Japanese Submitted Place Names

Japanese names are used in Japan and in Japanese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Japanese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here. See also about Japanese names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Mirano ミラノ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Milan.
Mitaka 三鷹, みたか (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 三 (mi) meaning "three" and 鷹 (taka) meaning "hawk". This is the name of a city in the Tokyo Metropolis, Japan.
Mito 水戸, みと (Settlement) Japanese
The kanji that make up the name are 水 (mizu), meaning "water", and 戸 (to), meaning "door". This is the name of the capital city of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.
Mitsue 御杖, ミツエ (Settlement) Japanese
This is the name of a village located in the eastern-most part of Nara prefecture in western Japan.... [more]
Miyagi 宮城 (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Means "home castle" in Japanese.
Miyagi 宮城, みやぎ (Political Subdivision) Japanese
From Japanese 宮 (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace" and 城 (ki) meaning "castle". This is the name of a prefecture of Japan.
Miyakojima (Political Subdivision) Japanese
A city in Okinawa prefecture.
Miyazaki 宮崎, みやざき (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 宮 (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula". This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.
Modena モデナ (Settlement) Italian, English, Bulgarian, Dutch, Georgian, German, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
From Latin Mutina, itself from Etruscan Mutna, of uncertain meaning. This is the name of a city in northern Italy.
Mogadishu (Settlement) English, Albanian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Persian, Romanian, Sinhalese, Swedish, Tagalog
From Somali Muqdisho or Arabic مقديشو (Maqadishu) of uncertain meaning. It may be from Somali meaning "sight killer" or "blinder", possibly referring to the city's blinding beauty, derived from muuq meaning "sight, look, appearance" and disho meaning "kill"... [more]
Mongoru モンゴル (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Mongolia.
Monrobia モンロビア (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Monrovia.
Montebideo モンテビデオ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Montevideo.
Morioka 盛岡, もりおか (Settlement) Japanese
Means "prosperous hill" in Japanese. The kanji that make up the name are 盛 (mori), meaning "prosper", and 岡 (oka), meaning "hill". This is the name of the capital city of Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
Mōrishasu モーリシャス (Country & Island) Japanese
Japanese form of Mauritius.
Morokko (Country) Bengali, Japanese, Malayalam, Thai
Bengali, Japanese, Malayalam and Thai form of Morocco.
Morudibu モルデント (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Maldives.
Munbai ムンバイ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Mumbai.
Mutsu (Settlement) Japanese
A city in Aomori Prefecture.
Myanmā ミャンマー (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Myanmar.
Nagano 長野, ながの (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 長 (naga) meaning "long" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness". This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.
Nagasaki 長崎, ながさき (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 長 (naga) meaning "long" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape". This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.
Nagoya 名古屋, なごや (Settlement) Japanese
Of uncertain meaning, possibly from Japanese 和やか (nagoyaka) meaning "peaceful". This is the name of a city in Japan.
Naha 那覇, なは (Settlement) Japanese
Possibly a corruption of naba, a Western Japanese and Ryukyuan word for "mushroom". This is the name of the capital city of Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.
Naijeria ナイジェリア (Country) Bengali, Japanese
Bengali and Japanese form of Nigeria.
Nairu ナイル (River) Japanese
Japanese form of Nile.
Nakano 中野, なかの (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 中 (naka) meaning "middle" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo as well as a city in Nagano Prefecture.
Nakaumi (Body of Water) Japanese
Lake Nakaumi is located in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture.
Namibia ナミビア (Country) Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Danish, English, Finnish, Georgian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Urdu
From the name of the Namib Desert, derived from Khoekhoe namib meaning "desert" or "vast place". This is the name of a country in southern Africa.
Nankin 南京, なんきん (Settlement) Japanese, Russian
Japanese and Russian form of Nanjing.
Nantai (Mountain) Japanese
Mount Nantai is located in Tochigi prefecture, Japan.
Nanto ナント (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Nantes.
Nan'yō (Region) Japanese
This is the shorter version of the name Nan'yō Guntō. It's an abbreviation. It in English means the "South Seas" and "Micronesia." It was used lots of times by Okinawans during the Japanese administration era... [more]
Nan'yō Guntō (Region) Japanese
This is the Japanese name for "Micronesia" which Imperial Japan occupied. This region included Marshall Islands which was taken over in 1914, Téél Falúw Kka Efáng Iiól Marianas (Commonwealth of The Northern Mariana Islands) where the Japanese treated Carolinians worse than the Chamorros, Guam where Japanese-CHamoru families existed, and other areas in the region.
