Khmer Submitted Place Names

Khmer names are used in the country of Cambodia in southeastern Asia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
ʼAafgiəniisthaan អាហ្វហ្គានីស្ថាន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Afghanistan.
Abkhahsaei អាបខាហ្សី (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Khmer form of Abkhazia.
Adih Ababa អាឌីសអាបាបា (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Addis Ababa.
Afrik អាហ្វ្រិក (Region) Khmer, Veps
Khmer and Veps form of Africa.
Afrik អាហ្វ្រិក (Region) Haitian Creole, Khmer, Mongolian, Veps
Form of Africa used in several languages.
Afrik Khang Tboung អាហ្វ្រិកខាងត្បូង (Country) Khmer
Khmer calque of South Africa.
Albani អាល់បានី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Albania via the French form Albanie.
Aleymang អាល្លឺម៉ង់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Alemannia via the French form Allemagne, used as the Khmer name of Germany.
Alzeri អាល់ហ្សេរី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Algeria via the French form Algérie.
Ameini អាមេនី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Armenia via the French form Arménie.
Ameirik អាមេរិក (Region & Country) Khmer
Khmer form of America via the French form Amérique.
Amstedam អាំស្ទែដាំ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Amsterdam.
Angdoura អង់ដូរ៉ា (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Andorra.
Angkara អង់ការ៉ា (Settlement) Khmer, Korean, Thai
Khmer, Korean and Thai form of Ankara.
Angkhleih អង់គ្លេស (Country) Khmer
From French anglais meaning "English", used as the Khmer name of England.
Angtaktik អង់តាកទិក (Region) Khmer
Khmer form of Antarctica via the French form Antarctique.
Arabi Saoudit អារ៉ាប៊ីសាអូឌីត (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Saudi Arabia.
Arizouna អារីហ្សូណា (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Khmer form of Arizona.
Asebayzang អាស៊ែបៃហ្សង់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Azerbaijan via the French form Azerbaïdjan.
Askabat អាស្កាបាត (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Ashgabat.
Astana អាសតាណា, អាស្តាណា (Settlement) Kazakh, Russian, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Khmer, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu
Means "capital city" in Kazakh, ultimately from Persian آستانه (astaneh). This is the name of the capital city of Kazakhstan.
Azangtin អាហ្សង់ទីន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Argentina via the French form Argentine.
Azi អាស៊ី (Region) Buryat, Chechen, Chuvash, Haitian Creole, Khmer, Mari, Mongolian, Ossetian
Form of Asia used in various languages.
Babadoh បាបាដុស (Island & Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Barbados.
Baelkrat បែលក្រាដ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Belgrade.
Baelzik បែលហ្ស៊ិក (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Belgium via the French form Belgique.
Bahama បាហាម៉ា (Country) Bengali, Chinese, Estonian, Finnish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Persian
Form of Bahamas used in various languages.
Bakdat បាកដាដ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Baghdad.
Bangkak បាងកក (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Bangkok.
Bangkhladaeh បង់ក្លាដែស (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Bangladesh.
Banteay Meanchey បន្ទាយ្មានជ័យ្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
From Khmer បន្ទាយ្ (banteay) meaning “fortress” and from Sanskrit जय (jaya) meaning “victory”.
Banteay Meanchey បន្ទាយមានជ័យ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means "fortress of victory" in Khmer, from បន្ទាយ (banteay) meaning "fort, fortress", មាន (mean) meaning "have, possess, own" and ជ័យ (chay) meaning "victory"... [more]
Baraen បារ៉ែន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Bahrain.
Barang បារាំង (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of France.
Batdambang បាត់ដំបង (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Alternate transcription of Khmer បាត់ដំបង (see Battambang).
Battambang បាត់ដំបង្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “loss of stick”, referring to the local legend, Preah Bat Dambang Kranhoung.
Battambang បាត់ដំបង (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Means "lost stick" in Khmer, from បាត់ (bat) meaning "lost, gone, missing" and ដំបង (dambang) meaning "stick, staff", named in reference to a local legend of a king who lost a stick in the area... [more]
Belaruh បេឡារុស (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Belarus.
Ben ប៊ែន (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Khmer
Khmer form of Bern.
Bilisi ប៊ីលីស៊ី (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Tbilisi.
