Browse Submitted Place Names

This is a list of submitted place names in which the person who added the name is Lucille.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ingoesjetië (Political Subdivision) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Ingushetia.
Inguschetien (Political Subdivision) German
German form of Ingushetia.
Inomena Aravika Emirata (Country) Greek
Greek form of United Arab Emirates. It is literally a direct translation of the country's name, since it consists of the Greek adjective ηνωμένος (inomenos) meaning "united" combined with the Greek adjective αραβικός (aravikos) meaning "Arab, Arabic" and the Greek plural noun εμιράτα (emirata) meaning "emirates".
Inomenes Politeies (Country) Greek
Short form of Inomenes Politeies Amerikis. In other words: this is the Greek form of United States.
Inomenes Politeies Amerikis (Country) Greek
Greek form of United States of America. It is literally a direct translation of the country's name, since it consists of the Greek adjective ηνωμένος (inomenos) meaning "united" combined with the Greek plural noun πολιτείες (politeies) meaning "states" and the Greek adjective Αμερικής (Amerikis) meaning "of America".
Inomeno Vasileio (Country) Greek
Greek form of United Kingdom. It is literally a direct translation of the country's name, since it consists of the Greek adjective ηνωμένος (inomenos) meaning "united" combined with the Greek noun βασίλειο (vasileio) meaning "kingdom".
Ionië (Region) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Ionia.
İordan (River) Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Jordan (the river).
Iordane (River) Georgian
Georgian form of Jordan (the river) via its biblical Greek form Iordanes.
İordaniya (Country) Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Jordan (the country).
Ircania (Region) Italian
Italian form of Hyrcania.
Īrija (Country & Island) Latvian
Latvian form of Ireland.
Irkoetsk (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Irkutsk.
Isaurië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Isauria.
Isimerini Gouinea (Country) Greek
Greek form of Equatorial Guinea. It is literally a direct translation of the country's name, since it consists of the Greek adjective ισημερινός (isimerinos) meaning "equatorial" combined with the Greek noun Γουινέα (Gouinea) meaning "Guinea".
Isimerinos (Country) Greek
Derived from the Greek noun ισημερινός (isimerinos) meaning "equator". In Greece, this is the standard name for the South American country of Ecuador, though sometimes the form Ekouador is also used.
İskoçya (Country) Turkish
Turkish form of Scotland via its Latin form Scotia.
Islande (Country & Island) French, Latvian
French and Latvian form of Iceland.
Islandia (Country & Island) Georgian, Greek, Indonesian, Polish, Spanish
Form of Iceland used in several languages.
Ispania (Country) Abkhaz, Armenian, Greek
Abkhaz, Armenian, and Greek form of Hispania (see Spain).
Ispaniola (Island) Greek
Greek form of Hispaniola.
Israil (Country) Greek
Modern Greek form of Israel.
Istanboel (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Istanbul.
Istanmpoul (Settlement) Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Istanbul. This is an alternative name for the city; the standard name in Greece is Konstantinoupoli.
Ister (River) Ancient Greek (Latinized), Ancient Roman
Latinized form of Istros. The Romans used this as an alternative name for the Danube river, which was primarily known to them under the name Danubius.
Istrië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Istria.
Istros (Island & River) Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek name for the Greek island of Gyali as well as for the lower section of the Danube river. In the case of the latter, the name is a loanword from either Dacian or Thracian... [more]
Isztambul (Settlement) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Istanbul.
Iudeya (Region) Russian
Russian form of Iudaea (see Judea).
Ivoorkus (Country) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Ivory Coast.
Ivoorkust (Country) Dutch
Dutch form of Ivory Coast.
Izraēla (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Israel.
Izraelis (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Israel.
Jakoetië (Political Subdivision) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Yakutia.
Jamaïque (Country & Island) French
French form of Jamaica.
Jamalië (Political Subdivision) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Yamalia.
Jaunzēlande (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of New Zealand.
Jerewan (Settlement) Afrikaans, German
Afrikaans and German form of Yerevan.
Jermenija (Country) Serbian
Serbian form of Armenia.
Jerúsalem (Settlement) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Jerusalem.
Jeruusalemm (Settlement) Estonian
Estonian form of Jerusalem.
