Arabic Submitted Place Names

Arabic names are used in the Arab world, as well as some other regions within the larger Muslim world. They are not necessarily of Arabic origin, though most in fact are. Compare also Persian names and Turkish names. See also about Arabic names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abidjan أبيدجان (Settlement) French, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovak, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Urdu, Uzbek
The largest city and economic capital of the Ivory Coast, meaning uncertain. It is traditionally believed to be derived from the Ebiré phrase min-chan m'bidjan meaning "I just cut the leaves", supposedly exclaimed by an old villager to a European explorer when asked the village's name... [more]
'Abkhazya أبخازيا (Political Subdivision) Arabic
Abkhazya أبخازيا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Abkhazia.
Abu Dhabi أبو ظبي (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic, English, Bosnian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Maltese, Nepali, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog
Means "father of gazelles" in Arabic, from أبو (abu) meaning "father of" and ظبي (dhabiyy) meaning "gazelle", so named for the abundance of gazelles in the region. This is the name of the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, as well as the name of one of its seven emirates.
Abū Ẓabī أَبُو ظَبِي (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Abu Dhabi.
Adan عدن‎ (Settlement & Body of Water) Arabic
Arabic form of Aden.
Adharbayjan أذربيجان (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Azerbaijan.
Adis Ababa أديس أبابا (Settlement) Arabic, Hindi, Persian, Urdu
Arabic, Hindi, Persian and Urdu form of Addis Ababa.
Agadir (Settlement) Arabic (Maghrebi), Berber, English, French
Means "fortified fortress, wall" in Central Atlas Tamazight, ultimately from Phoenician gdr meaning "wall, compound". This is the name of a city in Morocco.
Agrabah اغربه (Country) Arabic
From the film Aladdin. Agrabah is more of a city-state than a country.
Ahmad Abad أحمد آباد (Settlement) Urdu, Arabic
Urdu and Arabic form of Ahmedabad.
Āḵan آخن (Settlement) Arabic, Persian
Arabic and Persian form of Aachen.
Akra أكرا (Settlement) Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Georgian, Hebrew, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Serbian, Slovene, Turkish
Form of Accra used in multiple languages.
Al-karak (Settlement) Arabic
An ancient city in Jordan. ... [more]
Al-qahirah القاهرة‎ (Settlement) Arabic
It is the original form of Cairo the Egyptian capital city. Al-Qāhira means 'The Conquerer' because of a myth between its foundation and the planet Mars (that in Arabic is 'The Conquerer Star').
Al-Quds القدس (Settlement) Arabic
Variant of Quds with the definite article ال (al-).
Amman عمان (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Arabic, English, Afrikaans, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek
Most likely derived from the Arabic root ع م م‎ (' m m) related to concepts such as kinship and large extended groups or tribes. Alternatively it may come from the name of the ancient kingdom of Ammon, which existed between the 10th and 4th centuries BCE in land east of the Jordan River... [more]
Amstirdam أمستردام (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Amsterdam.
Andura أندورا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Andorra.
Anghula أنغولا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Angola.
Anqara أنقرة (Settlement) Arabic, Tajik, Uzbek
Arabic alternate transcription of Anqarah as well as the Tajik and Uzbek form of Ankara.
Anqarah أنقرة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Ankara.
Anzah (Settlement) Arabic
Arizuna أريزونا (Political Subdivision) Arabic
Arabic form of Arizona.
Asfahan أصفهان (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Isfahan.
Ashq Abad عشق آباد (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Ashgabat.
Asmarah أسمرة (Settlement) Arabic, Persian
Arabic and Persian form of Asmara.
As-salfadur السلفادور (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of El Salvador.
As-sawirah الصويرة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Essaouira.
Astana آستانا (Settlement) Kazakh, Russian, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Khmer, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu
Means "capital city" in Kazakh, ultimately from Persian آستانه (astaneh). This is the name of the capital city of Kazakhstan.