Biskek ប៊ីស្កេក (Settlement) Greek, Hungarian, Khmer, Spanish
Greek, Hungarian, Khmer and Spanish form of Bishkek.
Boulivi បូលីវី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Bolivia.
Boulivi បូលីវី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Bolivia via the French form Bolivie.
Brouyne ប្រ៊ុយណេ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Brunei.
Buakina Fasou បួគីណាហ្វាសូ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Burkina Faso.
Bulgeari ប៊ុលហ្ការី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Bulgaria via the French form Bulgarie.
Buydapaeh ប៊ុយដាប៉ែស (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Budapest.
Buynouse ប៊ុយណូស៊ែ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Buenos Aires.
Chaek ឆែក (Country) Khmer
Derived from French Tchèque meaning "Czech". This is the Khmer name for the Czech Republic.
Chakata ចាកាតា (Settlement) Khmer, Thai
Khmer and Thai form of Jakarta.
Chakata ចាការតា, ចាកាតា (Settlement) Khmer, Lao, Thai
Khmer, Lao and Thai form of Jakarta.
Champa ចាម្ប៉ា (Country) Cham, Khmer, Lao, English
From Vietnamese Chăm Pa ultimately derived from Sanskrit चम्पक (champaka) referring to a type of flowering tree (genus Magnolia). This is the name of a collection of ancient kingdoms that existed between the 2nd and 17th centuries in what is now central and southern Vietnam.
Chat ឆាដ (Body of Water & Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Chad.
Chbon ជប៉ុន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Japan via the French form Japon.
Chen ចិន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of China.
Chvea ជ្វា (Political Subdivision & Island) Khmer
Khmer form of Java.
Daka ដាកា (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Dakar.
Damah ដាម៉ាស់ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Damascus via the French form Damas.
Daneamak ដាណឺម៉ាក (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Denmark.
Deli ដេលី (Settlement) Armenian, Belarusian, Burmese, Chinese, Georgian, Kazakh, Khmer, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lao, Mongolian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, Turkmen, Ukrainian
Form of Delhi used in numerous languages.
Douha ដូហា (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Doha.
Endia ឥណ្ឌា (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of India.
Endunesi ឥណ្ឌូណេស៊ី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Indonesia via the French form Indonésie.
Eritre អេរីត្រេ (Country) Khmer, Turkish
Khmer and Turkish form of Eritrea.
Eritre អេរីត្រេ (Country) Khmer, Persian, Turkish
Khmer, Persian and Turkish form of Eritrea via the French form Érythrée.
Espan អេស្ប៉ាញ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Hispania (see Spain) via the French form Espagne.
Estouni អេស្តូនី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Estonia via the French form Estonie.
Ethyoupi អេត្យូពី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Ethiopia via the French form Éthiopie.
Eyrop អឺរ៉ុប (Region) Khmer
Khmer form of Europa (see Europe).
Ezip អេហ្ស៊ីប (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Egypt.
Fanglang ហ្វាំងឡង់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Finland via the French form Finlande.
Filipin ហ្វីលីពីន (Country) Khmer, Persian
Khmer and Persian form of Philippines.
Funan ហ៊្វូណន (Country) Chinese, Khmer, English
Meaning uncertain, possibly from a Chinese transcription of Khmer ភ្នំ (phnum) meaning "mountain". This was the name of an ancient kingdom (or group of kingdoms) that existed on mainland Southeast Asia from the 1st to 6th centuries.
Funan ហ៊្វូណន (Country) Chinese, Khmer, Thai, English
Meaning uncertain, possibly from a Chinese transcription of Khmer ភ្នំ (phnum) meaning "mountain". This was the name of an ancient kingdom (or group of kingdoms) that existed on mainland Southeast Asia from the 1st to 6th centuries.
Gassa ហ្គាស្សា (Region & Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Gaza.
Haelsinki ហែលស៊ីនគី (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Helsinki.
Hanouy ហាណូយ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Hanoi.
Havay ហាវ៉ៃ (Political Subdivision & Island) Khmer
Khmer form of Hawaii.
Havay ហាវ៉ៃ (Political Subdivision & Island) Azerbaijani, Khmer
Azerbaijani and Khmer form of Hawaii.
Hayti ហៃទី (Country) Arabic, Khmer
Arabic and Khmer form of Haiti.
Hongdurah ហុងឌូរ៉ាស (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Honduras.
