Submitted Place Names of Length 9

This is a list of submitted place names in which the length is 9.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Filipines (Country) Asturian, Catalan
Asturian and Catalan form of Philippines.
Filipinet (Country) Albanian
Albanian form of Philippines.
Filipinim (Country) Hebrew
Hebrew form of Philippines, usually written with the definite article: הפיליפינים (haFilipinim).
Filipinoj (Country) Esperanto
Esperanto form of Philippines.
Filippini (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of Philippines.
Filippiny (Country) Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Philippines.
Filippyne (Country) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Philippines.
Finfinnee (Settlement) Oromo
Means "fountain of hot mineral water" in Oromo, used as the Oromo name for Addis Ababa.
Finistère (Political Subdivision & Region) French, English
The name Finistère derives from the Latin Finis Terræ, meaning “end of the earth”. As its name suggests, it is the westernmost department in mainland France.
Finlàndia (Country) Catalan, Occitan
Catalan and Occitan form of Finland.
Finlandiô (Country) Kashubian
Kashubian form of Finland.
Finlandja (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of Finland.
Finlyandi (Country) Chechen, Chuvash, Ossetian
Chechen, Chuvash, and Ossetian form of Finland.
Finnlando (Country) Esperanto
Esperanto form of Finland.
Fionlainn (Country) Irish
Irish form of Finland
Florència (Settlement) Catalan
Catalan form of Florentia (see Florence).
Florencia (Settlement) Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Florentia (see Florence).
Florencia (Settlement) Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Florentia (see Florence).
Florencie (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Florentia (see Florence).
Florencja (Settlement) Polish
Polish form of Florentia (see Florence).
Florentia (Settlement) Ancient Roman, Greek
Latin and Greek form of Florence.
Foluolida (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Florida.
Fond Du Lac (Settlement) English (American)
From French fond du lac, meaning "bottom of the lake" or "south end of the lake". The city in Wisconsin is at the southern end of Lake Winnebago.
Fortaleza (Settlement) Portuguese
Means "fortress" in Portuguese, a shortened form of the original name Fortaleza de Nossa Senhora de Assunção meaning "Fort of Our Lady of the Assumption". This is the name of a city in Brazil.
Fort Worth (Settlement) English
Named in honor of officer William J. Worth, who fought in the Mexican-American War. This is the name of a city in Texas.
Frakkland (Country) Icelandic, Old Norse
Ultimately from Old Norse frakkar "Franks" and land "land". This is the Icelandic and Old Norse form of France.
Francfort (Settlement) Catalan
Catalan form of Frankfurt.
Frankfurt (Settlement) German, English
Combination of Frank, the name of a Germanic tribe, and furt "ford, river crossing". This is the name of the fifth largest city in Germany, Frankfurt am Main in Hesse, as well as a sizable city in Brandenburg, Frankfurt an der Oder.
Frantsyia (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Francia (see France).
Fukushima (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 福 (fuku) meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing" and 島 (shima) meaning "island". This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.
Funabashi (Settlement) Japanese
Means either "bridge on a ship" or "bridge made of ships" in Japanese, from 船 (funa), meaning "ship, vessel", and 橋 (hashi), meaning "bridge"... [more]
Gaenjiseu (River) Korean
Korean form of Ganges.
Gagaoesië (Region) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Gagauzia.
Gagaoezië (Region) Dutch
Dutch form of Gagauzia.
Gaillimhe (Body of Water & River) Irish
Another spelling of Gaillimh.
Gaingyana (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Guyana.
Galápagos (Other) Spanish
An archipelago in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. From Spansish galápago meaning "turtle, tortoise".
Garaganda (Settlement) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Karaganda.
Garajonay (Mountain) Spanish
The name of a mountain peak which is the highest point on the Canarian island of La Gomera, located at the center of the island and regarded as a spiritual center of power by the ancient inhabitants... [more]
Gateshead (Settlement) English
A town in Northeast England. It most likely means 'goat's headland', implying that wild goats were a part of the local fauna.
Gat Lung Bo (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Kuala Lumpur.
Gedrosien (Region) German
German form of Gedrosia.
Gedrosija (Region) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gedrosia.
Gedrozija (Region) Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovenian form of Gedrosia.
Gelinglan (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Greenland.
Gelinnada (Country) Chinese
Chinese form of Grenada.