Aswan أسوان (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic
Derived from Egyptian swnw possibly related to swn meaning "to trade, to buy" or swnt meaning "trade, price". This is the name of a governorate and city in Egypt.
Athyubya أثيوبيا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Ethiopia.
Ayirlanda أيرلندا (Country & Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Ireland.
Ayislanda آيسلندا (Country & Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Iceland.
Babil بابل (Settlement) Arabic, Azerbaijani, Hindi, Turkish, Urdu
Arabic, Azerbaijani, Hindi, Turkish and Urdu form of Babylon.
Badangh بادنغ (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Padang.
Baghdad بغداد (Settlement) Arabic, English, Armenian, Hindi, Italian, Malay, Pashto, Persian, Urdu, Uyghur
From Persian بغداد (Baghdad) most likely derived from Middle Persian 𐭡𐭢𐭣𐭲‎ (bgdt) meaning "given by god", itself from Old Persian 𐏎 (baga) meaning "god" and 𐎭𐎠𐎫 (dātaʰ) meaning "given, created"... [more]
Bakistan باكستان (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Pakistan.
Balaw بالاو (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Palau.
Balirmu باليرمو (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Palermo.
Bamaku (Settlement) Arabic, Urdu
Arabic and Urdu form of Bamako.
Bandar Siri Bikawan بندر سري بكاوان (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Bandar Seri Begawan.
Bandungh باندونغ (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Bandung.
Banghal بنغال (Political Subdivision & Region) Arabic
Arabic form of Bengal, usually written with the definite article: البنغال (al-Banghal).
Banjiya بانجيا (Region) Arabic
Arabic form of Pangaea.
Banjul بانجول (Settlement) English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Turkmen, Urdu, Uzbek
Derived from Mandinka bang julo meaning "rope fibre". This is the name of the capital city of The Gambia.
Bankuk بانكوك (Settlement) Arabic, Persian
Arabic and Persian form of Bangkok.
Barbadus بربادوس (Island & Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Barbados.
Bariaman باريامان (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Pariaman.
Barlin برلين (Settlement) Arabic, Bengali, Hindi
Arabic, Bengali and Hindi form of Berlin.
Barshalunah برشلونة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Barcelona.
Bayrut بيروت (Settlement) Arabic, Assyrian, Tajik, Uzbek
Arabic, Assyrian, Tajik and Uzbek form of Beirut.
Bayt al-Maqdis بيت المقدس (Settlement) Arabic
Means "holy house" in Arabic, from بَيْت (bayt) meaning "house" and مُقَدَّس (muqaddas) meaning "holy, sacred". This is an Arabic name for Jerusalem.
Beljika بلجيكا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Belgium via the French form Belgique.
Bilarus بيلاروس (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Belarus.
Bilghrad بلغراد (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Belgrade.
Biritaniya بريطانيا (Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Britain.
Biru بيرو (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Peru.
Bishawar بيشاور (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Peshawar.
Bnum Binh بنوم بنه (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Phnom Penh.
Bragh براغ (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Prague.
Braziliya برازيليا (Settlement) Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian
Arabic, Belarusian and Bulgarian form of Brasília.
Bruksil بروكسل (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Brussels via the French form Bruxelles.
Budabist بودابست (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Budapest.
Bukhara بخارى (Settlement) English, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian
From Uzbek Buxoro, itself derived from Persian بخارا (bokhara) of uncertain meaning, possibly from Sogdian βuxārak meaning "place of good fortune". Alternately it may have come from Sanskrit विहार (vihara) referring to a Buddhist monastery... [more]
Bukharest بوخارست (Settlement) Arabic, Hindi, Urdu
Arabic, Hindi and Urdu form of Bucharest.
Bukharest بوخارست (Settlement) Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bengali, Hindi, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Pashto, Russian, Tajik, Ukrainian, Urdu
Form of Bucharest used in multiple languages.
Bulanda بولندا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Poland.
Bulghariya بلغاريا (Country) Arabic, Urdu
Arabic and Urdu form of Bulgaria.