Jeruzalė (Settlement) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Jerusalem.
Jeruzalém (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Jerusalem.
Jeruzaleme (Settlement) Latvian
Latvian form of Jerusalem.
Jeruzsálem (Settlement) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Jerusalem.
Joegoslavië (Country) Dutch
Dutch form of Yugoslavia.
Joego-Slawië (Country) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Yugoslavia.
Jordāna (River) Latvian
Latvian form of Jordan (the river).
Jordanas (River) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Jordan (the river).
Jordánia (Country) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Jordan (the country).
Jordânia (Country) Portuguese
Portuguese form of Jordan (the country).
Jordānija (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Jordan (the country).
Jordánsko (Country) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Jordan (the country).
Jordão (River) Portuguese
Portuguese form of Jordan (the river).
Judæa (Region) Danish
Danish form of Iudaea (see Judea).
Judeen (Region) Swedish
Swedish form of Iudaea (see Judea).
Jūdeja (Region) Latvian
Latvian form of Iudaea (see Judea).
Judeja (Region) Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian form of Iudaea (see Judea).
Juodkalnija (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Montenegro. It is literally a direct translation of the country's name, since it consists of the Lithuanian adjective juodas meaning "black" combined with the Lithuanian noun kalnas meaning "mountain".
Juudea (Region) Finnish
Finnish form of Iudaea (see Judea).
Kaaimaneilanden (Political Subdivision & Island) Dutch
Dutch form of Cayman Islands.
Kaaimanseilande (Political Subdivision & Island) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Cayman Islands.
Kaanan (Region) Estonian
Estonian form of Canaan.
Kaap Verde (Country) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Cape Verde.
Kaapverdië (Country) Dutch
Dutch form of Cape Verde.
Kabardië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Kabardia.
Kaboel (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kabul.
Kafkasia (Region) Greek
Modern Greek form of Caucasia, which is an alternative name for the Caucasus geographical region.
Kafkasos (Region & Mountain) Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Kaukasos, which is the ancient Greek form of Caucasus.
Kaïro (Settlement) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Cairo.
Kákasus (Region & Mountain) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Caucasus.
Kalabrië (Region) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Calabria.
Kalabrien (Region) German, Luxembourgish, Swedish
German, Luxembourgish and Swedish form of Calabria.
Kaledónia (Region) Hungarian, Slovak
Hungarian and Slovak form of Caledonia.
Kaledonia (Region) Finnish, Polish
Finnish and Polish form of Caledonia.
Kaledonie (Region) Czech
Czech form of Caledonia.
Kaledonien (Region) Swedish
Swedish form of Caledonia.
Kaledonija (Region) Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian form of Caledonia.
Kaledoniya (Region) Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Caledonia.
Kalifornie (Political Subdivision) Czech
Czech form of California.
Kalifornië (Political Subdivision) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of California.
Kalipornia (Political Subdivision) Georgian
Georgian form of California.
Kalmikië (Political Subdivision) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Kalmykia.
Kalmukkië (Political Subdivision) Dutch
Dutch form of Kalmykia.
Kaloega (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kaluga.
Kameroun (Country) Greek
Greek form of Cameroon.
Kamerūna (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Cameroon.
Kamerūnas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cameroon.
Kampanië (Region) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Campania.
Kánaán (Region) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Canaan.
Kanaán (Region) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Canaan.
Kanaän (Region) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Canaan.
Kantabrië (Political Subdivision) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Cantabria.
Kantabrien (Political Subdivision) Danish, German, Swedish
Danish, German and Swedish form of Cantabria.
Kappadosië (Region) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Cappadocia.
Karaiby (Region) Polish
Polish form of Caribbean.
Karaïviki (Region) Greek
Greek form of Caribbean.
Karantaania (Country) Estonian
Estonian form of Carantania.
Karantánia (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Carantania.
Karantánie (Country) Czech
Czech form of Carantania.
Karantanië (Country) Dutch
Dutch form of Carantania.
Karantanien (Country) Danish, German, Swedish
Danish, German and Swedish form of Carantania.
Karantaniya (Country) Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Carantania.
Karatsji (Settlement) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Karachi.
Karelië (Political Subdivision & Region) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Karelia.
