Chinese Submitted Place Names

Chinese names are used in China and in Chinese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Chinese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here. See also about Chinese names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Mojiadixiu 摩加迪休 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Mogadishu.
Mo Ji Do Ngaa 摩爾多瓦 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Moldova.
Mo Lok Go 摩洛哥 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Morocco.
Moluoge 摩洛哥 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Morocco.
Moluoni 莫洛尼 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Moroni.
Monage 摩纳哥 (Country & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Monaco.
Mosangbike 莫桑比克 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Mozambique.
Mosike 莫斯科 (Settlement & River) Chinese
Chinese form of Moscow.
Mou Hon 武汉, 武漢 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Wuhan.
Mou Lei Taap Nei Aa 毛里塔尼亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Mauritania.
Moxige 墨西哥 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Mexico, referring only to the country.
Moxigecheng 墨西哥城 (Settlement) Chinese
From the name Moxige and Chinese 城 (chéng) meaning "city". This is the Chinese name for Mexico City.
Muāng-ciŭ 满洲, 滿洲 (Region) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Manzhou.
Mui Gog 美国, 美國 (Country) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Meiguo.
Mung Gu 蒙古 (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Mongolia.
Mùng-kú 蒙古 (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Mongolia.
Mun Zau 满洲, 滿洲 (Region) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Manzhou.
Naam Fei 南非 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Nanfei.
Naam Ging 南京 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Nanjing.
Nabulesi 那不勒斯 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Naples.
Naibiduo 奈比多 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Naypyidaw.
Nailiang 奈良 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nara.
Nailuobi 奈洛比 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nairobi.
Nàm-fî 南非 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Nanfei.
Nàm-kîn 南京 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Nanjing.
Nanbang 楠榜 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Lampung.
Nanfei 南非 (Country) Chinese
From Chinese 南 (nán) meaning "south" and 非 (fēi), a short form of Feizhou. This is the Chinese name of South Africa.
Nàng-gĭng 南京 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Nanjing.
Nàng-hĭ 南非 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Nanfei.
Nanjing 南京 (Settlement) Chinese
Means "southern capital" from Chinese 南 (nán) meaning "south" and 京 (jīng) meaning "capital city". This is the name of a city in China.
Nanjizhou 南极洲, 南極洲 (Region) Chinese
From Chinese 南极 (Nánjí) referring to the South Pole and 洲 (zhōu) meaning "continent, island". This is the Chinese name for Antarctica.
Nau Joek 纽约, 紐約 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of New York.
Neibidu 内比都 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Naypyidaw.
Nei Bok Ji 尼泊爾 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Nepal.
Neibulasijia 内布拉斯加 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Nebraska.
Nei Gaa Laai Gwaa 尼加拉瓜 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Nicaragua.
Neihuada 内华达 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Nevada.
Neiluobi 内罗毕, 內羅畢 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nairobi.
Nèn-ha 宁夏 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Ningxia.
Ngaa Gaa Daat 雅加达, 耶加達 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Jakarta.
Ngá-ka-ta̍t 雅加達 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Jakarta.
Ngi̍t-pún 日本 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Nippon.
Ngoidìngbóu 愛丁堡 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Edinburgh.
Ngo Lo Se 俄罗斯, 俄羅斯 (Country) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Eluosi.
Ngo Lo Si 俄羅斯 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Russia.
Ngò̤-lò̤-sṳ̆ 俄罗斯, 俄羅斯 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Eluosi.
Ngò-lò-sṳ̂ 俄罗斯, 俄羅斯 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Russia.
Ngu-lu-sr 俄罗斯, 俄羅斯 (Country) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Eluosi.
Nibo'er 尼泊尔 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Nepal.
Nì-bǒ̤ng 日本 (Country) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei form of Nippon.
Nijialagua 尼加拉瓜 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Nicaragua.
Nĭk-buōng 日本 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Nippon.
Nìng-hâ 宁夏 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Ningxia.
Ning Haa 寧夏 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Ningxia.