Bulifiya بوليفيا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Bolivia.
Bunduqiyyah بندقية (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Venetia (see Venice) via the German form Venedig. It is usually written with the definite article: البندقية (al-Bunduqiyyah).
Buryatya بورياتيا (Political Subdivision) Arabic, Turkish
Arabic and Turkish form of Buryatia.
Byblos بيبلوس, جبَيل (Settlement) English, Arabic, Greek
Byblos, also known as Jebeil, Jbeil or Jubayl is an ancient city in the Keserwan-Jbeil Governorate of Lebanon.
Byunghyangh بيونغيانغ (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Pyongyang.
Daghistan داغستان (Political Subdivision) Avar, Dargin, Arabic
Avar, Dargin and Arabic form of Dagestan.
Dahlak ﺩﻬﻠﻚ (Other) Arabic
The Dahlak Archipelago is located in the Red Sea near Massawa, Eritrea. The pearl fisheries of the archipelago have been famous since Roman times and still produce a substantial number of pearls.
Danub دانوب (River) Arabic, Armenian, Persian
Arabic, Armenian and Persian form of Danube.
Dar As-salam دار السلام (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Dar Es Salaam.
Dijlah دِجلَة (River) Arabic
Arabic name for the Tigris River in Mesopotamia, from Akkadian Idiqlat.
Dilhi دلهي (Settlement) Arabic, Quechua
Arabic and Quechua form of Delhi.
Engeltera (Country) Arabic (Egyptian)
Egyptian Arabic variant of إنجلترا (see Injiltira).
Eskendereyya (Settlement) Arabic (Egyptian)
Egyptian Arabic transcription of Iskandariyah.
Fares (Country) Arabic (Egyptian)
Alternate transcription of Arabic فارس (see Faris) chiefly used in Egypt.
Filibbin فلبين (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Philippines usually written with the definite article الفلبين (al-Filibbin).
Fiyina فيينا (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Vienna.
Gazayer (Settlement & Country) Arabic (Egyptian)
Alternate transcription of Arabic جزاير (see Jaza'ir) chiefly used in Egypt.
Ghanj غانج (River) Arabic
Arabic form of Ganges, usually written with the definite article: الغانج (al-Ghanj).
Ghazza غزة (Region & Settlement) Urdu, Arabic
Urdu form of Gaza as well as an alternate transcription of Arabic غزة (see Ghazzah).
Ghazza غزة (Region & Settlement) Tajik, Urdu, Arabic
Tajik and Urdu form of Gaza, as well as an alternate transcription of Arabic غزة (see Ghazzah).
Ghazzah غزة (Region & Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Gaza.
Ghuanghdungh غوانغدونغ (Political Subdivision) Arabic
Arabic form of Guangdong.
Ghuyana غويانا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Guyana.
Ghwatimala غواتيمالا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Guatemala.
Giza (Settlement) Arabic (Egyptian), English, Afrikaans, Albanian, Armenian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Swedish, Uzbek
Meaning uncertain. It may be derived from Syriac ܓܣܐ (gissa) meaning "side", Persian ‎دژ (dezh) meaning "fort, fortress, castle" or Egyptian r-gs-ḥr meaning "the side of the high one"... [more]
Habashah حبشة (Country & Region) Arabic
Arabic form of Abyssinia, usually written with the definite article: الحبشة (al-Habashah).
Hafana هافانا (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Havana.
Halab حلب (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic, Hindi, Pashto, Persian, Tajik, Urdu, Uzbek
Arabic form of Aleppo, as well as the form used in multiple other languages.
Hanui هانوي‎ (Settlement) Arabic, Persian
Arabic and Persian form of Hanoi.
Hanuy هانوي (Settlement) Arabic, Persian
Arabic and Persian form of Hanoi.
Hanuy هانوي (Settlement) Arabic, Persian
Arabic and Persian form of Hanoi.
