Slavic Submitted Place Names

These names are used by Slavic peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ilim (River) Russian, Arabic
I couldn't find the meaning of the river's name, but Wiktionary (without mentioning the river) says it's a Turkish word with an Arabic root that means "Knowledge, Science"
Inchkhon (Settlement) Russian
Russian form of Incheon.
Indaneziya (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Indonesia.
Indonezja (Country) Polish
Polish form of Indonesia.
Indostan (Country & Region) Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian
Form of Hindustan.
Indyia (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of India.
Ingušetija (Political Subdivision) Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Slovene form of Ingushetia.
Ingushetiya (Political Subdivision) Russian
Russian form of Ingushetia.
Inguszetia (Political Subdivision) Polish
Polish form of Ingushetia.
Inhushetiya (Political Subdivision) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Ingushetia.
Inšpruk (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Innsbruck.
Inzbruk (Settlement) Serbian
Serbian form of Innsbruck.
Ipokh (Settlement) Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Ipoh.
Irkutsk (Political Subdivision) Russian
Irlandyia (Country & Island) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Ireland.
Írsko (Country & Island) Slovak
Slovak form of Éire
Irtysh (River) Russian
A river in Siberia. Likely ultimately from the Bakshir language.
Isfahán (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Czech, Slovak, Spanish
Czech, Slovak and Spanish form of Isfahan.
Isfakhan (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Belarusian, Kyrgyz, Russian
Belarusian, Kyrgyz and Russian form of Isfahan.
Iska Isan (Region) Russian
"New Earth"
Islandia (Country & Island) Georgian, Greek, Indonesian, Polish, Spanish
Form of Iceland used in several languages.
Islandia (Country) Armenian, Georgian, Greek, Indonesian, Polish, Spanish
Form of Iceland used in multiple languages.
Islandija (Country & Island) Lithuanian, Slovene
Lithuanian and Slovenian form of Iceland.
Istambuł (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Istanbul.
Iudeya (Region) Russian
Russian form of Iudaea (see Judea).
Izmir (Region & Other) English, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Yakut, Bulgarian, Yiddish, Tatar, Czech, Dutch, German, Romanian, Frisian, Finnish, Georgian, Estonian, Polish, Armenian, Mongolian, Slovak, South Slavic
Form of İzmir used in languages that do not have the 'İ/i' character in the alphabet.... [more]
Jakucja (Political Subdivision) Polish
Polish form of Yakutia.
Jałta (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Yalta.
Jalta (Settlement) Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Slovak, Serbian, Swedish
Form of Yalta in various European languages.
Jangon (Settlement) Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Macedonian, Serbian, and Slovene form of Yangon.
Janov (Settlement) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Genoa.
Japoniô (Country) Kashubian
Kashubian form of Japan.
Japonsko (Country) Czech
Czech form of Japão (see Japan).
Jáva (Political Subdivision & Island) Hungarian, Slovak
Hungarian and Slovak form of Java.
Jekatěrinburg (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Yekaterinburg.
Jekaterynburg (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Yekaterinburg.
Jermenija (Country) Serbian
Serbian form of Armenia.
Jeruzalém (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Jerusalem.
Jičín (Settlement) Czech, Medieval Czech
Name comes from first name Jitka. Literally Jitka's town.
Jirlandiô (Country) Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ireland.
Jislandiô (Country) Kashubian
Kashubian form of Iceland.
Jižní Afrika (Country) Czech
Czech calque of South Africa.
Jordánsko (Country) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Jordan (the country).
Juba (Settlement) English, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Georgian, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Mongolian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Slovak, Somali, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Uzbek
Of uncertain origin, from the Nilotic Bari language of South Sudan. It is the name of the capital and largest city of South Sudan, as well as the former village on its site.
Judeja (Region) Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian form of Iudaea (see Judea).
Jugoslávie (Country) Czech
Czech form of Yugoslavia
Jugosławia (Country) Polish
Polish form of Yugoslavia.
Južna Afrika (Country) Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian and Slovene calque of South Africa.
