Country Submitted Place Names

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Khyrthtwyla (Country) Abkhaz
From Abkhaz ақырҭуа (akhyrthua) meaning "Georgian" (of Mingrelian origin) and атәыла (atwyla) meaning "country". This is the Abkhaz name for the country of Georgia.
Kiakkitsathan (Country) Lao
Lao form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kianada (Country) Jamaican Patois
Jamaican Patois form of Canada.
Kiina (Country) Finnish
Finnish form of China.
Ķīna (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of China.
Kína (Country) Icelandic, Hungarian
Icelandic and Hungarian form of China.
Kini-Bissao (Country) Thai
Thai form of Guinea-Bissau.
Kinija (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of China.
Kinmarun (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Cameroon.
Kinnya (Country & Mountain) Burmese
Burmese form of Kenya.
Kīnõmō (Country) Livonian
Livonian form of China
Kipar (Country & Island) Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian
Bosnian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Cyprus.
Kipeuroseu (Country) Korean
Korean form of Cyprus.
Kipra (Country & Island) Latvian
Latvian form of Cyprus.
Kipras (Country & Island) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cyprus.
Kiprenez (Island & Country) Breton
Breton form of Cyprus.
Kîpros (Country & Island) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Cyprus.
Kipros (Island & Country) Armenian
Armenian form of Cyprus.
Kipurosu (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Cyprus.
Kireugiseuseutan (Country) Korean
Korean form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirghisia (Country) Romansh
Romansh form of Kyrgyzstan
Kirghizia (Country & Political Subdivision) English (Rare)
Anglicization of Kirgiziya, the Russian name for the country of Kyrgyzstan. In the Anglophone world, this name was primarily used during the Soviet era... [more]
Kirghizie (Country) French
French form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in France is Kirghizistan.
Kirgisia (Country) Finnish
Finnish form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya.
Kirgisië (Country) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya.
Kirgisien (Country) Danish, German (Rare)
Danish and German form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in both Denmark and Germany is Kirgisistan.
Kirgistanaya (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgiz (Country) Mongolian
Mongolian form of Kyrgyzstan via the Russian form Kirgiziya.
Ki-rgi-za-stan (Country) Tibetan
Tibetan form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizia (Country) Greek
Greek form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya.
Kirgizie (Country & Political Subdivision) Czech (Rare)
Czech form of Kirgiziya, the Russian name for the country of Kyrgyzstan. In Czechia, this name was primarily used during the Soviet era... [more]
Kirgizië (Country) Dutch
Dutch form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya.
Kirgīzija (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Latvia is Kirgizstāna.
Kirgizija (Country) Lithuanian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Lithuanian form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is the standard Lithuanian name for the country, but sometimes the form Kirgizstanas is also used.... [more]
Kirgizio (Country) Esperanto
Esperanto form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirġiżistan (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizistan (Country) Basque, Slovene, Swedish
Basque, Slovenian and Swedish form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizistana (Country) Malagasy
Malagasy form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizistani (Country) Albanian
Albanian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizisztán (Country) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizja (Country & Political Subdivision) Polish (Rare)
Polonization of Kirgiziya, the Russian name for the country of Kyrgyzstan. In Poland, this name was primarily used during the Soviet era... [more]
Kirgizsko (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizstan (Country) Bulgarian, Indonesian
Bulgarian and Indonesian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizstāna (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizstanas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kyrgyzstan. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Lithuania is Kirgizija.
Kirguisia (Country) Spanish
Spanish form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Spain is Kirguistán.
Kirguizistan (Country) Catalan
Catalan form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kiribasi (Country) Korean
Korean form of Kiribati.
Kiribasu (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Kiribati.
Kirîbatî (Country) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Kiribati.
Kiribati (Country) English
An island country in Oceania.
Kiribatis (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kiribati.
Kirihi (Country) Maori
Maori form of Greece.
Kırım (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Turkish
Turkish form of Crimea.
Kirimpati (Country) Greek
Greek form of Kiribati.
Kirugisu (Country) Japanese
From Russian Киргиз (Kirgiz), used to refer to Kyrgyzstan.
