Acalan(Other)Aztec Acalan is a masculine name of Aztec origin that means "narrow rowing boat" or "canoe," making it an excellent option for your adventurous little one. With connotations of serenity, athleticism, and a deep connection to nature, it is a striking option that celebrates baby's heritage... [more]
Albion(Island)Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman, English (Archaic) Ancient Gallo-Latin name for Great Britain, as well as an alternative, but now a poetic name for the island, from Proto-Celtic albiū "luminous/upper world", making it a cognate of Alba (and its Anglicised form Albany).
Amherst(Settlement)English, Anglo-Saxon The name Amherst is derived from the surname of Jeffrey Amherst, a British Army officer who played a role in the French and Indian War. The town in Nova Scotia and other places were named in his honor... [more]
Antiocheia(Settlement)Ancient Greek Derived from the Greek name Antiochos and the feminine suffix -ειᾰ (-eia). This was the name of multiple ancient cities founded by Seleucus I Nicator and named for his father, Antiochus, the most famous of which - Antioch on the Orontes - later became one of the Roman Empire's largest cities, was made the capital of the province of Syria, and became an important centre of early Christianity.
Apulia(Political Subdivision)English, Ancient Roman, Polish, Spanish From Latin Apulia, itself of unknown origin, perhaps from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ep-, meaning "water". This is the name of a region in southern Italy.
Ashkelon(Settlement)Ancient Hebrew An ancient city of southwest Palestine on the Mediterranean Sea. Inhabited as early as the third millennium bc, it was a seat of worship for the goddess Astarte.
Atlatonin(Other)Aztec A feminine name of Aztec origin, Atlatonan is borne by the Aztec goddess of the Earth. In Mexica mythology, Atlatonan is one of the four wives of Tezcatlipoca—a revered god associated with many concepts, such as the night sky and jaguars... [more]
Aztlan(Other & Settlement)Aztec and Toltec Mythology, Aztec From the very name of the mythical homeland of the Aztec peoples. Etymology uncertain, often said to mean "place of the herons", from Nahuatl aztatl "heron, snowy egret" and the locative suffix -tlan, though this doesn’t fit Nahuatl morphology... [more]
Birka(Settlement)Old Norse, Old Swedish Possibly taken from a Latinization of Norse Bjǫrkey "Birch island", although some believe it's derived from Old Norse birk "market place". Birka was a Viking age town and an important trading and market place during the Viking Age located on the island Björkö (modern form of Bjǫrkey) in Lake Mälaren, outside of Stockholm, Sweden.
Boeotia(Region)English, Ancient Roman From Greek Βοιωτία (Boiotia), supposedly from the eponymous founder Boeotus, though it’s more likely to derive directly from βοώτης (bootes) meaning "herdsman", itself from βοῦς (bous) meaning "ox, cow"... [more]
Caletum(Settlement)Ancient Roman From the name of the Caletes people; the name itself may derive from proto-Celtic kaletos meaning "hard, cruel, strong".
Campania(Political Subdivision)Italian, English, Galician, Spanish, Ancient Roman From Latin Campania, itself from campania felix, denoting the fertile countryside around Mount Vesuvius. This is the name of a region in southern Italy.
Caria(Region)Ancient Greek Caria was an ancient province near the Aegean Sea in Asia Minor.
Chicomoztoc(Settlement & Other)Nahuatl, Aztec From Nahuatl chicome (“seven”), oztotl (“cave”), and -c (“place”).
Chorasmia(Region & Political Subdivision)Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman, English, Greek Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman name for the region of Khwarazm in Central Asia. It was named after the Chorasmians, a local Iranian tribe who were known as Χωράσμιοι (Chorasmioi) to the Greeks and as Chorasmii to the Romans.... [more]
Cipactonal(Other)Aztec Cipactonal was the Aztec god of astrology and calendars. In Nahuatl, the word can also mean production of the day.
Cozcatl(Other)Aztec Cozcatl is a masculine name that means “jewel” in the Nahuatl language. Of Aztec origin.
