Previous Names of the Day

Jul 25th
Fátima   Portuguese
Derived from the Arabic feminine name Fatimah, apparently after a Moorish princess who converted to Christianity during the Reconquista. This is the name of a town in Portugal, which became an important Christian pilgrimage center after 1917 when three local children reported witnessing repeated apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
Jul 24th
Delphi   Ancient Roman, English
Latinized form of Greek Δελφοί (Delphoi), from δελφύς (delphys) meaning "womb". This was the name of an ancient Greek city, the site of an oracle of Apollo.
Jul 23rd
Egypt   English
From Latin Aegyptus, itself from Greek Αἴγυπτος (Aigyptos), which was probably derived from Egyptian ḥwt-kꜣ-ptḥ, the name of the temple to the god Ptah in Memphis, meaning "the house of the soul of Ptah".
Jul 22nd
Bologna   Italian, English, German
From Latin Bononia, possibly derived from a Celtic word meaning "settlement". This is the name of a city in northern Italy.
Jul 21st
Belgium   English, Hungarian, Malay
From Latin Belgica, a province in the Roman Empire. Since 1830 this is the name of a country in Western Europe. Dutch and French are the main spoken languages.
Jul 20th
Loyola   Spanish
From Basque Loiola, from loi meaning "mud". This is the name of a place near the town of Azpeitia in the Basque Country of Spain.
Jul 19th
Turan   Persian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Arabic
Historical region in central Asia, originally inhabited by nomadic Iranian peoples and traditionally said to mean "land of Tur". It is mentioned frequently in the 10th-century Persian epic the Shahnameh.