Ningxia 宁夏, 寧夏 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
From Chinese 宁 (níng) meaning "peaceful, calm, serene" and 夏 (xià) referring to the Western Xia, an empire that existed from 1038 to 1227... [more]
Niuxilan 纽西兰, 紐西蘭 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of New Zealand, primarily used in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Niuyue 纽约, 紐約 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of New York.
Noe-cin 南京 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Nanjing.
Noe-fi 南非 (Country) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Nanfei.
No Wai 挪威 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Norway.
Nu'er-Sudan 努尔-苏丹 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nur-Sultan.
Nuke 努克 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nuuk.
Nuowei 挪威 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Norway.
Nuwakexiaote 努瓦克肖特 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Nouakchott.
Oa̍t-lâm 越南 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Vietnam.
Ŏ̤-hô-gâng 阿富汗 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Afghanistan.
Oi Kap 埃及 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Egypt.
Oi Saa Nei Aa 愛沙尼亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Estonia.
Ò-mn̂g 澳门, 澳門 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Aomen.
O Mung 澳门, 澳門 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Aomen.
Ó̤-muòng 澳门, 澳門 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Aomen.
Ò̤-nàng 河南 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Henan.
On Dou Ji 安道爾 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Andorra.
On Go Laai 安哥拉 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Angola.
Ou Dei Lei 奧地利 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Austria.
Ou Mun 澳门, 澳門 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Aomen.
Ouzhou 欧洲, 歐洲 (Region) Chinese
From Chinese 欧 (ōu) referring to Europe (from an abbreviation of the archaic name 欧罗巴 (Ōuluóbā) derived from Greek Εὐρώπη) and 洲 (zhōu) meaning "continent"... [more]
Palao 帕劳, 帕勞 (Country) Chinese, Thai
Chinese and Thai form of Palau.
Pêng-jiáng 平壤 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Pyongyang.
Pêng-jióng 平壤 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Taiwanese Hokkien form of Pyongyang.
Pet-kîn 北京 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Beijing.
Pili 霹雳 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Perak.
Ping Joeng 平壤 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Pyongyang.
Pingrang 平壤 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Pyongyang.
Pingyu (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Poq Jin 北京 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Beijing.
Pou Tou Ngaa 葡萄牙 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Portugal.
Puji 普吉 (Political Subdivision, Settlement & Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Phuket.
Qiantadi 前塔底 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 前 (qián) meaning "front," 塔 (tǎ) meaning "tower," and 底 (dǐ) meaning "base" (literally "base of the front tower")... [more]
Qiaozhi Shi 乔治市, 喬治市 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese calque of George Town.
Qiaozhiya 喬治亞 (Country & Political Subdivision) Taiwanese
Chinese form of Georgia 1 or Georgia 2 chiefly used in Taiwan.
Qingdao 青岛, 青島 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 青 (qīng) meaning "blue, green, young" and 岛 (dǎo) meaning "island". This is the name of a city in China.
Qinghai 青海 (Body of Water & Political Subdivision) Chinese, English
From Chinese 青 (qīng) meaning "blue, green" and 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean". This is the name of a lake in as well as a province of China (the province is directly named after the lake).
Qingxiangping 清香坪 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
From Chinese 清香 (qīngxiāng) meaning "delicate fragrance" and 坪 (píng) meaning "flatland," referring to the scent of local trees and the area's geography. It is the name of a subdistrict in Sichuan, China.
Qiyu 埼玉 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Saitama.
Quanzhou 泉州 (Settlement) Chinese
Literally means "spring prefecture" from Chinese 泉 (quán) meaning "spring, fountain" (also referring to the ancient prefecture of Quan) and 州 (zhōu) meaning "province, prefecture"... [more]
Quyang 曲阳, 曲陽 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 曲 (qū) meaning "song" and 阳 (yáng) meaning "light, son, male." It is the name of a county in Hebei, and a historical county and a modern township and village in Jiangsu.
Renaya 热那亚, 熱那亞 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Genoa.