Kiuba (Country) Bengali, Dhivehi, Punjabi
Bengali, Dhivehi and Punjabi form of Cuba.
Kiupa (Country & Island) Maori
Maori form of Cuba.
Koemanië (Country & Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Cumania.
Kôety (Country) Malagasy
Malagasy form of Kuwait.
Koeweit (Country) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Kuwait.
Kohsobo (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Kosovo.
Kōlea (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Korea.
Kollombia (Country) Korean
Korean form of Colombia.
Koloatia (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Croatia.
Kolómbia (Country) Guarani
Guarani form of Colombia.
Kolombiya (Country) Amharic, Bengali, Kurdish, Nepali, Persian, Turkish
Form of Colombia used in various languages.
Kolombiyawa (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Colombia.
Kolombja (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of Colombia.
Kolomvia (Country) Greek
Greek form of Colombia.
Kolumbi (Country) Buryat, Chechen, Chuvash, Mongolian, Ossetian
Buryat, Chechen, Chuvash, Mongolian, and Ossetian form of Colombia.
Kolumbiýa (Country) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Colombia.
Komaros (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Comoros.
Kombodiya (Country) Bengali
Bengali form of Cambodia.
Kombudia (Country) Assamese
Assamese form of Cambodia.
Komor (Country) Kurdish, Persian
Kurdish and Persian form of Comoros.
Komoras (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of The Comoros.
Komoret (Country) Albanian
Albanian form of Comoros.
Komorlar (Country) Kazakh, Turkish
Kazakh and Turkish form of Comoros.
Kômôro (Country) Malagasy
Malagasy form of Comoros.
Komoro (Country) Indonesian, Japanese, Korean
Indonesian, Japanese and Korean form of Comoros.
Komoro (Country) Burmese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean
Burmese, Indonesian, Japanese and Korean form of Comoros.
Komoros (Country) Bengali, Hindi, Maltese, Eastern African, Hausa
Bengali, Hindi, Maltese, and Hausa form of Comoros.
Komorot (Country) Lao
Lao form of Comoros.
Konggo (River & Country) Khmer, Korean
Khmer and Korean form of Congo.
Kongko (Country & River) Greek
Greek form of Congo.
Kongko (River & Country) Greek, Lao
Greek and Lao form of Congo.
Kōngo (River & Country) Maori
Maori form of Congo.
Konho (Country & River) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Congo.
Koonfur Afrika (Country) Somali
Somali calque of South Africa.
Kóóweiʼ (Country) Navajo
Navajo form of Kuwait
Kore (Country) Persian, Turkish
Persian and Turkish form of Korea.
Kórea (Country) Icelandic, Slovak
Icelandic and Slovak form of Korea
Kôrea (Country) Malagasy
Malagasy form of Korea.
Kōrea (Country) Maori
Maori form of Korea.
Koréa (Country) Banjar, Javanese, Sundanese
Banjar, Javanese and Sundanese form of Korea.
Koreaa (Country) Dhivehi
Dhivehi form of Korea.
Korea Ta' Fuq (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of North Korea
Korea T'isfel (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of South Korea
Korejə (Country) Talysh
Talysh form of Korea.
Korêya (Country) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Korea.
Koreýa (Country) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Korea.
Ko Ri Ya (Country) Tibetan, Bhutanese
Tibetan and Dzongkha form of Korea.
Koriyawa (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Korea.
Koriye (Country) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Korea.
Koroasi (Country) Persian
Persian form of Croatia.
Koroātia (Country) Maori
Maori form of Croatia.
Koronbia (Country, Region, Settlement, Political Subdivision & River) Japanese
Japanese form of Colombia and Columbia.
Kosava (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Kosovo.
Koseutarika (Country) Korean
Korean form of Costa Rica.
Kosobo (Country) Cebuano, Japanese, Korean
Cebuano, Japanese and Korean form of Kosovo.
Kosova (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kosovo.
Kosovas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kosovo.
Kosovo (Country) Afrikaans, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Indonesian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Ukrainian
From Albanian Kosova or Kosovë, which is derived from Serbian кос (kos) meaning "blackbird", an ellipsis of Косово Поље (Kosovo Polje) meaning "blackbird field"... [more]
Kosowo (Country) Polish, Turkmen
Polish and Turkmen form of Kosovo.