Hongkri ហុងគ្រី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Hungary via the French form Hongrie.
Hvichi ហ្វីជី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Fiji.
Ihslamabat ឥស្លាម៉ាបាដ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Islamabad.
Irang អ៊ីរ៉ង់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Iran.
Islang អ៊ីស្លង់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Iceland via the French form Islande.
Israael អ៊ីស្រាអែល (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Israel.
Kadmandu កដ្ឋមណ្ឌូ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Kathmandu.
Kameirun កាមេរូន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Cameroon.
Kampong Cham កំពង់ចាម្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “port of the chams” in Khmer.
Kampong Cham កំពង់ចាម (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means "port of the Chams" in Khmer, from កំពង់ (kampong) meaning "port, landing" and ចាម (cham) referring to the Cham people. This is the name of a province of Cambodia.
Kampong Chhnang កំពង់ឆ្នាំង្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “port of pottery” in Khmer.
Kampong Chhnang កំពង់ឆ្នាំង (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Means "port of pottery" in Khmer, from កំពង់ (kampong) meaning "port, landing" and ឆ្នាំង (chhnang) meaning "pot". This is the name of a province of and city in Cambodia.
Kampong Speu កំពង់ស្ពឺ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “port of starfruit” in Khmer.
Kampong Speu កំពង់ស្ពឺ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means "port of starfruit" in Khmer, from កំពង់ (kampong) meaning "port, landing" and ស្ពឺ (speu) meaning "starfruit". This is the name of a province of Cambodia.
Kampong Thom កំពង់ធំ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “great port” in Khmer.
Kampong Thom កំពង់ធំ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Means "great port" in Khmer, from កំពង់ (kampong) meaning "port, landing" and ធំ (thom) meaning "big, large, great". This is the name of a province of and city in Cambodia.
Kampot កំពត្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Kampot កំពត (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
The name of a province of and city in Cambodia, meaning uncertain.
Kampouchea កម្ពុជា (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Cambodia.
Kampuchea កម្ពុជា (Country) Khmer, English (Archaic)
Khmer form of Cambodia as well as an archaic English variant.
Kandal កណ្តាល្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Kandal កណ្ដាល (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means "middle, center" in Khmer. This is the name of a province of Cambodia.
Kangbera កង់បេរ៉ា (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Canberra.
Kaoh Kong កោះកុង (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Alternate transcription of Khmer កោះកុង (see Koh Kong).
Karakah ការ៉ាកាស (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Caracas.
Kata កាតា (Country) Burmese, Khmer, Lao, Thai
Burmese, Khmer, Lao and Thai form of Qatar.
Kazaksthan កាហ្សាក់ស្ថាន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Kazakhstan.
Ke គែរ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Cairo via the French form Le Caire.
Kep កែប្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “saddle” in Khmer.
Khatum ខាទូម (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Khartoum.
Khvatemala ក្វាតេម៉ាឡា (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Guatemala.
Kiav កៀវ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Kyiv.
Kitou គីតូ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Quito.
Koh Kong កោះកុង្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Koh Kong កោះកុង (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Possibly means "crooked island" from Khmer កោះ (kaoh) meaning "island" and កុង (kong) meaning "curved, crooked, bent". This is the name of a province of Cambodia as well as another name for the city of Khemarak Phoumin.
Konggo កុងហ្គោ (River & Country) Khmer, Korean
Khmer and Korean form of Congo.
Koulombi កូឡុំប៊ី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Colombia via French Colombie.
Koulombou កូឡុំបូ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Colombo.
Koumoa កូម័រ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Comoros via the French form Comores.
Koure កូរ៉េ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Korea via the French form Corée.
Kousouvou កូសូវ៉ូ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Kosovo.
Koustarika កូស្តារីកា (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Costa Rica.
Koutdivoa កូតឌីវ័រ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Côte D'ivoire.
Kracheh ក្រចេះ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Original Khmer form of Kratié.
Kratié ក្រចេះ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Kratié ក្រចេះ (Political Subdivision) Khmer (Gallicized)
Meaning uncertain, possibly from a corruption of the French name Gatille, either a surname or the name of a post in colonial times. Alternately it may come from Khmer ក្រចេះ (kracheh) referring to a type of tree with aromatic wood (genus Naringi) or from a word meaning "buffalo"... [more]
Kreak ក្រិក (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Greece.
