance.
BukharaБухара(Settlement)English, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian From Uzbek Buxoro, itself derived from Persian بخارا (bokhara) of uncertain meaning, possibly from Sogdian βuxārak meaning "place of good fortune". Alternately it may have come from Sanskrit विहार (vihara) referring to a Buddhist monastery... [more]
ChornobylЧорнобиль(Settlement & Other)Ukrainian From Ukrainian чорний (chornyy), meaning "black". Chornobyl is the name of a power plant that had a meltdown in 1986 as well as a Ukrainian village near the plant. The English form is Chernobyl.
KhreshchatykХрещатик(Other)Ukrainian Derived from хрест (khrest), meaning "cross". Khreshchatyk is a historical street in the Ukrainian capital, and is the most iconic street in Ukraine.
KyivКиїв(Settlement & Political Subdivision)Ukrainian, English, Danish, Indonesian, Malagasy, Malay, Norwegian, Tagalog From Old East Slavic Киевъ (Kievŭ) of uncertain meaning. It is traditionally attributed to the given name Кий (Kyy) referring to one of the three legendary founders of the city, although another theory suggests that it is derived from Ukrainian кий (kyi) meaning "stick, pole" (so named because the city was palisaded by poles)... [more]
MariupolМаріуполь(Other)Ukrainian, Russian From the given name Maria and with the Greek suffix -πόλη (póli), meaning "city", translating to "City of Maria" or "Maria's City"... [more]
Mar'yinkaМар'їнка(Settlement & Other)Ukrainian Probably derived from the given name Mar'yana. Mar'yinka is the name of multiple villages in Ukraine. Mar'yinka, Donetsk Oblast is the most notable due to the destruction that took place in the city.
SamarkandСамарканд(Settlement)English, Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar From Uzbek Samarqand, derived (via Persian) from Sogdian smʾr/smā́r meaning "stone, rock" and knδh/kąθ meaning "fort, town, city". This is the name of a city in Uzbekistan.
SortobeСортобе(Settlement)Kazakh, Russian, English, Ukrainian Meaning uncertain, possibly of Dungan origin. This is the name of a town in southern Kazakhstan.
TernopilТернопіль(Political Subdivision & Settlement)English, Ukrainian, Dutch, Turkish Means "Tarnowski's city" in Ukrainian, borrowed from Polish Tarnopol, from the Polish surname Tarnowski, named after the Hetman Jan Amor's family name, combined with Greek πόλις (pólis) "city"... [more]
UzhhorodУжгород(Political Subdivision & Other)Ukrainian From the River Uzh (Уж) and dialectal Ukrainian город (horod) "city". Uzhhorod is a city and oblast' (region) in western Ukraine.
VatykanВатикан(Country)Ukrainian Ukrainian form of Vatican, which is one of the names commonly used to refer to Vatican City.
VavylonВавилон(Settlement)Ukrainian, Greek Ukrainian form of Babylon as well as the modern Greek transcription of the name. However, in modern Greece, Vavylona is typically the form used to refer to the capital city of ancient Babylonia.