Georgian Place Names

Georgian names are used in the country of Georgia in central Eurasia.
Amerika ამერიკა (Region & Country) German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Luxembourgish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Hungarian, Hebrew, Albanian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, Kazakh, Uzbek, Tatar, Bashkir, Chechen, Indonesian, Malay, Japanese
Form of America, used to refer to the continents and sometimes to the United States of America.
Angola ანგოლა (Country) Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Turkish, Georgian, Armenian, Indonesian, Malay
Portuguese form of Ngola, the royal title of the kings of Ndongo, an African kingdom that was conquered by the Portuguese in the 17th-century. It was a Portuguese colony until 1975, when it became an independent country.
Antarktida ანტარქტიდა (Region) Czech, Russian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Uzbek, Turkmen, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Georgian
Form of Antarctica used in various languages.
Argentina არგენტინა (Country) Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Czech, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Hebrew, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Indonesian, Malay
From Latin argentinus meaning "silvery", a derivative of argentum meaning "silver". This is the name of a country in South America, arising from a Latinized form of Spanish Río de la Plata meaning "river of silver".
Avstralia ავსტრალია (Region & Country) Georgian
Georgian form of Australia.
Bahreini ბაჰრეინი (Country & Island) Georgian
Georgian form of Bahrain.
Belgia ბელგია (Country) Finnish, Romanian, Norwegian, Polish, Georgian, Indonesian
Finnish, Romanian, Norwegian, Polish, Georgian and Indonesian form of Belgium.
Bolivia ბოლივია (Country) Spanish, English, Italian, Dutch, Georgian, Indonesian, Malay
From the surname Bolívar, in honour of the revolutionary Simón Bolívar. This is the name of a country in South America.
Botsvana ბოტსვანა (Country) Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Icelandic, Bulgarian, Albanian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Armenian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Uzbek, Mongolian
Form of Botswana in several languages.
Brazilia ბრაზილია (Country & Settlement) Romanian, Georgian
Romanian and Georgian form of Brazil. This is also the Georgian name for Brazil's capital city Brasília.
Brunei ბრუნეი (Country) Malay, Indonesian, English, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Albanian, Georgian, Turkish, Hindi, Tagalog
Possibly from Sanskrit वरुण, the Hindu god Varuna or figuratively meaning "water, ocean". However, according to tradition, Brunei was from the Malay phrase baru nah meaning "there!" or "that's it!", which was supposedly declared by Brunei's first sultan Muhammad Shah when he discovered it in the 14th century.... [more]
Chile ჩილე (Country) Spanish, English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Portuguese, Romanian, Georgian
The name of a country in South America, possibly from Quechua chiri meaning "cold" or Mapuche chülle meaning "seagull". This name was applied to the region by the conquistador Diego de Almagro.
Etiopia ეთიოპია (Country) Italian, Polish, Norwegian, Finnish, Georgian, Korean, Indonesian
Italian, Polish, Norwegian, Finnish, Georgian, Korean and Indonesian form of Aethiopia (see Ethiopia).
Evropa ევროპა (Region) Czech, Slovene, Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Georgian, Kyrgyz, Armenian, Russian
Form of Europe used in various languages. This is also an alternate transcription of Armenian Եվրոպա or Russian Европа (see Yevropa).
Germania გერმანია (Region & Country) Ancient Roman, Italian, Greek, Romanian, Georgian
Latin, Italian, Greek, Romanian and Georgian form of Germany.
Gvatemala გვატემალა (Country) Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Slovene, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Tajik, Georgian, Hindi
Form of Guatemala in several languages.
Iemeni იემენი (Country) Georgian
Georgian form of Yemen.
Iordania იორდანია (Country) Romanian, Greek, Georgian
Romanian, Greek and Georgian form of Jordan (the country).
Irlandia ირლანდია (Country & Island) Polish, Greek, Georgian, Indonesian
Polish, Greek, Georgian and Indonesian form of Ireland.
Italia იტალია (Country) Italian, Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Norwegian, Finnish, Georgian, Indonesian, Ancient Roman
Italian and Latin form of Italy, as well as the form in several other languages.
Kongo კონგო (Region, River & Country) Kongo, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Russian, Bulgarian, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Turkish, Georgian
Form of Congo in many languages.
Korea კორეა (Country) English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Czech, Greek, Georgian, Armenian, Indonesian, Malay, Tagalog
From medieval Latin Corea, itself derived from Goryeo, the name of a kingdom that ruled most of the Korean Peninsula from the 10th to 14th centuries. This is the name of two countries, North and South Korea. Hanguk and Joseon are the Korean names for the countries.