Kuyba គុយបា (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Cuba.
Kuyvaet គុយវ៉ែត (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Kuwait.
Kvatemala ក្វាតេម៉ាឡា (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Guatemala.
Lesoutou ឡេសូតូ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Lesotho.
Libang លីបង់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Lebanon via the French form Liban.
Libang លីបង់ (Country) Khmer, Lao
Khmer and Lao form of Lebanon via the French form Liban.
Libi លីប៊ី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Libya via the French form Libye.
Libi លីប៊ី (Country) Khmer, Lao
Khmer and Lao form of Libya via the French form Libye.
Lima លីម៉ា (Settlement) Spanish, Aymara, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Kazakh, Khmer, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek
Most likely a corruption of Rímac, the name of a river, itself derived from Quechua rimaq meaning "speaker, talker" (ultimately from rimay meaning "to speak")... [more]
Lisbaon លីស្បោន (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Lisbon via the French form Lisbonne.
Long ឡុងដ៍ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of London via the French form Londres.
Machsik ម៉ិចស៊ិក (Country & Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Mexico via the French form Mexique.
Madrit ម៉ាឌ្រីដ (Settlement) Khmer, Thai
Khmer and Thai form of Madrid.
Makaw ម៉ាកាវ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Arabic, Khmer
Arabic and Khmer form of Macao.
Maksei ម៉ាកសី (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Marseille.
Maldiw ម៉ាល់ឌីវ (Country) Khmer, Uyghur
Khmer and Uyghur form of Maldives.
Malesi ម៉ាឡេស៊ី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Malaysia.
Malesi ម៉ាឡេស៊ី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Malaysia via the French form Malaisie.
Manchuri ម៉ាន់ជូរី (Region) Khmer
Khmer form of Manchuria via the French form Mandchourie.
Manchuri ម៉ាន់ជូរី (Region) Khmer, Persian
Khmer and Persian form of Manchuria.
Manil ម៉ានីល (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Manila via the French form Manille.
Marok ម៉ារ៉ុក (Country) Khmer, Walloon
Khmer (via French Maroc) and Walloon form of Morocco.
Mealesai ម៉ាឡេស៊ី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Malaysia.
Meikong មេគង្គ (River) Khmer
From Khmer មេ (me) meaning "mother" and គង្គ (kuangkea) meaning "river", used for the Mekong.
Mondolkiri មណ្ឌលគិរី (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Alternate transcription of Khmer មណ្ឌលគិរី (see Mondulkiri).
Mondulkiri មណ្ឌល្គិរី (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “center of mountains” in Khmer.
Mondulkiri មណ្ឌលគិរី (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means "center of mountains" from Khmer មណ្ឌល (mondol) meaning "center, circle" and គិរី (kiri) meaning "mountain, hill". This is the name of a province of Cambodia.
Mongguli ម៉ុងហ្គោលី (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Khmer
Khmer form of Mongolia via the French form Mongolie.
Moukadisu ម៉ូកាឌីស៊ូ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Mogadishu.
Mounakou ម៉ូណាកូ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Monaco.
Mousku ម៉ូស្គូ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Moscow via the French form Moscou, referring only to the city.
Muskat មូស្កាត (Settlement) Croatian, Hebrew, Indonesian, Khmer, Norwegian, Swedish, Uyghur
Form of Muscat used in various languages.
Musku ម៉ូស្គូ (Settlement & River) Khmer
Khmer form of Moscow via the French form Moscou.
Namibi ណាមីប៊ី (Country) Khmer, Mongolian
Khmer (via French Namibie) and Mongolian form of Namibia.
Neipal នេប៉ាល់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Nepal.
Nize នីហ្សេ (River & Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Niger.
Nizeriya នីហ្សេរីយ៉ា (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Nigeria.
Noaveh ន័រវែស (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Norway via the French form Norvège.
Nuvel Zelang នូវែលហ្សេឡង់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Nouvelle-zélande, used as the Khmer name for New Zealand.
Oddar Meanchey ឧត្ដរ្មានជ័យ្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
From Sanskrit उत्तर (uttara) meaning “north” and from Sanskrit जय (jaya) meaning “victory”.
