Polish Origin Place Names

This is a list of place names in which the origin is Polish. Polish is the West Slavic language spoken in Poland.
Cracovie (Settlement) French
French form of Kraków.
Cracow (Settlement) English
English form of Kraków.
Czajków (Settlement) Polish
Derived from Polish czajka meaning "lapwing (bird)". This is the name of several towns in Poland.
Filipów (Settlement) Polish
Derived from the given name Filip. This is the name of a town in Poland.
Górka (Settlement) Polish
From Polish góra meaning "mountain". This is the name of various towns in Poland.
Janków (Settlement) Polish
From the given name Janek. This is the name of several Polish towns.
Jankowo (Settlement) Polish
From the given name Janek. This is the name of several towns in Poland.
Janów (Settlement) Polish
From the given name Jan 1. This is the name of several towns in Poland.
Janowice (Settlement) Polish
From the given name Jan 1. This is the name of a number of towns in Poland.
Janowo (Settlement) Polish
From the given name Jan 1. This is the name of several towns in Poland.
Jaskółki (Settlement) Polish
Derived from Polish jaskółka meaning "swallow (bird)". This is the name of multiple Polish towns.
Kozłów (Settlement) Polish
From Polish kozioł meaning "male goat". This is the name of several Polish towns.
Kozłowo (Settlement) Polish
From Polish kozioł meaning "male goat". This is the name of several towns in Poland.
Krakau (Settlement) German, Dutch
German and Dutch form of Kraków.
Krakov (Settlement) Czech, Slovak, Russian, Croatian, Serbian
Form of Kraków.
Kraków (Settlement) Polish
From the name of the city's legendary founder Krak, of uncertain meaning. This is a city in southern Poland.
Krakow (Settlement) English
English form of Kraków.
Niemcy (Country) Polish
From Slavic němĭcĭ meaning "foreigner, German", derived from němŭ meaning "mute, incomprehensible". This is the Polish name of Germany.
Nowakowo (Settlement) Polish
From Polish nowy meaning "new". This is the name of towns in Poland.
Nowice (Settlement) Polish
From Polish nowy meaning "new". This is the name of a few towns in Poland.
Penzig (Settlement) German
German form of Pieńsk.
Pieńsk (Settlement) Polish
Derived from Polish pień meaning "stump, tree trunk". This is the name of a town in Silesia in Poland.
Poland (Country) English
From the name of the Slavic tribe of the Poles, derived from the medieval Slavic word polje meaning "field", combined with land. This is the name of a country in Eastern Europe.
Polen (Country) German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian
German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian form of Poland.
Polija (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Poland.
Poljska (Country) Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovene
Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Slovene form of Poland.
Pologne (Country) French
French form of Poland.
Polónia (Country) Portuguese (European)
Portuguese form of Poland.
Polônia (Country) Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Poland.
Polonia (Country) Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Greek, Late Roman
Latin form of Poland, as well as the form used in Italian, Spanish, Romanian and Greek.
Polsha (Country) Russian, Bulgarian
Russian and Bulgarian form of Poland.
Polshcha (Country) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Poland.
Polska (Country) Polish, Macedonian
Polish (and Macedonian) form of Poland.
Poľsko (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Poland.
Polsko (Country) Czech
Czech form of Poland.
Poola (Country) Estonian
Estonian form of Poland.
Puola (Country) Finnish
Finnish form of Poland.
Rudawa (River) Polish
Meaning unknown. This is the name of a river in Poland, near Krakow.
Schlesien (Region) German
German form of Silesia.
Silesia (Region) English, Spanish, Ancient Roman
From Mount Ślęża or the River Ślęza. This is the name of a historical region in southern Poland, with portions in the Czech Republic and Germany.
Silésie (Region) French
French form of Silesia.
Śląsk (Region) Polish
Polish form of Silesia.
Ślęża (Mountain) Polish
Possibly named after the Germanic tribe the Silingi or from a Slavic root meaning "humid, damp". This is the name of a mountain in Silesia, Poland.
Ślęza (River) Polish
Variant of Ślęża. This is the name of a river in Silesia, Poland.
Slezsko (Region) Czech
Czech form of Silesia.
Sliezsko (Region) Slovak
Slovak form of Silesia.
Słowacja (Country) Polish
Polish form of Slovakia.
Somalia (Country) English, Italian, Spanish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Romanian, Greek, Albanian, Indonesian, Malay
From the ethnic name Somali, of uncertain meaning. The Somali people connect it to their mythical ancestor Samaale. Italian and British colonists applied the ethnic name to the Horn of Africa region in the 19th century. It became an independent country in 1960.
Szkocja (Country) Polish
Polish form of Scotland.
Varšava (Settlement) Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Warszawa (see Warsaw).
Varsavia (Settlement) Italian
Italian form of Warszawa (see Warsaw).
Varsovie (Settlement) French
French form of Warszawa (see Warsaw).
Warsaw (Settlement) English
From Polish Warszawa, derived from the given name Warsz, a short form of Warcisław. This is the name of the capital city of Poland.
Warschau (Settlement) German, Dutch
German and Dutch form of Warszawa (see Warsaw).
Warszawa (Settlement) Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Polish form of Warsaw.
Wiśniewo (Settlement) Polish
Derived from Polish wiśnia meaning "sour cherry". This is the name of several towns in Poland.
Włochy (Country) Polish
From Old Slavic volxŭ meaning "foreigner, Roman". This is the Polish name for Italy.
Wyrzyki (Settlement) Polish
Meaning uncertain, possibly from the Polish prefix wy "away from" and rzek "river". This is the name of a few small Polish towns.