Nanyoku-tairiku 南極大陸 (Region) Japanese
From Japanese 南極 (nanyoku) referring to the South Pole and 大陸 (tairiku) meaning "continent". This is the Japanese name for Antarctica.
Napori ナポリ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Naples.
Nara 奈良, ナラ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
This is the name of a city which is the capital of Nara Prefecture in western Japan. The kanji used are 奈 (dai, na, nai, ikan, karanashi) meaning "Nara, what?" and 良 (ryou, i.i, yo.i, ra) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled."... [more]
Nassō ナッソー (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Nassau.
Neika 寧夏, ねいか (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Japanese form of Ningxia.
Nepāru ネパール (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Nepal.
Nepido ネピドー (Settlement) Japanese, Korean, Thai
Japanese alternate transcription of Nepidō as well as the Korean and Thai form of Naypyidaw.
Nepidō ネピドー (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Naypyidaw.
Nerima 練馬, ねりま (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 練 (neri) meaning "practice, train" and 馬 (ma) meaning "horse". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo.
Niigata 新潟, にいがた (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 新 (nii) meaning "new" and 潟 (kata) meaning "lagoon". This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.
Nikko (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Nikko is a city in Tochigi prefecture.
Nikoshia ニコシア (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Nicosia.
Nishinomiya 西宮, にしのみや (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 西 (nishi) meaning "west", the unwritten possessive marker の (no), and 宮 (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace"... [more]
Njamena ンジャメナ (Settlement) Armenian, Georgian, Japanese, Tajik, Uzbek
Armenian, Georgian, Japanese, Tajik and Uzbek form of N'djamena.
Nuakushotto ヌアクショット (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Nouakchott.
Nyū Jīrando ニュージーランド (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of New Zealand.
Nyurumberuku ニュルンベルク (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Nuremberg.
Ōda 大田, おおだ (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy". This is the name of a city in Japan.
Ohaio オハイオ (Political Subdivision & River) Albanian, Bengali, Georgian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Thai
Form of Ohio used in multiple languages.
Ōita 大分 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "large division" in Japanese.
Okayama 岡山 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "hills and mountains" in Japanese.
Okinawa 沖縄 (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Means "island in the far-away sea" in Japanese.
Okinawa 沖縄, おきなわ (Political Subdivision, Settlement & Island) Japanese
From Japanese 沖 (oki) meaning "open sea" and 縄 (nawa) meaning "rope, cord", possibly from an archaic word for a type of rope used to catch fish. This is the name of a prefecture and city in Japan, as well as the name of a group of islands (along with the main island within that group).
Okkusufōdo オックスフォード (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Oxford.
Ome 青梅 (Political Subdivision) Japanese
A rural city in west Tokyo. It means "unripe plum", spelled with 青 (o, ao) meaning "blue, green" and 梅 (me, ume) meaning "plum, apricot".
Oranda オランダ (Country) Japanese
From Portuguese Holanda, used as the Japanese name for the Netherlands.
Oremburuku オレンブルク (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Orenburg.
Ōsaka 大阪, おおさか (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Alternate transcription of Osaka.
Osaka 大阪, おおさか (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 阪 (saka) meaning "slope". This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.
Oseania (Region) Finnish, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean
Form of Oceania used in various languages.
Ōshū 欧州, おうしゅう (Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Ouzhou.
Osuro オスロ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Oslo.
Ōsutorarashia オーストララシア (Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Australasia.
Ōsutoraria オーストラリア (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Australia.
Ōta 大田, おおた (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo.
Otawa オタワ (River & Settlement) Amharic, Japanese, Korean, Sinhalese
Amharic, Japanese, Korean and Sinhala form of Ottawa.
Ōtsu 大津, おうつ (Settlement) Japanese
Means "large port" in Japanese. The kanji that make up the name are 大 (ō), meaning "big, large", and 津 (tsu, Japanese kun reading of jīn), meaning "port"... [more]
Pakisutan パキスタン (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Pakistan.
Paraguai パラグアイ (Country) Catalan, Japanese, Portuguese
Catalan, Japanese and Portuguese form of Paraguay.
