Chinese Submitted Place Names

Chinese names are used in China and in Chinese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here. See also about Chinese names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aa Coi Baai Goeng 阿塞拜疆 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Azerbaijan.
Aa Fu Hon 阿富汗 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Afghanistan.
Aa Gan Ting 阿根廷 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Argentina.
Aai Coi Ngo Bei Aa 埃塞俄比亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Ethiopia.
Aa Ji Baa Nei Aa 阿爾巴尼亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Albania.
Aa Ji Kap Lei Aa 阿爾及利亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Algeria.
Aak Gwaa Do Ji 厄瓜多爾 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Ecuador.
Aa Maan 阿曼 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Oman.
Aa Mei Nei Aa 亞美尼亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Armenia.
Abirang 阿比让, 阿比讓 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Abidjan.
Abuhazi 阿布哈兹 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Abkhazia.
Abujia 阿布贾 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Abuja.
Abuzabi 阿布扎比 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Abu Dhabi.
Abuzabi 阿布扎比 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese, Persian, Tajik
Chinese, Persian and Tajik form of Abu Dhabi.
A-chiu 亚洲, 亞洲 (Region) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Yazhou.
Â-chû 亚洲, 亞洲 (Region) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Yazhou.
Ā-ciŭ 亚洲, 亞洲 (Region) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Yazhou.
A'erbaniya 阿尔巴尼亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Albania.
A'erji'er 阿尔及尔, 阿爾及爾 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Algiers.
Aerjiliya 阿尔及利亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Algeria.
A-fu-ghoe 阿富汗 (Country) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Afghanistan.
Afuhan 阿富汗 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Afghanistan.
Â-fu-hon 阿富汗 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Afghanistan.
Agenting 阿根廷 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Argentina.
A-hù-hān 阿富汗 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Min Nan form of Afghanistan.
Aidahe 爱达荷 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Idaho.
Àidīngbǎo 愛丁堡, 爱丁堡 (Settlement) Chinese
Mandarin Chinese form of Edinburgh.
Ai'erlan 爱尔兰 (Country & Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Ireland.
Aiji 埃及 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Egypt.
Âi-khi̍p 埃及 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Egypt.
Ailiwen 埃里温 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Yerevan.
Aisai'ebiya 埃塞俄比亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Ethiopia.
Aishaniya 爱沙尼亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Estonia.
Ài-teng-pó 愛丁堡 (Settlement) Taiwanese, Chinese (Hokkien)
Taiwanese and Hokkien form of Edinburgh.
Alamutu 阿拉木图 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Almaty.
Alasijia 阿拉斯加 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Alaska.
Alepo 阿勒颇, 阿勒頗 (Political Subdivision) Chinese, Georgian, Portuguese, Spanish
Chinese, Georgian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Aleppo.
Aman 阿曼 (Country) Belarusian, Chinese
Belarusian and Chinese form of Oman.
Â-muòng 厦门, 廈門 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Xiamen.
Amusitedan 阿姆斯特丹 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Amsterdam.
Andao'er 安道尔 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Andorra.
Andao'ercheng 安道尔城, 安道爾城 (Settlement) Chinese
From the name Andao'er and Chinese 城 (chéng) meaning "city". This is the Chinese name of Andorra La Vella.
Angela 安哥拉 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Angola.
Âng-mô͘-kiô 红毛桥, 紅毛橋 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Ang Mo Kio.
Ankala 安卡拉 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Ankara.
Anman 安曼 (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Burmese, Chinese, Japanese
Burmese, Chinese and Japanese form of Amman.
Anqing 安庆, 安慶 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "peace, quiet" and 庆 (qìng) meaning "congratulate, celebrate"... [more]
Aodaliya 澳大利亚 (Country & Region) Chinese
Chinese form of Australia.
Aodili 奥地利 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of German Österreich (see Austria).
Aolunbao 奥伦堡, 奧倫堡 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Orenburg.
Aomen 澳门, 澳門 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Means "bay gate" from Chinese 澳 (ào) meaning "inlet, bay, deep cove" and 门 (mén) meaning "gate, door". This is the Chinese name for Macau.
Aosaiti 奥塞梯 (Political Subdivision & Region) Chinese
Chinese form of Ossetia.
Aosetiya 奧塞提亞 (Political Subdivision & Region) Taiwanese
Chinese form of Ossetia chiefly used in Taiwan.
Aosilu 奥斯陆, 奧斯陸 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Oslo.
Asaibaijiang 阿塞拜疆 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Azerbaijan.
Asamu 阿萨姆, 阿薩姆 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Assam.