Haway هاواي (Political Subdivision & Island) Arabic, Hebrew
Arabic and Hebrew form of Hawaii.
Haway هاواي (Political Subdivision & Island) Arabic, Hebrew, Tagalog
Arabic, Hebrew and Tagalog form of Hawaii.
Haydar Abad حيدر آباد (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Hyderabad.
Hayti هايتي (Country) Arabic, Khmer
Arabic and Khmer form of Haiti.
Hilsīnkī هلسنكي (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Helsinki.
Himaliya هملايا, همالية (Mountain) Urdu, Arabic
Urdu and Arabic form of Himalaya.
Honduras هندوراس (Country) Spanish, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu
Means "depths" in Spanish, either referring to the deep waters off the northern coast of the country or from Christopher Columbus' alleged quote "Gracias a Dios que hemos salido de esas honduras" meaning "Thank God we have departed from those depths"... [more]
Hulanda هولندا (Country & Political Subdivision) Arabic, Papiamento
Arabic and Papiamento form of Holland 1. In Arabic it refers to the two provinces of North and South Holland as well as the entire country of the Netherlands, while in Papiamento it refers only to the country.
ʾIdinburah إدنبرة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Edinburgh.
Ifriqiya إفريقيا (Region) Arabic
Arabic form of Africa.
Ifrist إفرست (Mountain) Arabic
Arabic form of Everest.
Ilim (River) Russian, Arabic
I couldn't find the meaning of the river's name, but Wiktionary (without mentioning the river) says it's a Turkish word with an Arabic root that means "Knowledge, Science"
Indunisiya إندونيسيا (Country) Arabic, Somali, Tausug
Arabic, Somali, and Tausug form of Indonesia.
Injamina انجمينا (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of N'djamena.
Injiltira إنجلترا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of England via the Italian form Inghilterra.
Isbaniyyah إسبانية (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Hispania (see Spain).
Isbartah إسبرطة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Sparta.
Iscandar (Other) Japanese, Arabic (Maghrebi), Italian, Popular Culture
Iscandar is both the name of a recurring outer space planet and the clan name of its own royals in the famed Space Battleship Yamato franchise. It is likely derived from the Arabic Iskandar, which is ultimately based on the Greek Alexander.
Ishbiliyyah إشبيلية (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Seville.
Iskutlanda إسكتلندا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Scotland.
Islam Abad إسلام آباد (Settlement) Urdu, Kashmiri, Pashto, Punjabi, Sindhi, Arabic
Form of Islamabad.
Israil إسرائيل (Country) Arabic, Greek
Arabic and Greek form of Israel.
Istanbul إسطنبول (Settlement) English, Arabic
From Turkish İstanbul, which comes from a misinterpretation of the Medieval Greek phrase εἰς τὴν Πόλιν (eis ten polin) meaning "to the City", a colloquial name for the city of Constantinople (reflecting its status as the only major city in the vicinity)... [more]
Istuniya إستونيا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Estonia.
Iswatini إسواتيني (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Eswatini.
Jabal Tariq جبل طارق (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Gibraltar.
Janub Ifriqiya جنوب إفريقيا (Country) Arabic
Arabic calque of South Africa.
Jawah جاوة (Political Subdivision & Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Java.
Jibuti جيبوتي (Country & Settlement) Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Sinhalese, Turkmen, Urdu
Form of Djibouti.
Jiddah جدة (Settlement) Arabic, English
Arabic form of Jeddah as well as an English variant.
Jinif جنيف (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Geneva.
Jinif جنيف (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Geneva.
Jiza جيزة (Settlement) Chinese, Arabic
Chinese form of Giza, as well as an alternate transcription of Arabic جيزة (see Jizah).
Jizah جيزة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Giza, usually written with the definite article: الجيزة (al-Jizah).
Jorjiya جورجيا (Country) Arabic, Banjar, Hindi
Arabic, Banjar and Hindi form of Georgia 1.