Oddar Meanchey ឧត្តរមានជ័យ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means "victorious north" from Khmer ឧត្តរ (otda) meaning "north", មាន (mean) meaning "have, possess, own" and ជ័យ (chey) meaning "victory". This is the name of a province of Cambodia.
Ouseani អូសេអានី (Region) Khmer
Khmer form of Oceania.
Ouslou អូស្លូ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Oslo.
Oustrali អូស្ត្រាលី (Region & Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Australia.
Outava អូតាវ៉ា (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Ottawa.
Outrih អូទ្រីស (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Austria via the French form Autriche.
Pailin ប៉ៃលិន្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Pakisthan ប៉ាគីស្ថាន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Pakistan.
Palestin ប៉ាឡេស្ទីន (Country & Region) Khmer, Malay
Khmer and Malay form of Palestine.
Palestin ប៉ាឡេស្ទីន (Country & Region) Khmer, Malay, Mongolian
Khmer, Malay and Mongolian form of Palestine.
Palou ប៉ាឡូ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Palau.
Parih ប៉ារីស (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Paris.
Pekang ប៉េកាំង (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Beijing via the French form Pékin.
Phnum Pin ភ្នំពេញ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Phnom Penh.
Phyungyang ព្យុងយ៉ាង (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Pyongyang.
Pouloun ប៉ូឡូញ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Poland via the French form Pologne.
Prak ប្រាក (Settlement) Khmer, Thai
Khmer and Thai form of Prague.
Prasiliya ប្រាស៊ីលីយ៉ា (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Brasília.
Pratislava ប្រាទីស្លាវ៉ា (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Bratislava.
Preah Sihanouk ព្រះសីហនុ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “province of the holy Sihanouk (former king)” in Khmer.
Preah Sihanouk ព្រះសីហនុ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Named in honour of Cambodian king Norodom Sihanouk (1922-2012), who reigned from 1941-1955 and again from 1993-2004. This is the Khmer name of the province and city of Sihanoukville.
Preah Vihear ព្រះវិហារ្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “sacred sanctuary” in Khmer.
Preah Vihear ព្រះវិហារ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
From the name of an ancient temple itself meaning "temple, sanctuary", derived from Khmer ព្រះ (preah) meaning "god, lord" and វិហារ (vihear) meaning "temple, monastery"... [more]
Presil ប្រេស៊ីល (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Brazil via the French form Brésil.
Prey Veng ព្រៃវែង្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “long forest” in Khmer.
Prey Veng ព្រៃវែង (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Means "long forest" from Khmer ព្រៃ (prey) meaning "jungle, forest, woods" and វែង (veng) meaning "long". This is the name of a province of, as well as a town in, Cambodia.
Pruchsael ព្រុចសែល (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Brussels via the French form Bruxelles.
Pursat ពោធិ៍សាត់ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “drifting awakened” in Khmer.
Pursat ពោធិ៍សាត់ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Means "floating banyan" from Khmer ពោធិ៍ (po) meaning "banyan tree" and សាត់ (sat) meaning "to float". This is the name of a province of, as well as a town in, Cambodia.
Pyoungyeang ព្យុងយ៉ាង (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Pyongyang.
Ratanakiri រតនគិរី (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means "mountain of gems" from Khmer រតន (rotan) meaning "gem, jewel, crystal" and គិរី (kiri) meaning "mountain". This is the name of a province of Cambodia.
Ratanak Kiri រតនគិរី (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Raykyavik រ៉ៃក្យាវិក (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Reykjavik.
Roum រ៉ូម (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Rome.
Rumani រូម៉ានី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Romania via the French form Roumanie.
Rumani រូម៉ានី (Country) Khmer, Lao
Khmer and Lao form of Romania via the French form Roumanie.
Rusi រុស្ស៊ី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Russia via the French form Russie.
Sana យេម៉ែន (Settlement) Albanian, Amharic, Belarusian, Bengali, Chinese, Croatian, Georgian, Hindi, Icelandic, Japanese, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Thai, Turkmen, Ukrainian
Form of Sanaa used in numerous languages. It can also be an alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji サナア (see Sanā).
San Marinou សានម៉ារីណូ (Country & Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of San Marino.
Senghaborey សិង្ហបុរី (Country, Settlement & Island) Khmer
Khmer form of Singapore.
Senghobori សិង្ហបុរី (Country, Settlement & Island) Khmer
Khmer form of Singapore.
Sesael សេសែល (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Seychelles.