Parao パラオ (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Palau.
Paresuchina パレスチナ (Country & Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Palestine.
Perū ペルー (Country) Japanese, Maori
Japanese and Maori form of Peru.
Piemonte ピエモンテ (Political Subdivision) Italian, Danish, Galician, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese, Swedish, Venetian
Italian and Portuguese form of Piedmont, a region in northern Italy.
Pippu (Mountain) Japanese
Mount Pippu is situated in Hokkaido Prefecture, apart of the Ishikari Mountains.
Pisa ピサ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) English, Catalan, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish
From Latin Pisae, itself from Etruscan, of unknown meaning. This is the name of a city and province in Tuscany, Italy, known for its Leaning Tower.
Podogoritsa ポドゴリツァ (Settlement) Japanese, Portuguese
Japanese and Portuguese form of Podgorica.
Pompei ポンペイ (Settlement) Russian, Italian, Romanian, Turkish, Japanese, Korean
Form of Pompeii in various languages.
Porutōpuransu ポルトープランス (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Port-au-Prince.
Pōto Obu Supein ポートオブスペイン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Port Of Spain.
Punonpen プノンペン (Settlement) Japanese
Greek form of Phnom Penh.
Puraha プラハ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Prague.
Purovudifu プロヴディフ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Plovdiv.
Pyon'yan 平壌 (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Pyongyang.
Rabato ラバト (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Rabat.
Raosu ラオス (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Laos.
Rapasu ラパス (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of La Paz.
Rasu Begasu ラスベガス (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Las Vegas.
Rebanon レバノン (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Lebanon.
Rebun 礼文, レブン (Island) Japanese
This is the name of an island which is off the north-western tip of Hokkaidō in the far north of Japan.... [more]
Reikyavīku レイキャヴィーク (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Reykjavík.
Resoto レソト (Country) Japanese, Korean
Japanese and Korean form of Lesotho.
Riberia (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Liberia.
Rima リマ (Settlement) Japanese, Korean
Japanese and Korean form of Lima.
Risubon リスボン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Lisbon.
Riyado リヤド (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Riyadh.
Rōma ローマ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Rome.
Rondon ロンドン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of London.
Rozō ロゾー (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Roseau.
Rumoi 留萌 (River & Settlement) Japanese
Possibly derived from Ainu ルㇽモオッペ (rur-mo-ot-pe) meaning "river with quiet tides" or "river where the tide is deep". This is the name of a river and city in Japan.
Ruson ルソン (Island) Japanese, Korean
Japanese and Korean form of Luzon.
Ryuburyana リュブリャナ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Ljubljana.
Saeki 佐伯, サエキ (Settlement) Japanese
This is the name of a former town in Okayama Prefecture in western Japan and a ward of Hiroshima City, also in western Japan.... [more]
Saga 佐賀 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "celebrating sa rank, celebrating help" in Japanese.
Sagami (River) Japanese
The Sagami River Valley is located in Atsugi, a city in east-central Honshu.
Sagamihara 相模原, さがみはら (Settlement) Japanese
Means "Sagami meadow" in Japanese; "Sagami", perhaps referring to Sagami Bay, is of uncertain meaning. This is the name of a city in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
Sainan 済南, さいなん (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Jinan.
Saishū 済州, さいしゅう (Political Subdivision, Settlement & Island) Japanese
Japanese form of Jeju.
Saitama 埼玉 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "spheric peninsula" in Japanese.
Saitama 埼玉, さいたま (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 埼 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula" and 玉 (tama) meaning "jewel, ball, sphere". This is the name of a prefecture of, as well as a city in, Japan.
Sakai 堺, さかい (Settlement) Japanese
Of uncertain meaning. First appeared in 1045 or earlier in Fujiwara Sadoyori's poetry. This is the name of a city in Ōsaka Prefecture, Japan.
Sakurazaka (Mountain) Japanese
This is the name of one of the biggest volcanoes in Japan. It means "Cherry Blossom Slope/ Hill."
San'a 三亜, さんあ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Sanya.
Sana サナア (Settlement) Albanian, Amharic, Belarusian, Bengali, Chinese, Croatian, Georgian, Hindi, Icelandic, Japanese, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Thai, Turkmen, Ukrainian
Form of Sanaa used in numerous languages. It can also be an alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji サナア (see Sanā).