Juba جوبا (Settlement) English, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Georgian, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Mongolian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Slovak, Somali, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Uzbek
Of uncertain origin, from the Nilotic Bari language of South Sudan. It is the name of the capital and largest city of South Sudan, as well as the former village on its site.
Kaffa (Other) Arabic
The place-name "Kaffa" has a rich history and significance. It was the name of an early modern state located in what is now Ethiopia, with its first capital at Bonga¹²... [more]
Kālayh كاليه (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Calais.
Kalifurniya كاليفورنيا (Political Subdivision) Arabic
Arabic form of California.
Kanbira كانبرا (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Canberra.
Kazablanka كازابلانكا (Settlement) Arabic, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Kurdish, Macedonian, Persian, Serbian, Turkish
Form of Casablanca.
Kazakhistan كازاخستان (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Kazakhstan.
Kerak قلعة الكرك (Settlement) Arabic
A castle named after Al-karak, the city it is built in.
Kishinaw كيشيناو (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Chișinău.
Kitu كيتو (Settlement) Quechua, Arabic, Urdu
Quechua, Arabic and Urdu form of Quito.
Krākūf كراكوف (Settlement) Arabic, Persian
Arabic and Persian form of Krakow.
Kunghu كونغو (River & Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Congo, usually written with the definite article: كونغو (al-Kunghu).
Kuruwatiya كرواتيا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Croatia.
Kuwait كويت (Country) Arabic, Danish, English, Finnish, German, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog
Of uncertain meaning, possibly from the alleged Arabic root ك و ت (k-w-t) or from a word meaning "fortress built near water". This is the name of a country in Western Asia, usually written with the definite article: الكويت (al-Kuwait) in Arabic.
Lambungh لامبونغ (Political Subdivision) Arabic
Arabic form of Lampung.
Landan لندن (Settlement) Arabic, Burmese, Hausa, Hindi, Nepali, Persian, Sanskrit, Sinhalese, Urdu
Form of London.
Las Fighas لاس فيغاس (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Las Vegas.
Lima ليما (Settlement) Spanish, Aymara, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Kazakh, Khmer, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek
Most likely a corruption of Rímac, the name of a river, itself derived from Quechua rimaq meaning "speaker, talker" (ultimately from rimay meaning "to speak")... [more]
Lishbunah لشبونة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Lisbon.
Lisutu ليسوتو (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Lesotho.
Liubliana ليوبليانا (Settlement) Arabic, Georgian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Spanish
Georgian, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Ljubljana as well as an alternate transcription of Arabic ليوبليانا (see Lyublyana).
Lubnan لبنان (Country) Arabic, Kurdish, Malay
Arabic, Kurdish and Malay form of Lebanon.
Luzun لوزون (Island) Arabic, Persian, Urdu
Arabic, Persian and Urdu form of Luzon.
Lyublyana ليوبليانا (Settlement) Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Russian, Tajik, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Form of Ljubljana used in multiple languages.
Madina مدينة (Settlement) Arabic, Armenian, Hindi, Japanese, Tajik, Urdu, Uzbek
Arabic alternate transcription of Madinah as well as the form of Medina used in various languages.
Madina مدينة (Settlement) Arabic, Armenian, Dhivehi, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Nepali, Tajik, Urdu, Uzbek
Form of Medina used in various languages. It is also an alternate transcription of Arabic مدينة (see Madinah) or Japanese Katakana マディーナ (see Madīna).
Makaw ماكاو (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic, Khmer
Arabic and Khmer form of Macao.
Makka مكة‎‎ (Settlement) Arabic, Hindi, Swahili, Tajik, Thai, Urdu, Uzbek
Arabic alternate transcription of Makkah as well as the form of Mecca used in various languages.
Makkah مكة‎‎ (Settlement) Arabic, Indonesian, Malay, English
Arabic, Indonesian and Malay form of Mecca as well as an English variant.
Maknas مكناس (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Meknes.
Maksik مكسيك (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Mexico via the French form Mexique, usually written with the definite article: المكسيك (al-Maksik). This name refers only to the country, not the capital city.