Južná Afrika (Country) Slovak
Slovak calque of South Africa.
Južnoafrička Republika (Country) Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of South Africa.
Kabardino-Balkariya (Political Subdivision) Russian
Russian form of Kabardino-Balkaria.
Kábul (Settlement) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Kabul.
Kadyks (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Cádiz.
Káhira (Settlement) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of قاهرة (Qahirah) (see Cairo).
Kale (Settlement) Uzbek, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Uzbek, Serbian, Russian, and Ukrainian form of Calais.
Kaledónia (Region) Hungarian, Slovak
Hungarian and Slovak form of Caledonia.
Kaledonia (Region) Finnish, Polish
Finnish and Polish form of Caledonia.
Kaledonie (Region) Czech
Czech form of Caledonia.
Kaledonija (Region) Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian form of Caledonia.
Kaledoniya (Region) Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Caledonia.
Kalifornie (Political Subdivision) Czech
Czech form of California.
Kaliningrad (Settlement) Russian, English, Greek, Finnish, Romanian, Maltese, Swedish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Polish
A city and oblast in Russia, named for Mikhail Kalinin, a Soviet politician. From the surname Kalinin and Russian град (grad) meaning "city, town".
Kalininhrad (Settlement) Belarusian, Ukrainian
Belarusian and Ukrainian from of Kaliningrad.
Kalinjingrad (Settlement) Croatian
Croatian form of Kaliningrad.
Kalisz (Political Subdivision) Polish
Comes from Kalisz in west central Poland, which probably derives its name from Old Polish kal ‘muddy place’, ‘slough’.
Kaljari (Settlement) Albanian, Maltese, Serbian
Albanian, Maltese, and Serbian form of Cagliari.
Kaljinjingrad (Settlement) Serbian
Serbian form of Kaliningrad.
Kalkata (Settlement) Armenian, Czech, Slovak
Armenian, Czech and Slovak form of Kolkata.
Kalkutta (Settlement) Finnish, German, Hungarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Russian, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek
Form of Calcutta (see Kolkata) used in multiple languages.
Kalmikija (Political Subdivision) Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian
Bosnian, Macedonian, and Serbian form of Kalmykia.
Kałmucja (Political Subdivision) Polish
Polish form of Kalmykia.
Kalmykiya (Political Subdivision) Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Kalmykia.
Kalomba (Settlement) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Colombo.
Kambodża (Country) Polish, Silesian
Polish and Silesian form of Cambodia.
Kampala (Settlement) English, Armenian, Danish, Dutch, French, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish
From K'empala, a shortening of the original Baganda Akasozi ke'Empala ("Hill of the Impala"). This is the name of the capital city of Uganda.
Kanaán (Region) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Canaan.
Kanbera (Settlement) Belarusian, Bulgarian, Georgian, Hebrew, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Serbian
Form of Canberra used in multiple languages.
Kanberra (Settlement) Armenian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Russian, Tajik, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Form of Canberra used in multiple languages.
Kansk (Settlement) Russian
"City" on the Gan River
Kapenhahen (Settlement) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Copenhagen.
Kapverdy (Country) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Cape Verde
Karaganda (Settlement) English, Russian
From Kazakh Қарағанды (Qaraghandy), which is derived from қараған (qaraghan) meaning "caragana" (a type of flower). This is the name of a city in Kazakhstan.
Karahanda (Settlement) Belarusian, Ukrainian
Belarusian and Ukrainian form of Karaganda.
Karaiby (Region) Polish
Polish form of Caribbean.
Karakalpakstan (Political Subdivision) English, Russian
From Karakalpak Қарақалпақстан (Qaraqalpaqstan), itself from the name of the Karakalpak people combined with the Persian suffix ستان (stan 2) meaning "land of"... [more]
Karantánia (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Carantania.
Karantánie (Country) Czech
Czech form of Carantania.
Karantaniya (Country) Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Carantania.
Kareia (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Korea.
Kareliya (Political Subdivision) Russian
Russian form of Karelia.