Renchuan 仁川 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Incheon.
Rig Bung 日本 (Country) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew form of Nippon.
Rineiwa 日内瓦, 日內瓦 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Geneva.
Roufo 柔佛 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Johor.
Ruidan 瑞典 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Sweden.
Ruishi 瑞士 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Schweiz via French Suisse, used as the Chinese name for Switzerland.
Ruokai 若开 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Rakhine.
Să̤-ăng 西安 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Xi'an.
Sa'erwaduo 萨尔瓦多 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of El Salvador.
Sagelebu 萨格勒布, 薩格勒布 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Zagreb.
Sai Baan Ngaa 西班牙 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Hispania (see Spain).
Saineijia'er 塞内加尔 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Senegal.
Sai On 西安 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Xi'an.
Saipulesi 赛普勒斯, 賽普勒斯 (Island & Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Cyprus.
Saipulusi 塞浦路斯 (Island & Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Cyprus.
Saisaluoniji 塞萨洛尼基, 塞薩洛尼基 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Thessaloniki.
Saishe'er 塞舌尔 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Seychelles.
Sai Soeng Baan Naap 西双版纳, 西雙版納 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Xishuangbanna.
Saiweiliya 塞维利亚, 塞維利亞 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Seville.
Salarewo 萨拉热窝 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Sarajevo.
Sama'erhan 撒马尔罕, 撒馬爾罕 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Samarkand.
Sam Joeng 沈阳, 瀋陽 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Shenyang.
Sam Zan 深圳 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Shenzhen.
Sana 萨那, 薩那 (Settlement) Albanian, Amharic, Belarusian, Bengali, Chinese, Croatian, Georgian, Hindi, Icelandic, Japanese, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Thai, Turkmen, Ukrainian
Form of Sanaa used in numerous languages. It can also be an alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji サナア (see Sanā).
Sanbaolong 三宝垄 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Semarang.
Sanfoqi 三佛齐 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Srivijaya.
San Goeng 新疆 (Political Subdivision & Region) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Xinjiang.
Sanya 三亚, 三亞 (Settlement) Chinese
Meaning unclear, perhaps derived from a Hlai name meaning "field with crows", from dax meaning "field, farmland" and eek meaning "crow". This is the name of a Chinese city on the island of Hainan.
Sau Ji 首爾 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Seoul.
Se-an 西安 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Xi'an.
Sei Cyun 四川 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Sichuan.
Séng-gá-pó̤ 新加坡 (Country, Settlement & Island) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei form of Singapore.
Sêng-to͘ 成都 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Chengdu.
Seoi Din 瑞典 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Sweden.
Seoi Si 瑞士 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Schweiz via French Suisse, used as the Cantonese name for Switzerland.
Seon Faa 顺化, 順化 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Shunhua.
Sé̤ṳ-chiŏng 四川 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Sichuan.
Sha Anan 莎阿南 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Shah Alam.
Shaba 沙巴 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Sabah.
Shandagen 山打根 (Political Subdivision, Region & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese Mandarin form of Sandakan.
Shanxi (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Shanxi 山西 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Cantonese)
From Cantonese 山 (shan) “mountain”, and 西 (xi) “west”. The name put together means “west of the mountains”. More specifically, the Taihang Mountains.
Shate Alabo 沙特阿拉伯 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Saudi Arabia.
Shelazi 设拉子, 設拉子 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Shiraz.
Shengmalinuo 圣马力诺, 聖馬力諾 (Country & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of San Marino.
Shenhu 神户, 神戶 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Kobe (via an orthographic borrowing).
Shenyang 沈阳, 瀋陽 (Settlement) Chinese
Means "sunny side of the Shen River", from Chinese 沈 (shěn) referring to the Hun River (previously known as the Shen) and 阳 (yáng) meaning "light, sun"... [more]
Shenzhen 深圳 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 深 (shēn) meaning "deep" and 圳 (zhèn) meaning "furrow, drainage, ditch". This is the name of a city in China.