Maldif مالديف (Country) Arabic, Thai
Arabic and Thai form of Maldives. The Arabic name is usually written with the definite article: المالديف (al-Maldif).
Malih ماليه (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Malé.
Malta مالطا (Country & Island) Maltese, Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, Georgian, German, Greek, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malay, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Tajik, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Uncertain, possibly derived from Greek μέλι (meli) meaning "honey". This is the name of an island nation in southern Europe.
Manama منامة (Settlement) Arabic, English
Means "place of sleep, place of rest" in Arabic. This is the name of the capital city of Bahrain, usually written with the definite article: المنامة (al-Manama) in Arabic.
Manamah منامة (Settlement) Arabic, Indonesian, Urdu
Arabic and Urdu alternate transcription of Manama as well as the Indonesian form. In Arabic it is usually written with the definite article: منامة (al-Manamah), which is also used in Indonesian.
Mandalai ماندالاي (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Portuguese, Russian
Form of Mandalay used in various languages as well as an alternate transcription of the same name.
Manshuriya منشوريا (Region) Arabic
Arabic form of Manchuria.
Maqdishu مقديشو (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Mogadishu.
Mascara معسكر (Settlement) Arabic
The word mascara is the francisation of the Arabic word معسكر (mouaskar), meaning “camp”. Due to French colonization at that time, the city's name has adopted the French version as an official name.... [more]
Mashhad مشهد (Settlement) Persian, Tajik, Arabic
Derived from Arabic مشهد (mashhad) meaning "place of martyrdom", named for the shrine of imam Ali al-Rida in Twelver Shia tradition. This is the name of a city in Iran.
Mashriq مشرق (Region) Arabic, English
From Arabic المشرق (al-Mashriq) meaning "the place of the sunrise, the east". This is the name used for the eastern part of the Arab world west of Egypt and Sudan. In Arabic the name is usually written with the definite article: المشرق (al-Mashriq).
Masqat مسقط (Settlement) Arabic, Finnish, Hindi, Persian, Tajik, Urdu
Arabic form of Muscat as well as the form used in various other languages.
Masqat مسقط (Settlement) Arabic, Finnish, Hindi, Persian, Urdu
Arabic, Finnish, Hindi, Persian and Urdu form of Muscat.
Masqat مسقط (Settlement) Arabic, Finnish, Hindi, Malay, Persian, Tajik, Urdu
Arabic form of Muscat as well as the form used in various other languages.
Merowe مروي (Region, Settlement & Body of Water) Arabic
Of uncertain meaning, likely derived from the Nubian Medewi, via the Greek Meroë.
Mocha (Settlement) English, Arabic (Anglicized)
Variant of Mokha, from Arabic المُخا (al-Mukhā), the name of a port city on the Red Sea coast of Yemen. Long known for its coffee trade, the city gave its name to mocha coffee.
Munaku موناكو (Country & Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Monaco.
Murishyus موريشيوس (Country & Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Mauritius.
Muritaniya موريتانيا (Country) Arabic, Hausa
Arabic and Hausa form of Mauritania.
Muruni موروني (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Moroni.
Musku موسكو (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Moscow, referring only to the city.
Nabuli نابولي (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Napoli (see Naples).
Najaf نجف (Settlement) Arabic, English
Means "elevated place not reached by water, hill, dike" in Arabic. This is the name of a city in Iraq, considered one of the holiest cities of Shia Islam. It is reportedly the burial place of Ali ibn Abi Talib... [more]
Namibia ناميبيا (Country) Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Danish, English, Finnish, Georgian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Urdu
From the name of the Namib Desert, derived from Khoekhoe namib meaning "desert" or "vast place". This is the name of a country in southern Africa.
Namsa نمسا (Country) Arabic
Derived from Ottoman Turkish نمچه (nemçe) meaning "Austrian, German", ultimately from a Slavic word meaning "German". This is the Arabic name for Austria, usually written with the definite article: النمسا (al-Namsa).