Karfagen (Settlement) Azerbaijani, Russian
Azerbaijani and Russian form of Carthage.
Karfahen (Settlement) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Carthage.
Karmanija (Political Subdivision & Region) Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian
Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Carmania.
Karmaniya (Political Subdivision & Region) Russian
Russian form of Carmania.
Kartaga (Settlement) Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Carthage.
Kartagen (Settlement) Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Carthage.
Kartagina (Settlement) Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Serbian
Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish and Serbian form of Carthage.
Kartágo (Settlement) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Carthage.
Karyby (Region) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Caribbean.
Kašmír (Region) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Kashmir.
Kašmir (Region) Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian and Slovene form of Kashmir.
Kaszmir (Region) Polish
Polish form of Kashmir.
Katalánsko (Political Subdivision & Region) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Catalonia.
Katalonia (Political Subdivision & Region) Albanian, Armenian, Finnish, Georgian, Greek, Polish
Form of Catalonia.
Katalonija (Political Subdivision & Region) Bosnian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Form of Catalonia.
Kataloniya (Political Subdivision & Region) Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Form of Catalonia.
Káthmándú (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Kathmandu.
Kaukaz (Region & Mountain) Polish, Slovak
Polish and Slovak form of Caucasus.
Kavkaz (Region) Russian, Avar, Chechen, Ingush, Karachay-Balkar, Lezgin, Ossetian
Form of Caucasus used in various languages.
Kayro (Settlement) Bulgarian
Alternate transcription of Kairo.
Kazachstán (Country) Czech
Czech form of Kazakhstan.
Kazan (Settlement) Tatar, Russian
Probably derived from Turkic qazan meaning "kettle, cauldron". This is the name of the capital city of the Russian republic of Tatarstan.
Kazań (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Kazan.
Kazaň (Settlement) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Kazan.
Kazanj (Settlement) Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian
Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, and Serbian form of Kazan.
Kazbek (Mountain) Russian, English
From Arabic قاضي (qadi) meaning "judge, arbiter" combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master". This is the name of a dormant stratovolcano and mountain located in the central Caucasus.
Kenai (Region, River & Settlement) Indigenous American, Dena'ina, Russian
From a Dena'ina word meaning "flat, meadow, open area with few trees; base, low ridge." This is the name of a town, peninsula, borough and river in Alaska.
Kęty (Settlement) Polish
From Polish kąt meaning "corner". This is the name of a town in southern Poland.
Khabarovsk (Political Subdivision) Russian
The Russians founded the military outpost of Khabarovka (Хаба́ровка), named after Yerofey Khabarov... [more]
Khakasiya (Political Subdivision) Khakas, Russian
Khakas and Russian form of Khakassia.
Khaleb (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Belarusian, Kyrgyz, Tatar
Belarusian, Kyrgyz and Tatar form of Aleppo.
Khamkhyn (Settlement) Russian
Russian form of Hamhung.
Khanoi (Settlement) Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Russian, Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Khanoy.
Khanty-mansiysk (Settlement) Russian
"Town" of the "Khanty- and Mansi-nations"
Kharbin (Settlement) Russian
Russian form of Harbin.
Khartum (Settlement) Bengali, Catalan, Finnish, German, Italian, Mongolian, Yiddish, Russian
Form of Khartoum used in several languages.
Kharvatyia (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Croatia.
Khatanga (Settlement) Russian
"Large Water"
Khelsinki (Settlement) Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian
Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Russian form of Helsinki.
Khelsinki (Settlement) Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Russian
Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian and Russian form of Helsinki.
Khenan (Political Subdivision) Kazakh, Mongolian, Russian
Kazakh, Mongolian and Russian form of Henan.
Khreshchatyk (Other) Ukrainian
Derived from хрест (khrest), meaning "cross". Khreshchatyk is a historical street in the Ukrainian capital, and is the most iconic street in Ukraine.
Khyue (Settlement) Russian
Russian form of Huế.
Kidonija (Settlement) Serbian
Serbian form of Cydonia.
Kidoniya (Settlement) Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Cydonia.