Shijiazhuang 石家庄 (Region) Chinese
The capital city of Hebei province.
Shin-ka-phu 新加坡 (Country, Settlement & Island) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Singapore.
Shou'er 首尔 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Seoul.
Shunhua 顺化, 順化 (Settlement) Chinese
The Chinese name for the Vietnamese city of Huế, derived from the city's historical name, 順化 (Thuận Hoá).
Siang Hai 上海 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Shanghai.
Si-chhôn 四川 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Sichuan.
Sichuan 四川 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Means "four rivers" in Chinese, from 四 () meaning "four" and 川 (chuān) meaning "river, stream"... [more]
Sidege'ermo 斯德哥尔摩, 斯德哥爾摩 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Stockholm.
Sikepuli 斯科普里 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Skopje.
Si Lei Laan Kaa 斯里蘭卡 (Country & Island) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Sri Lanka.
Si-li-â 叙利亚, 敘利亞 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Syria.
Sili Bajiawan 斯里巴加湾 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bandar Seri Begawan.
Sili Jiayawadenapula Kete 斯里贾亚瓦德纳普拉科特, 斯里賈亞瓦德納普拉科特 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.
Sililanka 斯里兰卡 (Country & Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Sri Lanka.
Silinajia 斯利那加 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Srinagar.
Si Lok Fat Hak 斯洛伐克 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Slovakia.
Si Lok Man Nei Aa 斯洛文尼亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Slovenia.
Siluofake 斯洛伐克 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Slovakia.
Siluowenniya 斯洛文尼亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Slovenia.
Sím-iông 沈阳, 瀋陽 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Shenyang.
Sing Dou 成都 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Chengdu.
Sìng-dŭ 成都 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Chengdu.
Sing Gaa Bo 星加坡 (Country, Settlement & Island) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Singapore.
Sing Gia Bo 新加坡 (Country, Settlement & Island) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew form of Singapore.
Sĭng-giŏng 新疆 (Political Subdivision & Region) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Xinjiang.
Sīng-iòng 沈阳, 瀋陽 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Shenyang.
Sîn-kâ-pô 新加坡 (Country, Settlement & Island) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Singapore.
Sîn-kiông 新疆 (Political Subdivision & Region) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Xinjiang.
Sin-kiong 新疆 (Political Subdivision & Region) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Xinjiang.
Sî-ôn 西安 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Xi'an.
Siông-hāi 上海 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Shanghai.
Siōng-hái 上海 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Shanghai.
So͘-chiu 苏州, 蘇州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Suzhou.
Soeng Hoi 上海 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Shanghai.
Sok Maa Lei 索馬里 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Somalia.
Sông-hói 上海 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Shanghai.
Sou Daan 蘇丹 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Sudan.
Sou Gaak Laan 苏格兰, 蘇格蘭 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Scotland.
Sou Zau 苏州, 蘇州 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Suzhou.
Sou Ziu 苏州, 蘇州 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Suzhou.
Sù-chhoan 四川 (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Sichuan.
Sû-chû 苏州, 蘇州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Suzhou.
Sŭ-ciŭ 苏州, 蘇州 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Suzhou.
Sugelan 苏格兰, 蘇格蘭 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Scotland.
Sulaweixi 苏拉威西 (Political Subdivision & Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Sulawesi.
Sulinan 苏里南, 苏利南, 蘇里南, 蘇利南 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Suriname.
Sumendala 苏门答腊 (Political Subdivision & Island) Chinese
Chinese form of Sumatra.
Sṳ́m-yòng 沈阳, 瀋陽 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Shenyang.
Sṳ̀n-tû 成都 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Chengdu.
Suofeiya 索菲亚, 索非亚, 索菲亞, 索非亞 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Sofia.
Suomali 索马里 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Somalia.
Suomaliya 索馬利亞 (Country) Taiwanese
Chinese form of Somalia chiefly used in Taiwan.
Su-tseu 苏州, 蘇州 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Suzhou.