Libia ლიბია (Country) Italian, Spanish, Polish, Albanian, Armenian, Georgian, Thai
Form of Libya in several languages.
Litva ლიტვა (Country) Russian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Georgian
Russian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Bulgarian and Georgian form of Lietuva (see Lithuania).
Luksemburgi ლუქსემბურგი (Country, Settlement & Political Subdivision) Georgian
Georgian form of Luxembourg.
Mali მალი (Country) Manding, Fula, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, English, German, Dutch, Afrikaans, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian, Greek, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Uzbek, Persian, Urdu, Sinhalese, Hindi, Chinese, Mongolian, Burmese, Thai, Lao, Indonesian, Malay, Tagalog
A landlocked country in West Africa, named after an empire that lasted until the 17th century. The empire's name is possibly from a dialectal variant of the name of the Mande peoples. Alternatively, it could be from the name of the empire's capital (which has not been located) or from a Mande word meaning "hippopotamus".
Marakeshi მარაქეში (Settlement) Georgian
Georgian form of Arabic مرّاكش (see Marrakesh).
Maroko მაროკო (Country) Polish, Estonian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Greek, Georgian, Indonesian
Form of Morocco in several languages.
Moskovi მოსკოვი (Settlement & River) Georgian
Georgian form of Moscow (the city and the river).
Namibia ნამიბია (Country) English, German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Albanian, Georgian, Armenian, Swahili, Indonesian, Malay, Japanese, Korean
From the name of the Namib Desert, meaning "desert, vast place" in Khoekhoe. This is a country in southwestern Africa.
Nigeria ნიგერია (Country) English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Polish, Romanian, Albanian, Georgian
From the name of the Niger River, applied in the 19th century to the British colonial territory in West Africa. It continued to be used after the territory became an independent country in 1960.
Norvegia ნორვეგია (Country) Italian, Georgian
Italian and Georgian form of Norway.
Omani ომანი (Country) Albanian, Georgian
Albanian and Georgian form of Oman.
Panama პანამა (Country & Settlement) English, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Uzbek, Persian, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Burmese, Thai, Lao, Khmer, Indonesian, Malay, Tagalog, Japanese, Korean
From Spanish Panamá, of uncertain meaning. It may be derived from the name of a tree commonly found in the area (species Sterculia apetala). Alternatively it could be related to Guaraní panambi meaning "butterfly" or Kuna bannaba meaning "distant, far away". This is the name of a country in Central America. It is also the name of its capital, usually called Panama City in English.
Peru პერუ (Country) English, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Hungarian, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Hindi
From Spanish Perú, older Birú, which was possibly derived from the name of a chieftain (who nevertheless resided in modern-day Panama).
Portugalia პორტუგალია (Country) Polish, Romanian, Albanian, Armenian, Georgian
Polish, Romanian, Albanian, Armenian and Georgian form of Portugal.
Ruanda რუანდა (Country) German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, Finnish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, English, French
Form of Rwanda in several languages, as well as a variant spelling in other languages.
Sakartvelo საქართველო (Country) Georgian
From Georgian ქართველი (kartveli), a term referring to a Georgian person, itself derived from the central region of ქართლი (Kartli). It is prefixed with სა (sa), indicating a place. This is the Georgian name for the country of Georgia.
Shri-Lanka შრი-ლანკა (Country & Island) Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Uzbek, Georgian
Form of Sri Lanka in several languages.
Siria სირია (Country) Italian, Spanish, Albanian, Georgian, Armenian, Thai, Korean
Form of Syria in various languages.
Slovenia სლოვენია (Country) English, Italian, Romanian, Norwegian, Finnish, Greek, Georgian
From Slovene, the language of the Slovenes, derived from the Old Slavic tribal name slověne meaning "Slavs". This is the name of a country in central Europe. Note that the name of this country is closely related to that of Slovakia.
Somali სომალი (Country) Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Mongolian
Form of Somalia in various languages.
Tanzania ტანზანია (Country) Swahili, English, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Romanian, Greek, Armenian, Georgian, Indonesian, Malay
From a combination of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, the names of the two countries that were united to create the East African country of Tanzania in 1964.
Uganda უგანდა (Country) English, Ganda, Swahili, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Turkish, Georgian, Armenian, Hebrew, Persian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay
From Buganda, the name of a kingdom within Uganda, which means "land of the Ganda" in the Luganda language. The Ganda are an ethnic group, their name possibly deriving from a Bantu word meaning "family". Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa.
Urugvai ურუგვაი (Country & River) Georgian
Georgian form of Uruguay.
Venesuela ვენესუელა (Country) Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Azerbaijani, Georgian
Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Azerbaijani and Georgian form of Venezuela.