Kiev (Settlement) Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, German, English
The name Kiev comes from a medieval legend about the founding of the city told by a Chronicler of Rus-Ukraine. It was three brothers, Kie, Shchek and Khoriv, and their sister Lebid, who were the founders.
Kinszasa (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Kinshasa.
Kipar (Country & Island) Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian
Bosnian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Cyprus.
Kirgizie (Country & Political Subdivision) Czech (Rare)
Czech form of Kirgiziya, the Russian name for the country of Kyrgyzstan. In Czechia, this name was primarily used during the Soviet era... [more]
Kirgizija (Country) Lithuanian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene
Lithuanian form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is the standard Lithuanian name for the country, but sometimes the form Kirgizstanas is also used.... [more]
Kirgizistan (Country) Basque, Slovene, Swedish
Basque, Slovenian and Swedish form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizja (Country & Political Subdivision) Polish (Rare)
Polonization of Kirgiziya, the Russian name for the country of Kyrgyzstan. In Poland, this name was primarily used during the Soviet era... [more]
Kirgizsko (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kirgizstan (Country) Bulgarian, Indonesian
Bulgarian and Indonesian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kišiněv (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Chișinău.
Kita (Settlement) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Quito.
Kita (Settlement) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Quito.
Kiyev (Region, Settlement & Other) Russian
Russian variant transcription of Kiev.
Kokshetau (Settlement) Kazakh, Russian
Means "blueish mountain" from Kazakh көкше (kökshe) meaning "blue, blueish" and тау (tau) meaning "mountain". This is the name of a city in Kazakhstan.
Kolyma (Body of Water & River) Russian
Originated in the tundra Yukaghir word kulumaa, which means river.
Komi (Political Subdivision) Komi, Russian
From the name of the Komi people, which is most likely derived from the Finno-Ugric word kojema meaning "man, human", but also possibly from the name of the Kama River... [more]
Konho (Country & River) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Congo.
Konstantinopolj (Settlement) Serbian
Serbian form of Constantinople.
Konstantynopol (Settlement) Polish, Ukrainian
Polish and Ukrainian form of Constantinople.
Kopengagen (Settlement) Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian, Uzbek
Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russian and Uzbek of Copenhagen.
Kopenhaga (Settlement) Albanian, Lithuanian, Polish
Albanian, Lithuanian and Polish form of Copenhagen.
Kopenhahen (Settlement) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Copenhagen.
Koper (Settlement) Slovene
From the Latin name for the former island called Insula Caprae meaning "Goat Island", or the probable initial settlement Capros... [more]
Kórea (Country) Icelandic, Slovak
Icelandic and Slovak form of Korea
Korinf (Settlement) Russian
Russian form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korint (Settlement) Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Norwegian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene
Form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korintija (Political Subdivision & Region) Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian
Latvian, Lithuanian and Serbian form of Corinthia.
Korintiya (Political Subdivision & Region) Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Corinthia.
Korsyka (Political Subdivision & Island) Polish, Ukrainian
Polish and Ukrainian form of Corsica.
Korynf (Settlement) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Korynfiya (Political Subdivision & Region) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Corinthia.
Korynt (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Corinthus (see Corinth).
Koryntia (Political Subdivision & Region) Polish
Polish form of Corinthia.
Korzika (Political Subdivision & Island) Bosnian, Croatian, Hungarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene
Form of Corsica.
Kosava (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Kosovo.
Kosovo (Country) Afrikaans, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Indonesian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Ukrainian
From Albanian Kosova or Kosovë, which is derived from Serbian кос (kos) meaning "blackbird", an ellipsis of Косово Поље (Kosovo Polje) meaning "blackbird field"... [more]
Kosowo (Country) Polish, Turkmen
Polish and Turkmen form of Kosovo.
Kosowo (Country) Polish, Sinhalese, Turkmen
Polish, Sinhala and Turkmen form of Kosovo.
Kosowo (Country) Polish, Sinhalese, Turkmen, Uyghur
Polish, Sinhala, Turkmen and Uyghur form of Kosovo.