Sanā サナア (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Sanaa.
San Furanshisuko サンフランシスコ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of San Francisco.
Sapporo 札幌, さっぽろ (Settlement) Japanese
From Ainu サッ・ポロ・ペッ (sat poro pet) meaning "dry, great river", referring to the Toyohira River. This is the name of the capital city of Hokkaido prefecture, Japan.
Sauji Arabia サウジアラビア (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Saudi Arabia.
Sebu セブ (Political Subdivision, Settlement & Island) Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Mongolian, Serbian, Russian, Thai, Ukrainian
Form of Cebu used in various languages.
Seian 西安, せいあん (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Xi'an.
Seito 成都, せいと (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Chengdu.
Sendai 仙台, せんだい (Settlement) Japanese
Evolved from earlier 仙臺; originally 千代 ("a thousand generations"), due to the presence of a temple with a thousand Buddha statues in Aoyama.... [more]
Senegaru セネガル (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Senegal.
Senshū 泉州, せんしゅう (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Quanzhou.
Sentorushia セントルシア (Country & Island) Japanese
Japanese form of Saint Lucia.
Sēsheru セーシェル (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Seychelles.
Setagaya 世田谷, せたがや (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 世 (se) meaning "world, generation, era", 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley"... [more]
Shanhai 上海, シャンハイ (Settlement) Armenian, Bulgarian, Georgian, Japanese
Armenian and Bulgarian alternate transcription of Shanhay as well as the Georgian and Japanese form of Shanghai.
Shiatoru シアトル (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Seattle.
Shiberia シベリア (Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Siberia.
Shibuya 渋谷, しぶや (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 渋 (shibu) meaning "astringent, tough" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo.
Shiga 滋賀 (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Means "nourishing joy" in Japanese.
Shikoku (Island) Japanese
Shimane 島根 (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Means "island root" in Japanese.
Shime 志免, シメ (Settlement) Japanese
This is the name of a town in Japan's Fukuoka prefecture.... [more]
Shimonoseki 下関, しものせき (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 下 (shimo) meaning "under, below" and 関 (seki) meaning "frontier, pass". This is the name of a city in Japan.
Shinagawa 品川, しながわ (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 品 (shina) meaning "goods, articles, stock" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo.
Shinano (Region & River) Japanese
Shinano is a province in Japan. Is it also the name of Japan's longest river.
Shingapōru シンガポール (Country, Settlement & Island) Japanese
Alternate transcription of Shingaporu.
Shingaporu シンガポール (Country, Settlement & Island) Japanese
Japanese form of Singapore.
Shinji (Body of Water) Japanese
Lake Shinji is located in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture.
Shinjuku 新宿, しんじゅく (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 新 (shin) meaning "new" and 宿 (juku) meaning "inn, lodge, home". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo.
Shinkyō 新疆 (Political Subdivision & Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Xinjiang.
Shinsen 深圳, 深セン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Shenzhen.
Shin'yō 瀋陽, しんよう (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Shenyang.
Shiojiri 塩尻 (Settlement) Japanese
Shiojiri is a city in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is spelled with 塩 (shio) meaning "salt" and 尻 (jiri) meaning "rear, end, back".
Shiretoko 知床, シレトコ (Other) Japanese
This is the name of a peninsula (declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005) in north-eastern Hokkaidō in northern Japan. The kanji that make up Shiretoko are 知 (chi, shi.raseru, shi.ru, shire) meaning "know, wisdom" and 床 (shou, toko, yuka) meaning "bed, floor, padding, tatami."... [more]
Shisen 四川 (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Japanese form of Sichuan.
Shishen 四川, しせん (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Japanese form of Sichuan.
Shishinai (Settlement) Japanese
Shishinai is situated in Hokkaido, Japan.
Shizuoka 静岡 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "quiet hill" in Japanese.
Shōshū 漳州, しょうしゅう (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Zhangzhou.
Sofia ソフィア (Settlement) English, Afrikaans, Armenian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai
From Bulgarian София (Sofiya) named for the Saint Sophia Church, itself derived from Ancient Greek σοφία (sophia) meaning "wisdom" (see the given name Sophia)... [more]
Somaria ソマリア (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Somalia.
Soshū 蘇州, そしゅう (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Suzhou.
Souru ソウル (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Seoul.
Suba スバ (Settlement) Japanese, Korean
Japanese and Korean form of Suva.