Karfagen (Settlement) Azerbaijani, Russian
Azerbaijani and Russian form of Carthage.
Karfahen (Settlement) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Carthage.
Karibebi (Region) Georgian
Georgian form of Caribbean.
Karibia (Region) Finnish, Indonesian, Norwegian
Finnish, Indonesian, and Norwegian form of Caribbean.
Karibien (Region) Norwegian, Swedish
Norwegian and Swedish form of Caribbean. This is a variant in both countries: their standard name for the region is Karibia and Västindien respectively.
Karië (Region) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Caria.
Karinthië (Political Subdivision & Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Carinthia.
Karintië (Political Subdivision & Region) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Carinthia.
Karmania (Political Subdivision & Region) Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Karmana, the ancient Persian name of a region and province of several Persian empires. It is better known under its Latin and English name Carmania.
Karmanien (Political Subdivision & Region) German
German form of Carmania.
Karmanija (Political Subdivision & Region) Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian
Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Carmania.
Karmaniya (Political Subdivision & Region) Russian
Russian form of Carmania.
Karnien (Region) German
German form of Carnia.
Karpaatit (Mountain) Finnish
Finnish form of Carpathians.
Karpatai (Mountain) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Carpathians.
Karpate (Mountain) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Carpathians.
Karpatebi (Mountain) Georgian
Georgian form of Carpathians.
Karpaten (Mountain) Dutch, German, Luxembourgish
Dutch, German and Luxembourgish form of Carpathians.
Karpatene (Mountain) Norwegian
Norwegian form of Carpathians.
Karpaterna (Mountain) Swedish
Swedish form of Carpathians.
Karpaterne (Mountain) Danish
Danish form of Carpathians.
Karpathos (Island) Ancient Greek, Greek
The second largest of the Greek Dodecanese islands, located between Crete and Rhodes.
Karpatlar (Mountain) Turkish
Turkish form of Carpathians.
Kartaago (Settlement) Estonian
Estonian form of Carthage.
Kartāga (Settlement) Latvian
Latvian form of Carthage.
Kartaga (Settlement) Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Carthage.
Kartagen (Settlement) Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Carthage.
Kartagina (Settlement) Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Serbian
Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish and Serbian form of Carthage.
Kartaġni (Settlement) Maltese
Maltese form of Carthage.
Kartágo (Settlement) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Carthage.
Kartago (Settlement) Afrikaans, Indonesian, Norwegian
Afrikaans, Indonesian and Norwegian form of Carthage.
Karþagó (Settlement) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Carthage.
Karthágó (Settlement) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Carthage.
Karyby (Region) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Caribbean.
Kasahstan (Country) Estonian
Estonian form of Kazakhstan.
Kasakstan (Country) Afrikaans, Icelandic, Faroese
Afrikaans, Icelandic and Faroese form of Kazakhstan.
Kasjoebië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Kashubia.
Kastilië (Region) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Castile.
Kastilien (Region) Danish, German, Swedish
Danish, German and Swedish form of Castile.
Katalonië (Political Subdivision) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Catalonia.
Katalonien (Political Subdivision) German, Swedish
German and Swedish form of Catalonia.
Katara (Country) Latvian, Malagasy
Latvian and Malagasy form of Qatar.
Kataras (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Qatar.
Katari (Country) Albanian, Georgian
Albanian and Georgian form of Qatar.
Kato Chores (Country) Greek
Greek form of Netherlands. The country is most often referred to as Ollandia in Greece, even though that is technically incorrect (see Holland 1).
Kaukaasia (Region) Estonian
Estonian form of Caucasia, which is an alternative name for the Caucasus geographical region.
Kaukasia (Region) Finnish, Norwegian
Finnish and Norwegian form of Caucasia, which is an alternative name for the Caucasus geographical region.
Kaukasië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Caucasia, which is an alternative name for the Caucasus geographical region.
Kaukasien (Region) Danish, German, Swedish
Danish, German and Swedish form of Caucasia, which is an alternative name for the Caucasus geographical region.
Kaukasos (Mountain) Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek form of Caucasus.
Kaukaz (Region & Mountain) Polish, Slovak
Polish and Slovak form of Caucasus.
Kaukazas (Region) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Caucasus.