Ashihabade 阿什哈巴德 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Ashgabat.
Asimala 阿斯马拉, 阿斯馬拉 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Asmara.
Asitana 阿斯塔纳 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Astana.
Au-chiu 欧洲, 歐洲 (Region) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Ouzhou.
Au-men 澳门, 澳門 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Aomen.
Au-mùn 澳门, 澳門 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Aomen.
Au Zau 欧洲, 歐洲 (Region) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Ouzhou.
Ayutuoye 阿瑜陀耶 (Country & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Ayutthaya.
Baa Gei Si Taan 巴基斯坦 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Pakistan.
Baak Ngo Lo Si 白俄羅斯 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Belarus.
Baa Laai Gwai 巴拉圭 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Paraguay.
Baa Lam 巴林 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Bahrain.
Baa Sai 巴西 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Brazil.
Babaduosi 巴巴多斯 (Island & Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Barbados.
Babilun 巴比伦, 巴比倫 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Babylon.
Báe̤k-gĭng 北京 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Beijing.
Bageda 巴格达, 巴格達 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Baghdad.
Bă̤-géng 北京 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei romanization of Beijing.
Bag Gian 北京 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Beijing.
Bahama 巴哈马, 巴哈馬 (Country) Bengali, Chinese, Estonian, Finnish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Uyghur
Form of Bahamas used in various languages.
Bahama 巴哈马, 巴哈馬 (Country) Bengali, Chinese, Estonian, Finnish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Persian
Form of Bahamas used in various languages.
Bai'eluosi 白俄罗斯 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Belarus.
Baishawa 白沙瓦 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Peshawar.
Bajisitan 巴基斯坦 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Pakistan.
Bak Ging 北京 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Beijing.
Balagui 巴拉圭 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Paraguay.
Balesitan 巴勒斯坦 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Palestine.
Bali 巴黎 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Paris.
Bālúnxīyà 巴伦西亚/巴倫西亞 (Settlement) Chinese
Mandarin Chinese form of Valencia.
Bamake 巴马科, 巴馬科 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bamako.
Banzhu'er 班珠尔, 班珠爾 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Banjul.
Baoding 保定 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 保 (bǎo) meaning "protection" and 定 (dìng) meaning "stable". This is the name of a city just south of Beijing in Hebei province.
Baojialiya 保加利亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Bulgaria.
Basailuona 巴塞罗那, 巴塞羅那 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Barcelona.
Bashike'ertuositan 巴什科尔托斯坦 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Bashkortostan.
Bāsī 巴斯 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bath.
Bat Daan 不丹 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Bhutan.
Baxi 巴西 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Brazil.
Baxiliya 巴西利亚, 巴西利亞 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Brasília.
Bèi'ěrfǎsītè 貝爾法斯特 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Belfast
Bei'ergelaide 贝尔格莱德, 貝爾格萊德 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Belgrade.
Beihaidao 北海道 (Political Subdivision & Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Hokkaido.
Bei Lei Si 比利時 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Belgium.
Bei Lou 秘魯 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Peru.
Beilute 贝鲁特, 貝魯特 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Beirut.
Be̍k-se-ko 墨西哥 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Mexico, referring only to the country.
Bián-tiān 緬甸 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Myanmar.
Bí-kok 美国, 美國 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Meiguo.
Bilishi 比利时 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Belgium.
Bilu 秘鲁 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Peru.
Bincheng 槟城 (Political Subdivision & Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Penang.
Bingdao 冰岛 (Country & Island) Chinese
Means "ice island" from Chinese 冰 (bīng) meaning "ice" and 島 (dǎo) meaning "island". This is the Chinese name for Iceland.
Bìng-iōng 平壤 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Pyongyang.
Bin-gnan 平壤 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Pyongyang.
Bin-nyan 平壤 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Pyongyang.
Bishikaike 比什凯克 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bishkek.
Boán-chiu 满洲, 滿洲 (Region) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Manzhou.
Bo'en 伯恩 (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Bern chiefly used in Taiwan.
Bo'erni 伯尔尼, 伯爾尼 (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Bern chiefly used in Mainland China.
Bo̍k-su-kho 莫斯科 (Settlement & River) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Mosike.
Bo Laan 波蘭 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Poland.
Bolan 波兰 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Poland.
Bólín 柏林 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Berlin.
Boliu 帛琉 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Palau.
Boliweiya 玻利维亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Bolivia.
Boluoniya 博洛尼亚, 博洛尼亞 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bologna.
Bominghan 伯明翰 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Birmingham.
Bosiniya he Heisaigewina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bou Gaa Lei Aa 保加利亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Bulgaria.