Nasirah ناصرة (Settlement) Arabic, Urdu
Arabic and Urdu form of Nazareth. In Arabic it is usually written with the definite article: الناصرة (an-Nasirah).
Nasiriyah (Settlement) Arabic (?)
The city in southern Iran, named after Nasir.
Nibal نيبال (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Nepal.
Nuwakshut نواكشوط (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Nouakchott.
Qadis قادس (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Cádiz.
Qahera (Settlement) Arabic (Egyptian)
Egyptian Arabic transcription of قاهرة (see Qahirah), usually written with the definite article: القاهره (el-Qahera).
Qahira قاهرة (Settlement) Arabic, Urdu, Chechen
Alternate transcription of Arabic قاهرة (see Qahirah) as well as the Urdu and Chechen form.
Qatar قطر (Country) Arabic, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Persian, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek
From Catharrei, the name given to the inhabitants of region by Roman writer Pliny the Elder, which may have been based on the name of a local settlement. The name Catara was later used by Greek astronomer Ptolemy to refer to the peninsula, which was eventually transmitted into Arabic... [more]
Qawqaz قوقاز (Region) Arabic
Arabic form of Caucasus, usually written with the definite article as القوقاز‎‎ (Al-Qawqaz).
Qena (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic (Egyptian)
Means “very red” in Arabic. A city in Egypt. That is located on the Nile.
Ram Allah رام الله (Settlement) Arabic, Urdu
Arabic and Urdu form of Ramallah.
Ribat رباط (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Rabat, usually written with the definite article: الرباط‎ (ar-Ribat).
Righa ريغا (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Riga.
Rikyafik ريكيافيك (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Reykjavík.
Riyadh رياض (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic, English
Means "meadows, gardens", from the plural of Arabic روضة (rawdah). This is the name of the capital city of Saudi Arabia and a province of the same name. In Arabic it is properly written with the definite article: الرياض (ar-Riyadh).
Ruma روما (Settlement) Arabic, Maltese
Arabic and Maltese form of Rome.
Sabtah سَبْتَة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Ceuta.... [more]
Saburu سابورو (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Sapporo.
Sahil Al-aj ساحل العاج (Country) Arabic
Arabic calque of Ivory Coast.
Sahra صحراء (Region) Arabic, Turkish
Arabic and Turkish form of Sahara. In Arabic it is properly known as الصحراء الكبرى (as-Sahra' al-Kubra) meaning "the greatest desert".
Salunik سالونيك (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Thessaloniki.
Samarqand سمرقند (Settlement) Uzbek, Tajik, Persian, Arabic
Uzbek, Tajik, Persian and Arabic form of Samarkand.
Samuu (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Samoa.
San'a صنعاء (Settlement) Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu
Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Urdu form of Sanaa.
Santiyaghu سانتياغو (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Santiago.
Saw Bawlu ساو باولو (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of São Paulo.
Shanghhay شانغهاي (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Shanghai.
Sharkisia شركيسيا (Country & Region) Arabic
Arabic form of Circassia.
Shishan شيشان (Political Subdivision) Arabic
Arabic form of Chechnya, usually written with the definite article as الشيشان (al-Shishan).
Sidni سيدني (Settlement) Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Hindi, Persian, Sinhalese, Urdu
Form of Sydney used in various languages.
Sidon صيدا (Settlement) Arabic, English
Sidon or Saida is the third-largest city in Lebanon. It is located in the South Governorate, of which it is the capital, on the Mediterranean coast.
Singhafurah سنغافورة (Country, Settlement & Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Singapore.
Sirbiya صربيا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Serbia.
Siyam سيام‎ (Country) Arabic, Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Turkish
Form of Siam.
Suez (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic (Egyptian)
From Arabic “sus” meaning “liquorice” this is the name of a city and governorate in Egypt.
Sufa سوفا (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Suva.
Sufiya صوفيا (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Sofia.