Cuzco(Political Subdivision & Settlement)Inca (Hispanicized), Quechua (Hispanicized), Spanish (Archaic) Traditional spelling of Cusco, a city in Peru which was the capital of the Inca Empire. Cusco is the Hispanicized form of Quechua Qusqu meaning "rock, boundary stone; heap of earth and stones; nucleus; navel; bed, dry bed of a lake".
Eleon(Settlement)Ancient Greek Eleon or Heleon was a town in ancient Boeotia, mentioned by Homer in the Catalogue of Ships in the Iliad in the same line with Hyle and Peteon.
Etruria(Country)English, Italian, Spanish, Ancient Roman, History Meaning unknown. This was the name of an ancient country in the Italian Peninsula (located in what is now Tuscany) inhabited by the Etruscans.... [more]
Eturkalamma(Other)Babylonian Means "house, cattle pen of the land", deriving from the Akkadian elements erṣutu ("ground, earth, soil, land"). Name of the temple of Ishtar in Babylon, where she was worshipped as Belet-babili.
Grœnland(Country)Old Norse Means "green land" in Old Norse. From grœnn "green" and land "land".
Hadria(Settlement)Ancient Roman The name of two Roman settlements. The first one is modern Adria. It is an important Etruscan port town in northern Italy. The second one is modern Atri. It is named after the northern town in Italy... [more]
Hara Berezaiti(Mountain)Avestan, Persian Mythology Means "high watch" or "high guard" in Avestan, from 𐬀𐬌𐬙𐬍 (harā) meaning "watch, guard, protect" and 𐬠𐬆𐬭𐬆𐬰𐬀𐬧𐬙 (berezant) meaning "high, tall". This is the name of a mountain in Zoroastrian legend, also considered the home of Mithra.
Hastinapura(Settlement)Sanskrit Means "city of elephants" in Sanskrit, from हस्तिना (hastinā) meaning "elephants" and पुर (pura) meaning "city". This was the name of the ancient capital of the Kuru kingdom, allegedly founded by King Hasti, the son of King Kuru, on the bank of the Ganges river in the present-day state of Uttar Pradesh, northern India.
Helikon(Mountain)Ancient Greek Means "the tortuous mountain", derived from Greek ἕλιξ (helix) "spiral" (genitive ἕλικος). This is the name of a famous mountain in Boeotia, Greece.
Herculaneum(Settlement)Ancient Roman An ancient Roman town in Italy destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. Derived from the name of Hercules, a mythological figure whom some claimed had founded the settlement.
Hestitona(Settlement)Anglo-Saxon (Latinized) Latinized form of Old English Hengestestun meaning "town of Hengest", derived from the genitive of the Old English personal name Hengest and tun "enclosure, yard, town"... [more]
Hyperoxiane(Region)Ancient Greek Means "beyond the river Oxus", derived from Greek ὑπέρ (hyper) meaning "over, above, beyond" combined with the Greek noun Ὦξος (Oxos) meaning "Oxus"... [more]
Isca(River)Old Celtic (Latinized), History Romanized form of a Celtic river name, from Common Celtic *iska- "water" (cognate with whiskey). This is the Latin name for both the River Exe and the River Usk, after which the towns of Exeter (Isca Dumnoniorum) and Caerleon (Isca Augusta) got their Roman names.
Istros(Island & River)Ancient Greek Ancient Greek name for the Greek island of Gyali as well as for the lower section of the Danube river. In the case of the latter, the name is a loanword from either Dacian or Thracian... [more]
Italica(Settlement)Ancient Roman Named after the Italic veterans of the founder.
Iuverna(Country & Island)Ancient Roman A Roman name for Ireland, from Old Celtic *Iveriu "Ireland" (accusative case *Iverionem, ablative *Iverione) - from which eventually arose Irish Ériu and Éire.
Jórvík(Settlement)Old Norse, Icelandic Icelandic and Old Norse form of York. It is believed to be derived from Old English Eoforwic, itself believed to be derived from Latin Eboracum possibly meaning "place of the yew trees".