Sufumi スフミ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Sukhumi.
Suginami 杉並, すぎなみ (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar" and 並 (nami) meaning "row, line, avenue", so named for the row of cedar trees planted by an Edo period lord to mark the bounds of his property... [more]
Suisu スイス (Country) Japanese
Derived from French Suisse, used as the Japanese name for Switzerland.
Sukagawa 須賀川 (Settlement) Japanese
Sukagawa is a city in Fukushima.
Sukopie スコピエ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Skopje.
Sukottorando スコットランド (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Scotland.
Sumaran スマラン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Semarang.
Sumatora スマトラ (Political Subdivision & Island) Japanese
Japanese form of Sumatra.
Sumida 墨田, すみだ (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 墨 (sumi) meaning "ink" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo.
Suō 周防, 周芳, スオウ (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Shifted from earlier Suhau (Sufau) or Suha (Sufa) (first written as 周芳), belonging to an old province which corresponds to the eastern part of modern Yamaguchi Prefecture.... [more]
Suparuta スパルタ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Sparta.
Supein スペイン (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Spain.
Suraweshi スラウェシ (Political Subdivision & Island) Japanese
Japanese form of Sulawesi.
Suri Jayawarudanapura Kotte スリ・ジャヤワルダナプラ・コッテ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.
Surijayawarudanapurakotte スリ・ジャヤワルダナプラ・コッテ (Settlement) Japanese
Surinamu スリナム (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Suriname.
Suriranka スリランカ (Country & Island) Japanese
Japanese form of Sri Lanka.
Sutokkuhorumu ストックホルム (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Stockholm.
Tai タイ (Country) Estonian, Japanese
Estonian and Japanese form of Thai.
Taichū 台中, たいちゅう (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Taichung.
Taipei 台北, タイペイ (Settlement) English, Japanese
From Chinese 臺北 (Táiběi) derived from 臺 (tái) referring to Taiwan and 北 (běi) meaning "north". This is the name of the capital city of Taiwan.
Taitō 台東, たいとう (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 台 (tai) meaning "pedestal, stand" and 東 () meaning "east". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo.
Takamatsu 高松, たかまつ (Settlement) Japanese
Means "tall pine tree" in Japanese; derived from a local legend, according to which a peasant who found flakes of gold while digging for potatoes. The kanji that make up the name are 高 (taka), meaning "tall", and 松 (matsu), meaning "pine tree"... [more]
Takamizu (Mountain) Japanese
The name of a mountain in the rural city of Ome in Tokyo. The name is from 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 水 (mizu) meaning "water".
Takamori 高森 (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall" and 森 (mori) meaning "forest".
Takaoka (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Takaoka "bamboo ridge". It is a city in Toyama prefecture, Japan.
Tama 多摩 (River) Japanese
The Tama River, or Tama-gawa is in Yamanashi, Kanagawa. It is spelled using 多 (ta) meaning "many" and 摩 (ma) meaning "rub".
Tarin タリン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Tallinn.
Tashikento タシケント (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Tashkent.
Tegu 大邱, テグ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Daegu.
Tegu 大邱, テグ (Settlement) Japanese, Russian
Japanese and Russian form of Daegu.
Tegushigarupa テグシガルパ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Tegucigalpa.
Teishū 鄭州, ていしゅう (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Zhengzhou.
Tejon 大田, テジョン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Daejeon.
Tenri 天理, テンリ (Settlement) Japanese
This is the name of a city in Nara prefecture which used to be (briefly) the capital of Japan under the reign of Emperor Ninken (probably reigned from 488–498).... [more]
Tenshin 天津, てんしん (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Tianjin.
Teru Abibu テルアビブ (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Tel Aviv.
Tessaroniki テッサロニキ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Thessaloniki.
Tinpū ティンプー (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Thimphu.
Tirana ティラナ (Settlement) Albanian, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Turkmen, Uzbek
Perhaps derived from Doric Greek Τυρσανοί (Tursanoi) meaning "Tyrrhenians", which was an exonym for non-Greek inhabitants of the Tyrrhenian Sea. This is the name of the capital city of Albania.
Tobirishi トビリシ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Tbilisi.
Tochigi 栃木 (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Means "horse-chestnut tree" in Japanese.