Kaukāzs (Region & Mountain) Latvian
Latvian form of Caucasus.
Kaukázus (Region & Mountain) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Caucasus.
Kavkasia (Region) Georgian
Georgian form of Caucasia, which is an alternative name for the Caucasus geographical region.
Kavkasioni (Mountain) Georgian
Georgian form of Caucasus.
Kazachstán (Country) Czech
Czech form of Kazakhstan.
Kazachstanas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kazakhstan.
Kazahstāna (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kazakhstan.
Kazahsztán (Country) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kazakhstan.
Keulen (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Cologne.
Khakaseti (Political Subdivision) Georgian
Georgian form of Khakassia.
Khorvatia (Country) Georgian
Georgian form of Croatia.
Kidonija (Settlement) Serbian
Serbian form of Cydonia.
Kidoniya (Settlement) Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Cydonia.
Kiëf (Settlement) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Kiev.
Kiëv (Settlement) Dutch
Dutch variant spelling of Kiev.
Ķīna (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of China.
Kinija (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of China.
Kipar (Country & Island) Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian
Bosnian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Cyprus.
Kipra (Country & Island) Latvian
Latvian form of Cyprus.
Kipras (Country & Island) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cyprus.
Kirasao (Political Subdivision & Island) Latvian
Latvian form of Curaçao.
Kirghizia (Country & Political Subdivision) English (Rare)
Anglicization of Kirgiziya, the Russian name for the country of Kyrgyzstan. In the Anglophone world, this name was primarily used during the Soviet era... [more]
Kirghizie (Country) French
French form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in France is Kirghizistan.
Kirgisia (Country) Finnish
Finnish form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya.
Kirgisië (Country) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya.
Kirgisien (Country) Danish, German (Rare)
Danish and German form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in both Denmark and Germany is Kirgisistan.
Kirgizia (Country) Greek
Greek form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya.
Kirgizie (Country & Political Subdivision) Czech (Rare)
Czech form of Kirgiziya, the Russian name for the country of Kyrgyzstan. In Czechia, this name was primarily used during the Soviet era... [more]
Kirgizië (Country) Dutch
Dutch form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya.
Kirgīzija (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Latvia is Kirgizstāna.
Kirgizija (Country) Lithuanian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Lithuanian form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is the standard Lithuanian name for the country, but sometimes the form Kirgizstanas is also used.... [more]
Kirgizistan (Country) Basque, Slovene, Swedish
Basque, Slovenian and Swedish form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizisztán (Country) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizja (Country & Political Subdivision) Polish (Rare)
Polonization of Kirgiziya, the Russian name for the country of Kyrgyzstan. In Poland, this name was primarily used during the Soviet era... [more]
Kirgizsko (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizstāna (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizstanas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kyrgyzstan. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Lithuania is Kirgizija.
Kirguisia (Country) Spanish
Spanish form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Spain is Kirguistán.
Kiribatis (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kiribati.
Kirimpati (Country) Greek
Greek form of Kiribati.
Kiurasao (Political Subdivision & Island) Georgian, Lithuanian
Georgian and Lithuanian form of Curaçao.
Kleef (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kleve (see Cleves).
Klein-Asië (Region) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Asia Minor. It is literally a direct translation of the region's name, since it consists of the Afrikaans adjective klein meaning "small, little" combined with the Afrikaans noun Asië meaning "Asia".
Klein-Azië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Asia Minor. It is literally a direct translation of the region's name, since it consists of the Dutch adjective klein meaning "small, little" combined with the Dutch noun Azië meaning "Asia".
Koejavië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Kuyavia.
Koemanië (Country & Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Cumania.
Koerdistan (Region) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kurdistan.
Koergan (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kurgan.
Koerland (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Courland.
Koersk (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kursk.
Koetaisi (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kutaisi.
Koeweit (Country) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kuwait.
Kolomvia (Country) Greek
Greek form of Colombia.
Komoras (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of The Comoros.
Kongko (Country & River) Greek
Greek form of Congo.
Konho (Country & River) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Congo.
Konstantinápoly (Settlement) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Constantinople.
Konstantinopoli (Settlement) Finnish, Georgian
Finnish and Georgian form of Constantinople.