Kostaryka (Country) Polish
Polish form of Costa Rica.
Krakiv (Other) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Kraków.
Kremenchug-konstantinovskoye (Settlement) Russian
Kremenchug-Konstantinovskoye is a rural locality in Russia. It translates to Kremenchug named after Konstantin in Russian.
Krestonija (Region) Croatian, Lithuanian
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Crestonia.
Krim (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Afrikaans, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Norwegian, Serbian, Swedish
Form of Crimea.
Krit (Political Subdivision & Island) Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Uzbek
Form of Krete (see Crete).
Krk (Island) Croatian
Krk is a Croatian island in the northern Adriatic Sea, located near Rijeka in the Bay of Kvarner and part of Primorje-Gorski Kotar county.
Krym (Country, Political Subdivision & Region) Belarusian, Czech, Mongolian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian
Form of Crimea.
Kryt (Political Subdivision & Island) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Krete (see Crete).
Kurasao (Political Subdivision & Island) Macedonian, Serbian
Macedonian and Serbian form of Curaçao.
Kurdistán (Region) Czech, Spanish
Czech and Spanish form of Kurdistan.
Kurdystan (Region) Polish, Ukrainian
Polish and Ukrainian form of Kurdistan.
Kuveyt (Country) Bulgarian, Kazakh, Mongolian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian
Form of Kuwait used in multiple languages.
Kuwejt (Country) Polish, Silesian
Polish and Silesian form of Kuwait.
Kvandzhu (Settlement) Russian
Russian form of Gwangju.
Kyiv (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Ukrainian, English, Danish, Indonesian, Malagasy, Malay, Norwegian, Tagalog
From Old East Slavic Киевъ (Kievu) of uncertain meaning. It is traditionally attributed to the given name Кий (Kyi) referring to one of the three legendary founders of the city, although another theory suggests that it is derived from Ukrainian кий (kyi) meaning "stick, pole" (so named because the city was palisaded by poles)... [more]
Kypr (Island & Country) Czech
Czech form of Cyprus.
Kyrgyzstán (Country) Czech
Czech form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrhyziya (Country) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Kyrgyzstan via its Russian name Kirgiziya. This is an alternative name for the country; the standard name in Ukraine is Kyrhyzstan.
Kyrhyzstan (Country) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Kyrgyzstan.
Kyurasao (Political Subdivision & Island) Bulgarian, Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian
Form of Curaçao.
Kyyiv (Region, Settlement & Other) Ukrainian
Ukrainian variant transcription of Kyiv.
Kyzyl (Political Subdivision) Russian
"Red" or "Crimson"
Laayoune (Settlement) English, Slovene
From French Laâyoune derived from Arabic اَلْعَيُون (al-ʿayūn) meaning "the springs". This is the name of the capital city of the disputed territory of Western Sahara, though it is administered by Morocco.
Lajpcig (Settlement) Serbian
Serbian form of Leipzig.
Lakónie (Political Subdivision & Region) Czech
Czech form of Laconia.
Lakonija (Political Subdivision & Region) Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Serbian and Slovenian form of Laconia.
Lakoniya (Political Subdivision & Region) Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Laconia.
Latvija (Country) Latvian, Bosnian, Croatian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Slovene
Derived from Latgalians, the name of an ancient Eastern Baltic tribe inhabiting present-day Latvia.
Lena (River) Russian
A river in eastern Russia. Possibly from Even-Evenk Elyu-Ene meaning "long river".
Leningrad (Settlement) Russian
Changed from Petrograd to honour Lenin. Means "lenin's city" from Lenin and gorod, "city"... [more]
Lesota (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Lesotho.
Lesotho (Country) Southern African, Sotho, English, Afrikaans, Bengali, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish
Means "land of the Sotho", from the ethnic name of the Sotho (Basotho) people derived from the word motho meaning "person". This is the name of a country in southern Africa.
Letonija (Country) Bosnian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare), Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Lettonia, which is the Latin name for Latvia.... [more]
Liban (Country) Bosnian, Breton, French, Macedonian, Occitan, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Walloon
Form of Lebanon used in multiple languages.