Karmania(Political Subdivision & Region)Old Persian (Hellenized) Hellenized form of Karmana, the ancient Persian name of a region and province of several Persian empires. It is better known under its Latin and English name Carmania.
Karpathos(Island)Ancient Greek, Greek The second largest of the Greek Dodecanese islands, located between Crete and Rhodes.
Lesbos(Island)Ancient Greek, English Meaning uncertain, possibly "wooded, forested". This is the name of a Greek island in the northeastern Aegean Sea - the third largest island in Greece. In the 7th century BC, it was home to a circle of young girl lovers including Sappho.
Lucania(Region & Political Subdivision)Ancient Roman, Italian, History From the Osco-Sabellic luc, meaning "light", associated with the morning star Lucifer in the east, as Lucania was east of the river Sele (then known as Silarus). This was the homeland of the Oscan Lucani people, now known as Basilicata.
Lumbini(Political Subdivision & Settlement)Nepali, Sanskrit Means "the lovely" in Sanskrit. In Buddhist tradition this is the name of the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), located in what is now Nepal (within a province of the same name). It is now regarded as a pilgrimage site by Buddhists.
Machelonia(Country, Political Subdivision & Region)Ancient Greek, English, Italian Derived from Μαχελονία (Machelonia), the ancient Greek name for a region and satrapy of the Sasanian Empire. It was named after the Colchian (i.e. Kartvelian) tribe that lived there, who were known to the ancient Greeks as the Μαχελῶνες (Machelones) or the Μαχελονοι (Machelonoi)... [more]
Malvern(Other)Brythonic Derived from moel-bryn, meaning "bare or bald hill." A town in Worchestershire, England bears this name.
Mantua(Settlement)English, Dutch, German, Ancient Roman, Spanish A city in Italy, the birthplace of the famous Ancient Roman poet Vergil. Etymology uncertain; possibly from the name of the Etruscan god Mantus.
Mare Nostrum(Body of Water)Ancient Roman, Late Roman Ancient Roman term for the Mediterranean Sea. Meaning "our sea", from Latin mare meaning "sea" and nostrum meaning "our, ours".
Massalia(Settlement)Greek, Ancient Greek Greek form of Marseille, also the name of an ancient colony and city located in what is now southern France.
Notion(Settlement)Ancient Greek From Greek Νότιον (Notion), meaning "southern". This was the name of a city-state on the west coast of Anatolia, near present-day Izmir, Turkey.
Olisipo(Settlement)Ancient Roman Ancient name of Lisboa used while the city were a part of the Roman Empire. Probably derived from the name Odysseus.
Omeyocan(Settlement)Aztec, Aztec and Toltec Mythology It means "the place of duality." The word is composed of ōme ('two') and -yō (suffix for abstractions), which gives ōmeyōtl or duality; and -cān (place).
Orcadia(Island)Medieval, Old Celtic (Latinized) A medieval name for the Orkney Islands, the famous archipelago of the northwest coast of Scotland. It comes from the Roman name Orcades which was probably derived from Celtic *forko- "young pig"... [more]
Ostia(Settlement)Ancient Roman, Italian From Latin ōs, meaning "mouth", transferred to mean "opening, entrance". This was a major port city in Ancient Rome, which is still the name of a coastal area of the modern city of Rome.
Pandosia(Settlement)Ancient Greek Pandosia (Ancient Greek: Πανδοσία) was an ancient city of Bruttium, in what is now Calabria, southern Italy. According to Livy it was situated near the border between Bruttium and Lucania (now Basilicata).
Pen-y-ghent(Mountain)English, Old Celtic A mountain in Yorkshire, Northern England. In the Cumbric Language, the element pen, exactly as in Welsh, meant 'head, top, summit', and y, also as in Welsh, meant the definite article 'the'... [more]
Phasis(Settlement & River)Ancient Greek The ancient Greek name for the Rioni River as well as a historical town along that river, meaning unclear. It may be of Georgian-Zan (Mingrelian and Laz), Svan or Semitic origin.