Konstantinopolj (Settlement) Serbian
Serbian form of Constantinople.
Konstantinoupoli (Settlement) Greek
Modern Greek form of Constantinople. The city was officially renamed to Istanbul in 1923, but in Greece, the original name was and continues to be preferred significantly over Istanmpoul.
Konstantynopol (Settlement) Polish, Ukrainian
Polish and Ukrainian form of Constantinople.
Kopenchagi (Settlement) Greek
Greek form of Copenhagen.
Kopengagen (Settlement) Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian, Uzbek
Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian and Uzbek of Copenhagen.
Kopenhahen (Settlement) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Copenhagen.
Korėja (Region) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Korea.
Korfoe (Settlement & Island) Dutch
Dutch form of Corfu.
Korinf (Settlement) Russian
Russian form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korint (Settlement) Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Norwegian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene
Form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korinta (Settlement) Latvian
Latvian form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korintas (Settlement) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korinth (Settlement) Danish, German, Swedish, Turkish
Danish, German, Swedish and Turkish form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Kórinþa (Settlement) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korinthe (Settlement) Dutch
Dutch form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korinthien (Political Subdivision & Region) German
German form of Corinthia.
Korintija (Political Subdivision & Region) Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian
Latvian, Lithuanian and Serbian form of Corinthia.
Korintiya (Political Subdivision & Region) Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Corinthia.
Korjakië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Koryakia.
Korsiki (Political Subdivision & Island) Greek
Modern Greek form of Corsica.
Kòrsou (Political Subdivision & Island) Papiamento
Papiamento form of Curaçao.
Korsyka (Political Subdivision & Island) Polish, Ukrainian
Polish and Ukrainian form of Corsica.
Korynf (Settlement) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korynfiya (Political Subdivision & Region) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Corinthia.
Korynt (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Koryntia (Political Subdivision & Region) Polish
Polish form of Corinthia.
Korzika (Political Subdivision & Island) Bosnian, Croatian, Hungarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene
Form of Corsica.
Kosova (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kosovo.
Kosovas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kosovo.
Kostaryka (Country) Polish
Polish form of Costa Rica.
Kourasao (Political Subdivision & Island) Greek
Greek form of Curaçao.
Kourdistan (Region) Greek
Greek form of Kurdistan.
Kouva (Country & Island) Greek
Greek form of Cuba.
Kouveit (Country) Greek
Greek form of Kuwait.
Krestonien (Region) Swedish
Swedish form of Crestonia.
Krestonija (Region) Croatian, Lithuanian
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Crestonia.
Krievija (Country) Latvian
Latvian name for Russia.
Krim (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Afrikaans, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Norwegian, Serbian, Swedish
Form of Crimea.
Krit (Political Subdivision & Island) Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Uzbek
Form of Krete (see Crete).
Kroatija (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Croatia.
Kryt (Political Subdivision & Island) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Krete (see Crete).
Kürasao (Political Subdivision & Island) Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Curaçao.
Kurasao (Political Subdivision & Island) Macedonian, Serbian
Macedonian and Serbian form of Curaçao.
Kurdistán (Region) Czech, Spanish
Czech and Spanish form of Kurdistan.
Kurdistāna (Region) Latvian
Latvian form of Kurdistan.
Kurdistanas (Region) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kurdistan.
Kurdisztán (Region) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kurdistan.
Kürdüstan (Region) Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Kurdistan.
Kurdystan (Region) Polish, Ukrainian
Polish and Ukrainian form of Kurdistan.
Kurtistani (Region) Georgian
Georgian form of Kurdistan.
Kuveita (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kuwait.
Kuveitas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kuwait.
Kviprosi (Country & Island) Georgian
Georgian form of Cyprus.
Kyrgyzstán (Country) Czech
Czech form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrhyziya (Country) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Ukraine is Kyrhyzstan.
Kyrhyzstan (Country) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kyurasao (Political Subdivision & Island) Bulgarian, Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian
Form of Curaçao.
Lacónia (Political Subdivision & Region) Portuguese (European)
European Portuguese form of Laconia.
Lacônia (Political Subdivision & Region) Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Laconia.
Laconie (Political Subdivision & Region) French
French form of Laconia.