Libérie (Country) Czech
Czech form of Liberia.
Liburnija (Region) Serbian
Serbian form of Liburnia.
Lichtenštajnsko (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Liechtenstein
Lichtenštejnsko (Country) Czech
Czech form of Liechtenstein
Lidice (Settlement) Czech
Lidice is a village in the Czech Republic, which was completely destroyed by German Nazis in 1942. All people from Lidice, including over 100 children, were murdered. People and places all over the world have been named after the village to commemorate the massacre.
Lilongwe (Political Subdivision, Settlement & River) English, Chewa, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swahili
From Chewa Lilongwe, of uncertain meaning. This is the name of a river and the capital city of Malawi, as well as the district around it.
Lima (Settlement) Spanish, Aymara, English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Kazakh, Khmer, Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Mongolian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek
Most likely a corruption of Rímac, the name of a river, itself derived from Quechua rimaq meaning "speaker, talker" (ultimately from rimay meaning "to speak")... [more]
Lipsk (Settlement) Polish, Sorbian
Polish and Lower Sorbian form of Leipzig.
Lipsko (Settlement) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Leipzig.
Livan (Country) Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Form of Lebanon used in various languages.
Livorno (Settlement) Italian, English, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, German, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
From Old Italian Ligorno, itself from Latin Liburnus, derived from the tribe of the Liburnians (in Latin Liburni). This is the name of a port city in north-central Italy.
Lizbona (Settlement) Polish, Slovene
Polish and Slovene form of Lisbon.
Ljubljana (Settlement) Slovene, Croatian, English
The origin of the city's name is unclear. In the Middle Ages, both the river and the town were also known by the German name Laibach. This name was in official use as an endonym until 1918, and it remains frequent as a German exonym, both in common speech and official use... [more]
Ljubljana (Settlement) Slovene, English, Afrikaans, Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Romanian, Serbian, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish
Meaning uncertain, perhaps derived from the Slavic element lyuby meaning "love" or from the name of the Ljubljanica River (itself derived from the given name Ljubovid)... [more]
Londan (Settlement) Belarusian
Belarusian form of London.
Łotwa (Country) Polish, Silesian
Polish and Silesian form of Latvia.
Lotyšsko (Country) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Latvia
Luanda (Settlement & Other) English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
From lu-, a plural marker in several Bantu languages, and ndandu, "value" or "object of commerce", referring to the shells of sea snails, which were used as currency in the ancient kingdoms of Kongo and Ndongo.... [more]
Lublaň (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Ljubljana.
Ľubľana (Settlement) Slovak
Slovak form of Ljubljana.
Lublana (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Ljubljana.
Lusaka (Political Subdivision & Settlement) English, Chewa, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish
From Lusaaka, the name of a local Lenje chief. This is the name of the capital city of Zambia, as well as the district and the province in which the city is located.
Lusitánie (Political Subdivision & Region) Czech
Czech form of Lusitania.
Luzitánia (Political Subdivision & Region) Slovak
Slovak form of Lusitania.
Luzitanija (Political Subdivision & Region) Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian form of Lusitania.
Luzitaniya (Political Subdivision & Region) Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Lusitania.
Luzytania (Political Subdivision & Region) Polish
Polish form of Lusitania.
Lyublyana (Settlement) Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Russian, Tajik, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Form of Ljubljana used in multiple languages.
Macao (Political Subdivision & Settlement) English, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish
Variant of Macau, as well as the usual form used in multiple languages.
Macedónsko (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Macedonia
Madahaskar (Country & Island) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Madagascar.
Madžapahit (Country & Settlement) Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Serbian
Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, and Serbian form of Majapahit.
Madzhapahit (Country & Settlement) Bulgarian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian and Ukrainian form of Majapahit.
Madzhapakhit (Country & Settlement) Belarusian, Kazakh, Russian
Belarusian, Kazakh, and Russian form of Majapahit.
Magindanao (Political Subdivision) Japanese, Korean, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian
Form of Maguindanao.