Budan 不丹 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Bhutan.
Budapeisi 布达佩斯, 布達佩斯 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Budapest.
Buhala 布哈拉 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bukhara.
Bú-hàn 武汉, 武漢 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Wuhan.
Bujialesite 布加勒斯特 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bucharest.
Bú-kiat Pan-jiōng 武吉班让, 武吉班讓 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Bukit Panjang.
Bulage 布拉格 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Prague.
Buliedian 不列颠, 不列顛 (Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Britain.
Bùlǐsītuō'ěr 布里斯托爾 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bristol.
Bulusai'er 布鲁塞尔, 布魯塞爾 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Brussels.
Bu̍t-lo̍k 勿洛 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Bedok.
Cá̤-nàng 济南, 濟南 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Jinan.
Cên Dao 青岛, 青島 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Qingdao.
Changan (Settlement) Chinese
Changan was the capital of the Tang dynasty from A.D 618 to A.D 907. It was even the largest city in the world. But it was lost due to rebellion and invasion.
Changqi 长崎, 長崎 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nagasaki.
Changsha 长沙, 長沙 (Settlement) Chinese
Means "long sandbar" from Chinese 长 (cháng) meaning "long" and 沙 (shā) meaning "sand, gravel"... [more]
Changye 长野, 長野 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nagano.
Changye 长野, 長野 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nagano.
Chechen 车臣 (Political Subdivision) Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Persian
Form of Chechnya.
Chè-lâm 济南, 濟南 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Jinan.
Chengdu 成都 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 成 (chéng) meaning "completed, finished, succeeded" and 都 (dū) meaning "capital city, large city", supposedly named during the city's founding by the ninth king of the Kaiming dyntasty of the ancient state of Shu... [more]
Chheng-hái 青海 (Body of Water & Political Subdivision) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Qinghai.
Chheng-tó 青岛, 青島 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Qingdao.
Chhiáng-chû 郑州, 鄭州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Zhengzhou.
Chhiâng-hói 青海 (Body of Water & Political Subdivision) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Qinghai.
Chhièn-chû 泉州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Quanzhou.
Chhim-chùn 深圳 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Shenzhen.
Chhòng-sâ 长沙, 長沙 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Changsha.
Chhṳ̂m-chun 深圳 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Shenzhen.
Chhùng-khin 重庆, 重慶 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Chongqing.
Chiang-chiu 漳州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Zhangzhou.
Chi-nàm 济南, 濟南 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Jinan.
Chĭng-dáung 深圳 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Shenzhen.
Chĭng-dō̤ 青岛, 青島 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Qingdao.
Chĭng-hāi 青海 (Body of Water & Political Subdivision) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Qinghai.
Choân-chiu 泉州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Quanzhou.
Chông-chû 漳州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Zhangzhou.
Chongqing 重庆, 重慶 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 重 (chóng) meaning "repeat, duplicate" and 庆 (qìng) meaning "congratulate, celebrate"... [more]
Chongsheng 冲绳, 沖繩 (Political Subdivision, Settlement & Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Okinawa.
Chûng-koet 中国 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Zhongguo.
Chûng-sân 中山 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Zhongshan.
Ciang Sa 长沙, 長沙 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Changsha.
Cing Dou 青岛, 青島 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Qingdao.
Ci-noe 济南, 濟南 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Jinan.
Ciòng-ciŭ 泉州 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Quanzhou.
Ciŏng-ciŭ 漳州 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Zhangzhou.
Ciōng-huǒi 上海 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei romanization of Shanghai.
Coeng Saa 长沙, 長沙 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Changsha.
Coi Ji Wai Aa 塞爾維亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Serbia.
Cûing-ciú 泉州 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei romanization of Quanzhou.
Cung Hing 重庆, 重慶 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Chongqing.
Cyun Zau 泉州 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Quanzhou.
Daai Lin 大连, 大連 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Dalian.
Daan Mak 丹麦, 丹麥 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Denmark.
Daban 大阪 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Osaka.
Dadasitan 鞑靼斯坦 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Tatarstan.
Dài-báe̤k 台北 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Taibei.
Dài-dṳ̆ng 台中, 臺中 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Taichung.
Dáik-guók 德国, 德國 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Deguo.
Dai Liang 大连, 大連 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Dalian.
Dâi-lièng 大连, 大連 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Dalian.
Dai Liêng 大连, 大連 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Dalian.
Daka'er 达喀尔, 達喀爾 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Dakar.
Dak Gwok 德國 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Deguo.