Suwa 苏瓦, 蘇瓦 (Settlement) Chinese, Lao, Thai
Chinese, Lao and Thai form of Suva.
Suzhou 苏州, 蘇州 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 苏 (sū) referring to Mount Gusu and 州 (zhōu) meaning "province, prefecture". This is the name of a city in China.
Taai Gwok 泰国, 泰國 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Taiguo.
Taaisaan 泰山 (Mountain) Chinese (Cantonese)
The Cantonese name of both “Mt Tai” and Tarzan.
Taan Song Nei Aa 坦桑尼亞 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Tanzania.
Taap Gat Hak 塔吉克 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Tajikistan.
Taibei 台北, 臺北 (Settlement) Chinese, Korean
Chinese and Korean form of Taipei.
Tai Gog 泰国, 泰國 (Country) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Taiguo.
Taiguo 泰国, 泰國 (Country) Chinese
From Chinese 泰 (tài) meaning "Thai, Thailand" and 国 (guó) meaning "country". This is the Chinese name for Thailand.
Tái-guók 泰国, 泰國 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Taiguo.
Tāi-liân 大连, 大連 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Dalian.
Tâi-pak 台北, 臺北 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Taibei.
Taishan 泰山 (Mountain) Chinese
Literally means “exalted mountain”. It is also the Mandarin Chinese name of Tarzan.
Tâi-tiong 台中, 臺中 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Taichung.
Taizhong 台中, 臺中 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Taichung.
Talin 塔林 (Settlement) Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Khmer, Macedonian, Persian, Serbian, Slovene, Urdu
Form of Tallinn used in numerous languages.
Tangjia 汤加 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Tonga.
Tang-kiaⁿ 东京 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Tokyo.
Tansangniya 坦桑尼亚 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Tanzania.
Tashigan 塔什干 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Tashkent via Manchu ᡨ᠋ᠠᠰᡳᡤᠠᠨ (tasigan).
Tēⁿ-chiu 郑州, 鄭州 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Zhengzhou.
Tek-kok 德国, 德國 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Deguo.
Telaweifu 特拉维夫, 特拉維夫 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Tel Aviv.
Teq-koq 德国, 德國 (Country) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Deguo.
Tet-koet 德国, 德國 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Deguo.
Thai-koet 泰国, 泰國 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Taiguo.
Thài-kok 泰国, 泰國 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Taiguo.
Thaisan 泰山 (Mountain) Chinese (Hokkien)
The Hokkien name of both “Mt Tai” and Tarzan.
Tha-koq 泰国, 泰國 (Country) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Taiguo.
Thian-chin 天津 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Tianjin.
Thi-cin 天津 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Tianjin.
Thiên-chîn 天津 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Tianjin.
Thòi-chûng 台中, 臺中 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Taichung.
Thòi-pet 台北 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Taibei.
Thú-ngí-khì 土耳其 (Country) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Turkey.
Tiāng-ciú 郑州, 鄭州 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei romanization of Zhengzhou.
Tiang Zing 天津 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Tianjin.
Tianjin 天津 (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven" and 津 (jīn) meaning "ferry, ford". This is the name of a city in China.
Tiannaxi 田纳西 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Tennessee.
Tiĕng-cĭng 天津 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Tianjin.
Tiêng Zing 天津 (Settlement) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew romanization of Tianjin.
Tiger Leaping 虎跳峡 (River & Other) Chinese
Tiger Leaping Gorge is a canyon of the Jinsha River.... [more]
Tingbu 廷布 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Thimphu.
Tin Zeon 天津 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Tianjin.
Tiông-khèng 重庆, 重慶 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Chongqing.
Tiong-kok 中國 (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Zhongguo.
Tiông-sa 长沙, 長沙 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Changsha.
Tiong-san 中山 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Zhongshan.
Tn̂g-soa 长沙, 長沙 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Taiwanese Hokkien romanization of Changsha.
Toi Bak 臺北 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Taibei.