Kosowo (Country) Polish, Sinhalese, Turkmen
Polish, Sinhala and Turkmen form of Kosovo.
Kosowo (Country) Polish, Sinhalese, Turkmen, Uyghur
Polish, Sinhala, Turkmen and Uyghur form of Kosovo.
Kòssovu (Country) Sardinian
Sardinian form of Kosovo.
Kosta Ríka (Country) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Costa Rica
Kosta Rîka (Country) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Costa Rica.
Kostaryka (Country) Polish
Polish form of Costa Rica.
Kosutarika (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Costa Rica.
Koszovó (Country) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kosovo.
Kot D'ivuar (Country) Armenian
Armenian form of Côte d'Ivoire (see Ivory Coast).
Kot-d'i̇vuar (Country) Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Côte D'ivoire.
Kotdivuāra (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Ivory Coast
Kotdiwua (Country) Thai
Thai form of Côte D'ivoire.
Kōtirana (Country) Maori
Maori form of Scotland.
Koto Rika (Country) Maori
Maori form of Costa Rica.
Koulombi (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Colombia via French Colombie.
Koumoa (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Comoros via the French form Comores.
Koure (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Korea via the French form Corée.
Kousouvou (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Kosovo.
Koustarika (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Costa Rica.
Koutdivoa (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Côte D'ivoire.
Kouva (Country & Island) Greek
Greek form of Cuba.
Kouveit (Country) Greek
Greek form of Kuwait.
Koweït (Country) French
French form of Kuwait.
Kreak (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Greece.
Kreeka (Country) Estonian
Estonian form of Greece.
Kreikka (Country) Finnish
Finnish form of Graecia (see Greece).
Krievija (Country) Latvian
Latvian name for Russia.
Krím (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Crimea.
Krım (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Crimea.
Krim (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Afrikaans, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Norwegian, Serbian, Swedish
Form of Crimea.
Krima (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Latvian
Latvian form of Crimea.
Krimaia (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Greek
Greek form of Crimea.
Krimea (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Albanian, Indonesian, Malay, Maltese
Albanian, Indonesian, Malay, and Maltese form of Crimea.
Kris (Country) Thai
Thai form of Greece.
Kroacia (Country) Albanian
Albanian form of Croatia.
Krôasia (Country) Malagasy
Malagasy form of Croatia.
Kroasia (Country) Indonesian
Indonesian form of Croatia.
Kroasya (Country) Tagalog
Tagalog form of Croatia.
Króatía (Country) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Croatia.
Kroatíà (Country) Yoruba
Yoruba form of Croatia.
Kroatija (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Croatia.
Kroatio (Country) Esperanto
Esperanto form of Croatia.
Kroațiya (Country) Gagauz
Gagauz form of Croatia.
Kroatye (Country) Yiddish
Yiddish form of Croatia.
Kroazia (Country) Basque
Basque form of Croatia
Kroazja (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of Croatia.
Krodiye (Country) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Croatia via the Chinese form 克罗地亚 (Keluodiya).
Kroeshiya (Country) Hindi, Urdu
Hindi and Urdu form of Croatia.
Kroweshiya (Country) Bengali
Bengali form of Croatia.
Krung Go (Country) Tibetan
Tibetan form of Zhongguo, used as the Tibetan name for China.
Krung Ko (Country) Bhutanese
Bhutanese form of Zhongguo, used as the Bhutanese name for China.
Krym (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Belarusian, Czech, Mongolian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Rusyn
Form of Crimea.
Krymas (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Crimea.
Kuatamara (Country) Maori
Maori form of Guatemala.
Kuatemala (Country) Thai
Thai form of Guatemala.
Kuatemala (Country) Lao, Thai
Lao and Thai form of Guatemala.
Kûba (Country) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Cuba.
Kubæ (Country) Ossetian
Ossetian form of Cuba.
Kuekene (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Sweden.
Kuete (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Kuwait.
Kuleke (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Turkey.
Kunghu (River & Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Congo, usually written with the definite article: كونغو (al-Kunghu).
Kungo (River & Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Congo.