Dalansala 达兰萨拉, 達蘭薩拉 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Dharamshala.
Dalian 大连, 大連 (Settlement) Chinese
Ultimately from the name of the Russian settlement Дальний (Dalniyy) literally meaning "far, distant", a reference to the town's location. This is the name of a city in China.
Damashige 大马士革, 大馬士革 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Damascus.
Dâng-ciŭ 郑州, 鄭州 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Zhengzhou.
Dang Gian 东京, 東京 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew form of Tokyo.
Dang Guang 东莞, 東莞 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Dongguan.
Danmai 丹麦, 丹麥 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Denmark.
Daqiu 大邱 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Daegu.
Datian 大田 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Daejeon and Ōda (both derived from the same Chinese roots).
Dat Nei Sai Aa 突尼西亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Tunisia.
Dayangzhou 大洋洲 (Region) Chinese
From Chinese 大洋 (dàyáng) meaning "ocean, sea" and 洲 (zhōu) meaning "continent, island". This is the Chinese name for Oceania.
Deguo 德国 (Country) Chinese
From Chinese 德 (Dé), a short form of 德意志 (Déyìzhì), a name for Germany, and 国 (guó) meaning "country". This is the modern Chinese name for Germany.
Deheilan 德黑兰 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Tehran.
Deli 德里 (Settlement) Armenian, Belarusian, Burmese, Chinese, Georgian, Kazakh, Khmer, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lao, Mongolian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, Turkmen, Ukrainian
Form of Delhi used in numerous languages.
Dé̤ng-gŏ 中国, 中國 (Country) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei romanization of Zhongguo.
Dengjialou 登嘉楼 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Terengganu, chosen specifically for the characters 登 (dēng) meaning "rise, ascend", 嘉 (jiā) meaning "excellent", and 樓 (lóu) meaning "floor, level"... [more]
Dĕ̤ng-uāng 东莞, 東莞 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Dongguan.
Dên Ziu 郑州, 鄭州 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Zhengzhou.
De-poq 台北, 臺北 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Taipei.
De-tson 台中, 臺中 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Taichung.
Dezhou 德州 (Settlement) Chinese
Dibilisi 第比利斯 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Tbilisi.
Dilana 地拉那 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Tirana.
Diliboli 的黎波里 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Tripoli.
Diòng-să 长沙, 長沙 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Changsha.
Dô̤ng-gŏ 中國 (Country) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei romanization of Zhongguo.
Dong Gog 中國 (Country) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Zhongguo.
Dongguan 东莞, 東莞 (Settlement) Chinese
Means "eastern bulrushes" from Chinese 东 (dōng) meaning "east" and 莞 (guān) meaning "bulrush" (a type of plant; genus Schoenoplectus)... [more]
Dongjia 東加 (Country) Taiwanese
Chinese form of Tonga chiefly used in Taiwan.
Dubolin 都柏林 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Dublin.
Duling 都灵, 都靈 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Turin.
Dŭng-gĭng 东京 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Tokyo.
Dung Ging 東京 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Tokyo.
Dung Gun 东莞, 東莞 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Dongguan.
Dṳ̆ng-guók 中國 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Zhongguo.
Dṳ̆ng-săng 中山 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Zhongshan.
Duoge 多哥 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Togo.
Duominijia Gongheguo 多米尼加共和国, 多米尼加共和國 (Country) Chinese
Chinese calque of Dominican Republic.
Duonao 多瑙 (River) Chinese
Chinese form of Danube via the German form Donau.
East China Sea (Body of Water) Chinese, English
Name of a Sea, it is called this because it is east of China.
É-dâi-lé 意大利 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Italy.
Eguaduo'er 厄瓜多尔 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Ecuador.
Elegang 俄勒冈 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Oregon.
Eliteliya 厄立特里亚, 厄立特里亞 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Eritrea.
Eluosi 俄罗斯, 俄羅斯 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Russia, borrowed from Manchu ᠣᡵᠣᠰ (oros) meaning "Russian".
Ē-mn̂g 厦门, 廈門 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Xiamen.
Ê Mung 厦门, 廈門 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Xiamen.
En (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness; mercy; charity." It is the name of three villages in China (in Hebei, in Guangxi, and in Guangdong).
Éng-dô 印度 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Yindu.
Éng-dô-nà̤-să̤-ā 印度尼西亚, 印度尼西亞 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Indonesia.
Éng-gŏ 英国, 英國 (Country) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei romanization of Yingguo.
Êng Gog 英国, 英國 (Country) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Yingguo.
Eng-kok 英国, 英國 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Yingguo.