Sumatrah سومطرة (Political Subdivision & Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Sumatra.
Suquṭrā سُقُطْرَىٰ (Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Socotra.
Surinam سورينام (Country) Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dhivehi, English, Hindi, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Maltese, Mongolian, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek
English variant of Suriname as well as the standard name for the country in several languages.
Talin تالين (Settlement) Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Khmer, Macedonian, Persian, Serbian, Slovene, Urdu
Form of Tallinn used in numerous languages.
Tall Abib تل أبيب (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Tel Aviv.
Tanjah طنجة (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Tangier.
Tarabulus طرابلس (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Tripoli.
Tashqand طشقند (Settlement) Arabic, Urdu
Arabic and Urdu form of Tashkent.
Taywan تايوان (Country) Arabic, Kurdish
Arabic and Kurdish form of Taiwan.
Timfu تيمفو (Settlement) Arabic, Pashto, Persian
Arabic, Pashto, and Persian form of Thimphu.
Tirana تيرانا (Settlement) Albanian, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Turkmen, Uzbek
Perhaps derived from Doric Greek Τυρσανοί (Tursanoi) meaning "Tyrrhenians", which was an exonym for non-Greek inhabitants of the Tyrrhenian Sea. This is the name of the capital city of Albania.
Tshik تشيك (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Čechy, used as the Arabic name for the Czech Republic. It is usually written with the definite article: التشيك (al-Tshik).
Tungha تونغا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Tonga.
Tunis تونس (Country & Settlement) Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek
Meaning uncertain, possibly from the Tamazight root ens meaning "to lie down, to pass the night" or from the name of the Phoenician goddess Tanith... [more]
Turinu تورينو (Settlement) Arabic, Corsican, Sicilian
Arabic, Corsican and Sicilian form of Turin.
Turkiya تركيا (Country) Arabic, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Quechua, Sinhalese, Tagalog, Tajik, Uzbek
Form of Turkey used in various languages. It can also be an alternate transcription of Arabic تركيا (see Turkiyya).
Tyre صُور (Settlement) English, Arabic
Tyre is the fourth largest city in Lebanon after Beirut, Tripoli, and Sidon. It is the capital of the Tyre District in the South Governorate. It is known as Sour or Sur in Arabic.
Uqsur أقصر (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Arabic
Arabic form of Luxor, usually written with the definite article: الأقصر (al-Uqsur).
Urubba أوروبا (Region) Arabic
Arabic form of Europa (see Europe).
Usturaliya أستراليا (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Australia.
Uwslu أوسلو (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Oslo.
Wahran وهران (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Oran.
Warsu وارسو (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Warsaw.
Yaban يابان (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Japão (see Japan), usually written with the definite article: اليابان (al-Yaban).
Yabisah يابسة (Settlement & Island) Arabic
Arabic form of Ibiza.
Yanghun يانغون (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Yangon.
Yardi يَرْضِي (Other) Arabic
e name is inspired by Arabic roots, derived from "يَرْضِي" (Yardi), meaning "to satisfy" or "to bring contentment," emphasizing devotion and spiritual fulfillment in Islamic culture.
Yathrib يثرب (Settlement) Arabic
Meaning uncertain, probably of Ancient North Arabian origin. This was the name of the city of Medina before the advent of Islam. Traditionally it is said that the city's name was changed due to its negative connotation with the Arabic root ث ر ب‎ (th-r-b) meaning "to complain, to accuse, to blame".
Yirifan يريفان (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Yerevan.
Yonan (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Ellada or Greece.
Yunan يونان (Country) Arabic, Dhivehi, Hindi, Pashto, Persian, Punjabi, Urdu
Form of Ionia used to refer to the country of Greece. The Arabic name is usually written with a definite article as اليونان (al-Yunan).
Zaghrib زغرب (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Zagreb.
Zari زری (Country) Arabic
means flower in Arabic or a thread or a city in Nigeria
Zoug (Settlement) Arabic (Maghrebi)
Zoug is a city in Morocco.