Phoenice(Settlement)Ancient Greek Phoenice or Phoenike was an ancient Greek city in Epirus and capital of the Chaonians. It was also the location of the Treaty of Phoenice which ended the First Macedonian War, as well as one of the wealthiest cities in Epirus until the Roman conquest.... [more]
Pompeii(Settlement)Ancient Roman Possibly derived from the Oscan pompe "five", becoming the Latin second declension plural, pompeii. This may be because the community formerly consisted of five hamlets, or was perhaps settled by a family group (gens Pompeia).... [more]
San Paride Ad Fontem(Other)Ancient Roman San Paride ad Fontem is a Roman Catholic church which got it's name from the low ground having a spring at which the town's 4th local bishop had preached.
Sark(Island)English, Ancient Semitic, Medieval Scandinavian One of the Channel Islands in England. Could be derived from the Proto-Semetic 'śrq', meaning "redden", "rise", or "east", as Sark is the easternmost island. Alternatively, it come from Old Norse 'serkr', meaning "shirt".
Scotia(Political Subdivision)Ancient Roman Latin name of Scotland, from Scoti meaning "Gaelic speaker".
Serdica(Settlement)Ancient Greek Latin and Ancient Greek name for the Bulgarian city now known as Sofia. Named after the Celtic tribe Serdi.
Serkland(Region)Old Norse Old Norse name for a region around the Caspian Sea in the Middle East. The name is composed of Old Norse serkr "gown" and land "country"... [more]
Sparta(Settlement)English, Czech, Danish, Finnish, German, Icelandic, Manx, Polish, Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman From Doric Greek Σπάρτα (Sparta) and Attic Greek Σπάρτη (Spartē), which is of uncertain origin but possibly derived from σπάρτον (sparton) meaning "rope, cable" - a reference to the cords laid as the city’s foundation boundaries, though this could be just a folk etymology.... [more]
Starbeck(Settlement)Old Norse The name **Starbeck** has an interesting origin! It is derived from the Old Norse term **"Stor-Bokki"**, which means **"Great River"**. The village of Starbeck, near Harrogate in Yorkshire, was formerly spelled as **"Starbok"** and appears in the 1086 Domesday Book... [more]
Stuotgarten(Settlement)Old High German From Old High German Stuotgarten meaning "stud farm"; the city in Germany was founded as a site for breeding warhorses.
Thebes(Settlement)English, Ancient Greek (Anglicized) Perhaps ultimately from Semitic teba "chest, box". This is the name of a city in Boeotia, Greece, which played an important role in many Greek myths (as the site of the stories of Cadmus, Oedipus, Dionysus, Heracles and others).
Thessalonica(Settlement)Ancient Greek (Latinized) The name of a Greek city, which was named after the princess Thessalonike of Macedon. Her name means "Thessalian victory, victory in Thessaly" from Greek Θεσσαλός (Thessalos) "Thessalian" and νίκη (nike) "victory"... [more]
Thyrea(Settlement)Ancient Greek Thyrea was a town of Cynuria, and was fought over between ancient Argolis and ancient Laconia. According to Pausanias, Thyrea was named after a mythological figure: Thyraeos, the son of Lycaon.
Transoxania(Region)Ancient Roman Means "beyond the river Oxus", derived from Latin trans meaning "across, beyond" combined with the Latin noun Oxus meaning "the river Oxus".... [more]
Tyras(River)Ancient Greek Derived from Scythian tūra meaning "quick, rapid, strong". This is the ancient Greek name for the Dniester river, which is known as Dneisteros in modern Greek.
Vinland(Region)Old Norse Old Norse name for a place in modern Canada, named by viking Leif Eriksson c. 1000 AD. The first element of the name is uncertain, but it could be from Old Norse vín "wine" or vin "meadow".
Wicklow(Political Subdivision & Settlement)Irish, Old Norse Town and county in Ireland. From Old Norse 'víkingalág' or 'vikinga-ló', meaning "meadow of the Vikings".
Xipilli(Other)Aztec Xipilli is a masculine name of Aztec origin, meaning “jeweled prince”. Xipilli’s roots are difficult to unearth. However, one source references a warrior with this name who fought in the Fall of Tenochtitlan in 1521.