Enjiameina 恩贾梅纳, 恩賈梅納 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of N'djamena.
Êu-chû 欧洲, 歐洲 (Region) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Ouzhou.
Ĕu-ciŭ 欧洲, 歐洲 (Region) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Ouzhou.
Eu-tseu 欧洲, 歐洲 (Region) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Ouzhou.
Faat Gwok 法國 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Faguo.
Faguo 法国 (Country) Chinese
From Chinese 法 (Fǎ), a shortened form of 法兰西 (Fǎlánxī) or (Fàlánxī), a poetic name for France, and 国 (guó) meaning "country"... [more]
Fǎlánkèfú 法蘭克福 (Settlement) Chinese
Mandarin Chinese form of Frankfurt.
Fan Laan 芬蘭 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Finland.
Fap-koet 法国, 法國 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Faguo.
Faq-koq 法国, 法國 (Country) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Faguo.
Fat Saan 佛山 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Foshan.
Fei Leot Ban 菲律賓 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Philippines.
Fei Zau 非洲 (Region) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Feizhou.
Feizhou 非洲 (Region) Chinese
From Chinese 非 (fēi) referring to Africa (from a shortened form of the older name 阿非利加 (Āfēilìjiā)) and 洲 (zhōu) meaning "continent". This is the Chinese name for Africa.
Fenlan 芬兰 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Finland.
Fî-chû 非洲 (Region) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Feizhou.
Fî-li̍t-pîn 菲律宾 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Philippines.
Fi-tseu 非洲 (Region) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Feizhou.
Foluolida 佛罗里达 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Florida.
Foluolunsa 佛罗伦萨, 佛羅倫薩 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Florentia (see Florence).
Fomengte 佛蒙特 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Vermont.
Foq-tseu 福州 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Fuzhou.
Foshan 佛山 (Settlement) Chinese
Literally means "Buddha mountain" from Chinese 佛 (fó) referring to the Buddha and 山 (shān) meaning "mountain"... [more]
Fo Sok Juk 科索沃 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Kosovo.
Fo Wai Dak 科威特 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Kuwait.
Fugang 福冈, 福岡 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Fukuoka.
Fuk-chû 福州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Fuzhou.
Fuk Zau 福州 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Fuzhou.
Fuladiwosituoke 符拉迪沃斯托克 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Vladivostok.
Funan 扶南 (Country) Chinese, Khmer, English
Meaning uncertain, possibly from a Chinese transcription of Khmer ភ្នំ (phnum) meaning "mountain". This was the name of an ancient kingdom (or group of kingdoms) that existed on mainland Southeast Asia from the 1st to 6th centuries.
Funan 扶南 (Country) Chinese, Khmer, Thai, English
Meaning uncertain, possibly from a Chinese transcription of Khmer ភ្នំ (phnum) meaning "mountain". This was the name of an ancient kingdom (or group of kingdoms) that existed on mainland Southeast Asia from the 1st to 6th centuries.
Fu̍t-sân 佛山 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Foshan.
Fuzhou 福州 (Settlement) Chinese
Means "blessed prefecture" from Chinese 福 () meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing" and 州 (zhōu) meaning "province, prefecture"... [more]
Gaak Lou Gat Aa 格魯吉亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Georgia 1.
Gaa Naa Daai 加拿大 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Canada.
Gaan Bou Zaai 柬埔寨 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Kampuchea (see Cambodia).
Gàdé'ěr 噶德尔 (Settlement) Chinese
Mandarin Chinese form of Cádiz.
Gaiyana 盖亚那, 蓋亞那 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Guyana.
Galèih 加萊, 加來 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Calais.
Gan 贛江 (River) Chinese
"Circuit" of "Western" Jiangnan
Gàoluóshìdă 告羅士打 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Gloucester.
Gat Ji Gat Si 吉爾吉斯 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Kyrgyzstan.
Gat Lung Bo 吉隆坡 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Kuala Lumpur.
Gebenhagen 哥本哈根 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Copenhagen.
Gelinglan 格陵兰 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Greenland.
Gelinnada 格林纳达 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Grenada.
Gelujiya 格鲁吉亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Georgia 1 (the country).
Geluozini 格罗兹尼 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Grozny.
Gemo 葛摩 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Comoros.
Geng Dang 广东, 廣東 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Guangdong.
Geng Ziu 广州, 廣州 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Guangzhou.
Geruinada 格瑞那達 (Country) Taiwanese
Chinese form of Grenada chiefly used in Taiwan.
Ghaon-tseu 杭州 (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Hangzhou.
Ging Dou 京都 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Kyoto.