Siam សៀម (Country) English, Khmer
From Portuguese Sciam, which was derived from Thai สยาม (sayam) of contested origin. It may have come from Pali suvaṇṇabhūmi meaning "land of gold", from Sanskrit श्याम (shyama) meaning "dark, black, blue" or from Mon ရာမည (ramanya) meaning "stranger"... [more]
Siem Reap សៀមរាប (Settlement) Khmer, English
Means "submission of Siam", from Khmer សៀម (Siem) referring to Siam (or Thailand) and រាប (reap) meaning "submissive, obedient, tame"... [more]
Siem Riep សៀម្រាប្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “Siam defeated” in Khmer.
Simbave ស៊ីមបាវេ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Zimbabwe.
Sip ស៊ីប (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Cyprus via the French form Chypre.
Sitni ស៊ីដនី (Settlement) Khmer, Thai
Khmer and Thai form of Sydney.
Sorin សុរិន្ទ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Surin.
Soumali សូម៉ាលី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Somalia via the French form Somalie.
Srey Langka ស្រីលង្កា (Country & Island) Khmer
Khmer form of Sri Lanka.
Stokkhoul ស្តុកខូល (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Stockholm.
Stung Treng ស្ទឹងត្រែង (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Means "river of reeds" from Khmer ស្ទឹង (stung) meaning "stream, small river" and ត្រែង (traeng) meaning "reed". This is the name of a province of, as well as a city in, Cambodia.
Stung Treng ស្ទឹង្ត្រែង្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “river of reeds” in Khmer.
Sudang ស៊ូដង់ (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Sudan via the French form Soudan.
Sudang ស៊ូដង់ (Country) Khmer, Lao
Khmer and Lao form of Sudan via the French form Soudan.
Suyaet ស៊ុយអែត (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Sweden via the French form Suède.
Svay Rieng ស្វាយ្រៀង្ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Svay Rieng ស្វាយរៀង (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Possibly from Khmer ស្វាយ (svay) meaning "mango" and រៀង (rieng) meaning "arrange, line up" or "sequential, consecutive, in order". This is the name of a province of, as well as a town in, Cambodia.
Svih ស្វីស (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Schweiz via the French form Suisse, used as the Khmer name of Switzerland.
Tachikisthan តាជីគីស្ថាន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Tajikistan.
Takaew តាកែវ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Khmer form of Takéo.
Takéo តាកែវ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “crystal grandfather” in Khmer.
Talin តាលីន (Settlement) Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Khmer, Macedonian, Persian, Serbian, Slovene, Urdu
Form of Tallinn used in numerous languages.
Tangzani តង់ហ្សានី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Tanzania via the French form Tanzanie.
Taskan តាស្កិន (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Tashkent.
Taype តៃប៉ិ (Settlement) Bulgarian, Khmer, Pashto, Persian
Bulgarian, Khmer and Pashto form of Taipei as well as an alternate transcription of Persian تایپه (see Taypeh).
Tayvan តៃវ៉ាន់ (Country & Island) Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Khmer, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Persian, Russian, Tajik, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Form of Taiwan used in multiple languages.
Tboung Khmum ត្បូង្ឃ្មុំ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means “amber” in Khmer.
Tboung Khmum ត្បូងឃ្មុំ (Political Subdivision) Khmer
Means "amber" in Khmer. This is the name of a province of Cambodia.
Teherang តេហេរ៉ង់ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Tehran.
Toukyou តូក្យូ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Tokyo.
Trach ត្រាច (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Trat.
Tripouli ទ្រីប៉ូលី (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Tripoli.
Tuokki តួកគី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Turkey via the French form Turquie.
Tuynih ទុយនីស (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Tunis.
Uykraen អ៊ុយក្រែន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Ukraine.
Vasouvi វ៉ាសូវី (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Warszawa (see Warsaw) via the French form Varsovie.
Vatikang វ៉ាទីកង់ (Country & Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Vatican.
Ve ហ្វេ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Huế.
Viangchan វៀងចន្ទន៍ (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Vientiane via the Thai form เวียงจันทน์ (Wiangchan).
Vietneam វៀតណាម (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Vietnam.
Viyen វីយែន (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Vienna.
Yeimen យេម៉ែន (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Yemen.
Zambi ហ្សំប៊ី (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Zambia via the French form Zambie.