Toi Zung 台中, 臺中 (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Taichung.
Ton-cin 东京, 東京 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Tokyo.
Tong-koán 东莞, 東莞 (Settlement) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Dongguan.
Ton-jin 东京, 東京 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu form of Tokyo.
Tou Fu Maan 土庫曼 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Turkmenistan.
Tou Ji Kei 土耳其 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Turkey.
Tsaan-tseu 漳州 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Zhangzhou.
Tson-koq 中国, 中國 (Region) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Zhongguo.
Tson-koq 中国, 中國 (Country) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Zhongguo.
Tson-se 中山 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Zhongshan.
Tu'erqi 土耳其 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Turkey.
Tukumansitan 土库曼斯坦 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Turkmenistan.
Tṳ̀ng-kéng 重庆, 重慶 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Chongqing.
Tûng-kîn 东京 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Tokyo.
Tûng-kón 东莞, 東莞 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Dongguan.
Tunisi 突尼斯 (Country & Settlement) Chinese, Georgian
Chinese and Georgian form of Tunisia and Tunis.
Tunixiya 突尼西亚, 突尼西亞 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Tunisia.
Tuwalu 图瓦卢, 圖瓦盧 (Country) Chinese, Thai, Turkmen
Chinese, Thai and Turkmen form of Tuvalu.
Tuwalu 图瓦卢, 圖瓦盧 (Country) Chinese, Polish, Sinhalese, Thai, Turkmen
Chinese, Sinhala, Thai and Turkmen form of Tuvalu as well as a Polish variant.
Uag Nam 越南 (Country) Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew form of Vietnam.
Ṳĕ-nâng 越南 (Country) Chinese (Min Bei)
Min Bei form of Vietnam.
Ū-háng 武汉, 武漢 (Settlement) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Wuhan.
Uŏk-nàng 越南 (Country) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Vietnam.
Veq-se 佛山 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Foshan.
Vu-hoe 武汉, 武漢 (Settlement) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Wuhan.
Vú-hon 武汉, 武漢 (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka romanization of Wuhan.
Waduzi 瓦杜兹, 瓦都兹, 瓦杜茲, 瓦都茲 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Vaduz.
Wai Noi Seoi Laai 委內瑞拉 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Venezuela.
Walaita 瓦莱塔, 瓦萊塔 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Valletta.
Wandan 万丹 (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Banten.
Wangjiaxi 望加锡 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Makassar.
Wanlong 万隆 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bandung.
Wanu'atu 瓦努阿图 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Vanuatu.
Wanxiang 万象, 萬象 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Vientiane chiefly used in Mainland China.
Weidimala 危地马拉 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Guatemala.
Wei'erniusi 维尔纽斯 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Vilnius.
Weiluona 维罗纳, 維羅納 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Verona.
Weineiruila 委内瑞拉 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Venezuela.
Weinisi 威尼斯 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Venice.
Weishan 蔚山 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Ulsan.
Weiyena 维也纳, 維也納 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Vienna.
Wenlai 文萊, 汶萊, 文莱, 汶莱 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Brunei. 文萊 or 文莱 (Wénlái) is the spelling more commonly used in mainland China while 汶萊 or 汶莱 (Wènlái) or (Wénlái) is the prominent spelling in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia.
Wotaihua 渥太华, 渥太華 (River & Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Ottawa.
Wuganda 乌干达 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Uganda.
Wu Hak Laan 烏克蘭 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Ukraine.
Wuhan 武汉, 武漢 (Settlement) Chinese
From a portmanteau of 武昌 (Wǔchāng) and 汉口 (Hànkǒu), the names of two of the three towns combined to form modern Wuhan. This is the name of the capital city of the Chinese province of Hubei.
Wuji Banrang 武吉班让, 武吉班讓 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bukit Panjang.
Wuji Zhima 武吉知马, 武吉知馬 (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Bukit Timah.
Wukelan 乌克兰 (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Ukraine.
Wu Laai Gwai 烏拉圭 (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Uruguay.