Tōkai 東海, とうかい (Region & Settlement) Japanese
Means "eastern sea" from Japanese 東 () meaning "east" and 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean". This is the name of a subregion of Japanese regions of Chūbu and Kansai... [more]
Tōkan 東莞, とうかん (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Dongguan.
Tokushima 徳島 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "advantaged island" in Japanese.
Tomioka 富岡, とみおかま (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge". This is the name of a town in the Japanese province of Fukushima as well as a city in the province of Gunma.
Torinidādo Tobago トリニダード・トバゴ (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Trinidad And Tobago.
Torino トリノ (Settlement) Italian, Bulgarian, Esperanto, Danish, Finnish, Japanese, Macedonian, Turkish
Italian form of Turin.
Toripori トリポリ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Tripoli.
Toshima 豊島, としま (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 豊 (to) meaning "abundant, rich, bountiful" and 島 (shima) meaning "island". This is the name of a special ward of Tokyo.
Tottori 鳥取 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "bird collecting, bird taking" in Japanese.
Toyama 富山 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "wealthy mountain" in Japanese.
Toyohashi (Settlement) Japanese
This is a city in Aichi, Japan.
Tsu 津, つ (Settlement) Japanese
Means "port" in Japanese; tsu is the Japanese kun reading of jīn. This is the name of the capital city of Mie Prefecture, Japan.
Tūrūzu トゥールーズ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Toulouse.
Ukuraina ウクライナ (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Ukraine.
Urajiosutoku ウラジオストク (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Vladivostok.
Uranbātoru ウランバートル (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Ulaanbaatar.
Ureshino (Settlement) Japanese
Ureshino is in Saga Prefecture.
Urusan 蔚山, ウルサン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Ulsan.
Utsunomiya 宇都宮, うつのみや (Settlement) Japanese
This is the name of a city which is the capital and most populous city of Tochigi Prefecture, located in central Japan. The kanji used are 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis" and 宮 (kyuu, ku, kuu, guu, miya) meaning "constellations, palace, princess, Shinto shrine."... [more]
Uzubekisutan ウズベキスタン (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Uzbekistan.
Venetsia ヴェネツィア (Settlement) Finnish, Japanese
Finnish and Japanese form of Venetia (see Venice).
Venetsia ヴェネツィア (Settlement) Finnish, Georgian, Japanese
Finnish, Georgian and Japanese form of Venetia (see Venice).
Vienchan ヴィエンチャン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Vientiane.
Wakayama 和歌山 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "peaceful singing mountain" in Japanese.
Wakkanai 稚内, わっかない (Settlement) Japanese
From Ainu ヤㇺ ワッカ ナイ (yam wakka nai, “cold water river”).
Warushawa ワルシャワ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Warszawa (see Warsaw).
Wīn ウィーン (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Vienna.
Yamagata 山形 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "mountain form" in Japanese.
Yamaguchi 山口 (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
Means "mountain opening, mouth of the mountain" in Japanese.
Yamanashi 山梨 (Political Subdivision) Japanese
Means "mountain pear" in Japanese.
Yaruta (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Yalta.
Yoichi 余市, よいち (Settlement) Japanese
This is the name of a district and town in Shiribeshi Subprefecture in south-western Hokkaidō, located in northern Japan.... [more]
Yokohama 横浜, よこはま (Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "sideways, horizontal" and 浜 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore". This is the name of a city in Japan.
Yokosuka 横須賀, ヨコスカ (Settlement) Japanese
This is from a place in Japan's Kanagawa Prefecture in the east of the country. The kanji that make up Yokosuka are 横 (ou, yoko) meaning "horizontal, side, sideways, width, woof", 須 (shu, su, subekara.ku, subeshi, hige, matsu, machi.iru, mato.meru) meaning "by all means, necessarily, ought" and 賀 (ga, ka) meaning "congratulations, joy."... [more]
Yōroppa ヨーロッパ (Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Europa (see Europe).
Yorudan ヨルダン (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Jordan (the country).
Yuno (Body of Water) Japanese
Another name for Lake Yunoko.
Yunoko (Body of Water) Japanese
Yunoko Lake is in Nikko city, Tochigi prefecture.
Yūrashia ユーラシア (Region) Japanese
Japanese form of Eurasia.
Zabujei ザブジェイ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Zabrze.
Zagurebu ザグレブ (Settlement) Japanese
Japanese form of Zagreb.