Kupelo (Country & Island) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Cyprus.
Küpros (Island & Country) Estonian
Estonian form of Cyprus.
Kurimia (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Crimea.
Kuroachia (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Croatia.
Kuroeshia (Country) Dhivehi
Dhivehi form of Croatia.
Kuruwatiya (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of Croatia.
Kuruweshiya (Country) Eastern African, Somali
Somali form of Croatia.
Kuvait (Country) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kuwait
Kuvajti (Country) Albanian
Albanian form of Kuwait.
Kuvajto (Country) Esperanto
Esperanto form of Kuwait.
Kuveita (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Kuwait.
Kuveitas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kuwait.
Küveyt (Country) Azerbaijani, Crimean Tatar
Azerbaijani and Crimean Tatar form of Kuwait.
Kuveyt (Country) Bulgarian, Kazakh, Mongolian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian
Form of Kuwait used in multiple languages.
Kuwait (Country) Arabic, Danish, English, Finnish, German, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog
Of uncertain meaning, possibly from the alleged Arabic root ك و ت (k-w-t) or from a word meaning "fortress built near water". This is the name of a country in Western Asia, usually written with the definite article: الكويت (al-Kuwait) in Arabic.
Kuwajt (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of Kuwait.
Kuweik (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Kuwait.
Kuweiteu (Country) Korean
Korean form of Kuwait.
Kūweiti (Country & Settlement) Maori
Maori form of Kuwait.
Kuwejt (Country) Polish, Silesian
Polish and Silesian form of Kuwait.
Kuwet (Country & Settlement) Lao
Lao form of Kuwait.
Kuwetaya (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Kuwait.
Kuwēto (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Kuwait.
Kuweýt (Country) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Kuwait.
Kuweyt (Country) Kurdish, Uyghur, Walloon
Kurdish, Uyghur and Walloon form of Kuwait.
Kuyba (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Cuba.
Kuyet (Country & Settlement) Bengali
Bengali form of Kuwait.
Kuyvaet (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Kuwait.
Kuzey Kore (Country) Turkish
Turkish form of North Korea
Kvatemala (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Guatemala.
Kviprosi (Country & Island) Georgian
Georgian form of Cyprus.
K'wet (Country & Settlement) Hebrew
Hebrew form of Kuwait.
Kwowasi (Country) Haitian Creole
Haitian Creole form of Croatia.
Kypr (Island & Country) Czech
Czech form of Cyprus.
Kyprys (Country) Manx
Manx form of Cyprus
Kýpur (Country) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Cyprus.
Kyrgystaan (Country) Yakut
Yakut form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrgyzstán (Country) Czech
Czech form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrhyziya (Country) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Ukraine is Kyrhyzstan.
Kyrhyzstan (Country) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kyūba (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Cuba.
Kyuba (Country & Island) Burmese
Burmese form of Cuba.
Laai Tyut Wai Aa (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Latvia.
Lááʼos (Country) Navajo
Navajo form of Laos
Laberiya (Country) Hausa
Hausa form of Liberia.
Lahestan (Country) Persian
From Persian له (Lah) referring to the Lechites, a group of West Slavic tribes who are the ancestors of modern-day Poles, combined with the suffix ستان (stan 2) meaning "land of"... [more]
Lahiston (Country) Tajik
Tajik form of Lahestan.
Laibiria (Country) Thai
Thai form of Liberia.
Laikberiya (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Liberia.
Laisuotuo (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Lesotho.
Laitvia (Country) Irish
Irish form of Latvia
Lakawia (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Latvia.
Laksemboek (Country) Thai
Thai form of Luxembourg.
Lâm-hui (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Nanfei.
Langbarðaland (Country) Old Norse
Old Norse name for Italy.
Lanna (Country) Northern Thai, Thai
Means "a million paddy fields" from Northern Thai ᩃ᩶ᩣ᩠ᨶ (lan) or Thai ล้าน (lan) meaning "million" and Northern Thai ᨶᩣ (na) or Thai นา (na) meaning "paddy field, rice paddy"... [more]
Laosaya (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Laos.
Laosi (Country) Albanian, Georgian
Albanian and Georgian form of Laos.
