Browse Submitted Place Names

This is a list of submitted place names in which the meaning contains the keyword bush.
See Also
bush meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Andorra (Country) Afrikaans, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Luxembourgish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian
The name of the country of Andorra, whose name is possibly derived from a Basque word andurrial (“shrub-covered land”), but it may come from Arabic الدرا (“the forest”) or Spanish andar (“to walk”).
Jharkhand (Political Subdivision) Indian
The name "Jharkhand" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Jhar" meaning "bush" or "dense forest," and "Khand" meaning "land" or "region." Therefore, "Jharkhand" translates to "The Land of Bushes" or "The Region of Dense Forests," reflecting the state's abundant natural vegetation and forest cover.
Mato Grosso (Political Subdivision) Portuguese (Brazilian)
Literally "thick bush" in Portuguese. This is the name of a state of Brazil.
Mato Grosso Do Sul (Political Subdivision) Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese
Literally "South Mato Grosso" in Portuguese; mato grosso means "thick bush". This is the name of a state of Brazil.
Saskatoon (Settlement) English (Canadian)
The name of a city in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.... [more]