Laoso (Country) Esperanto
Esperanto form of Laos.
Laôsy (Country) Malagasy
Malagasy form of Laos.
Lap Tou Jyun (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Lithuania via German Litauen.
Latbiya (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Latvia.
Látsębooʼ (Country) Navajo
Navajo form of Luxembourg
Latsia (Country) Lao
Lao form of Russia.
Latuoweiya (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Latvia.
Latvi (Country) Buryat, Chechen, Chuvash, Mongolian, Ossetian
Buryat, Chechen, Chuvash, Mongolian, and Ossetian form of Latvia.
Lát-vi-a (Country) Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Latvia.
Latvija (Country) Latvian, Bosnian, Croatian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Slovene
Derived from Latgalians, the name of an ancient Eastern Baltic tribe inhabiting present-day Latvia.
Latvio (Country) Esperanto
Esperanto form of Latvia.
Latvja (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of Latvia.
Latwia (Country) Thai
Thai form of Latvia.
Latwia (Country) Lao, Thai
Lao and Thai form of Latvia.
Latwiýa (Country) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Latvia.
Latwiyawa (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Latvia.
Latwiye (Country) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Latvia.
Laujvoh (Country) Zhuang
Zhuang form of Laowo.
Láu-o (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien romanization of Laowo.
Lawosse (Country) Walloon
Walloon form of Laos.
Layibiriyawa (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Liberia.
Lebananaya (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Lebanon, referring only to the country.
Lebanon (Country & Mountain) English, Indonesian, Tagalog, Thai
Derived from the Pro-West Semitic root laban meaning "white". This is the name of a country and mountain range in Western Asia.
Leebiyaa (Country) Dhivehi
Dhivehi form of Libya.
Leedu (Country) Estonian
Estonian form of Lithuania
Lehastan (Country) Armenian
Armenian form of Poland
Lehistan (Country) Crimean Tatar, Uyghur
Crimean Tatar and Uyghur form of Lahestan.
Lei Bei Aa (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Libya.
Lektensaten (Country) Lao
Lao form of Liechtenstein.
Lengyelország (Country) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Poland
Lenkija (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Poland.
Leosóta (Country) Irish
Irish form of Lesotho
Lepanona (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lebanon.
Lesota (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Lesotho.
Lesotas (Country) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Lesotho.
Lesotho (Country) English
The name of the Country in Southern Africa. Lesotho, a high-altitude, landlocked kingdom encircled by South Africa, is crisscrossed by a network of rivers and mountain ranges including the 3,482m-high peak of Thabana Ntlenyana... [more]
Lesotho (Country) Southern African, Sotho, English, Afrikaans, Bengali, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish
Means "land of the Sotho", from the ethnic name of the Sotho (Basotho) people derived from the word motho meaning "person". This is the name of a country in southern Africa.
Lesothu (Country) Asturian
Asturian form of Lesotho.
Lesótó (Country) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Lesotho.
Lesoutou (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Lesotho.
Letbanun (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Lebanon.
Lètlan (Country) Javanese
Javanese form of Latvia via the Dutch form Letland.
Letland (Country) Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch
Afrikaans, Danish and Dutch form of Latvia.
Letoneye (Country) Walloon
Walloon form of Latvia.
Łetonia (Country) Venetian
Venetian form of Latvia
Letónia (Country) Portuguese (European)
European Portuguese form of Latvia via its New Latin name Lettonia.
Letònia (Country) Catalan
Catalan form of Latvia via its New Latin name Lettonia.
Letônia (Country) Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Latvia via its New Latin name Lettonia.
Letonia (Country) Albanian, Greek, Romanian, Spanish
Albanian, Greek, Romanian and Spanish form of Latvia via its New Latin name Lettonia.
Letonija (Country) Bosnian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare), Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Lettonia, which is the Latin name for Latvia.... [more]
Letonya (Country) Kurdish, Tagalog, Turkish
Kurdish, Tagalog and Turkish form of Lettonia (see Latvia).
Lettland (Country) Faroese, German, Icelandic, Swedish
Cognate of Latvia.
Lettonia (Country) Italian
This is the New Latin name for Latvia, which the Italians have adopted as their standard name for the country.