Geluozini (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Grozny.
Germaniýa (Country) Turkish
Turkmen form of Germania (see Germany).
Gërmaniye (Country) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Germania (see Germany).
Geruinada (Country) Taiwanese
Chinese form of Grenada chiefly used in Taiwan.
Ghaon-tseu (Settlement & Political Subdivision) Chinese (Wu)
Wu romanization of Hangzhou.
Ghermãnia (Country) Aromanian
Aromanian form of Germany
Ghjappone (Country) Corsican
Corsican form of Japan.
Giaginsky (Political Subdivision) Russian
Gibiltèra (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Piedmontese
Piedmontese form of Gibraltar.
Gíbraltar (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Gibraltar.
Gibraltár (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Hungarian, Slovak
Hungarian and Slovak form of Gibraltar.
Gibraltar (Political Subdivision & Settlement) English, Spanish, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Malay, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek
Derived from Arabic جبل طارق (jabal tariq) meaning "mountain of Tariq", so named for 7th-century Umayyad commander Tariq bin Ziyad, who led the Muslim conquest of Hispania... [more]
Gikongoro (Political Subdivision, Region & Settlement) Rwandan
Ginibisau (Country) Korean
Korean form of Guinea-Bissau.
Giurdania (Country) Sicilian
Sicilian form of Jordan (the country).
Givraltar (Political Subdivision) Greek
Greek form of Gibraltar.
Gjallabrú (Other) Norse Mythology
Means "bridge over Gjöll" (Gjöll being the river closest to the gates of Helheim). This is the name of a bridge in Norse mythology, guarded by Móðguðr, which must be crossed to reach the land of the dead... [more]
Gjermania (Country) Albanian
Albanian form of Germania (see Germany).
Goa-tê-ma-la (Country) Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Guatemala.
Goldfield (Settlement) English
A city in Nevada, USA.
Gorgoroth (Region) Literature
A region in JRR Tolkien's works. From the fictional Sindarin words gor meaning "fear" and goroth meaning "horror".
Gorontalo (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Indonesian
From Gorontalo Hulontalo, meaning uncertain. This is the name of a province of and city in Indonesia.
Grandbury (Settlement) English
A city in Texas.
Grandview (Political Subdivision) English
Grandview is a city in Missouri and a city in Washington.
Greenland (Country) English, Scots
Cognate of Grœnland.
Greenwich (Political Subdivision & Settlement) English
Means "green harbour, green settlement", derived from Old English grene "green" and wic, which can mean both "village, town" and "bay, inlet".
Grektsiya (Country) Yakut
Yakutian form of Greece.
Grenlande (Political Subdivision) Latvian
Latvian form of Greenland.
Grikenlan (Country) Javanese
Javanese form of Griekenland, used as the Javanese name for Greece.
Grikkland (Country) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Greece.
Grœnland (Country) Old Norse
Means "green land" in Old Norse. From grœnn "green" and land "land".
Groenland (Political Subdivision) Dutch, French, Afrikaans
Dutch, French and Afrikaans form of Greenland.
Groningen (Settlement) Dutch, English, German
This is a city in the north of the Netherlands and the capital city of the Groningen province. The meaning and origin of the name "Groningen" is unknown, one theory is that "Groningen" meant among the people of Groni, which was derived from lake Gronesbeke... [more]
Groningen (Political Subdivision) Dutch, English, German
This is a province in the north of the Netherlands, it derived it's name from it's capital and largest city Groningen... [more]
Groningue (Settlement) French
French form of Groningen.
Gruzínsko (Country) Slovak
Slovak form of Georgia 1 (the country).
Guadimala (Country) Taiwanese
Chinese form of Guatemala chiefly used in Taiwan.
Guangdong (Settlement) Chinese
Guangdong (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Means "eastern Guang" — literally "eastern expanse" — from Chinese 广 (guǎng) referring to the ancient prefecture of Guang (which was ultimately named after the county of Guangxin that existed during the Han dynasty in what is now Guangxi province) and 东 (dōng) meaning "east"... [more]
Guangzhou (Settlement) Chinese
Guangzhou (Settlement) Chinese
From Chinese 广 (guǎng) referring to the ancient prefecture of Guang that spanned parts of present-day Guangdong (the character itself means "broad, wide, extensive") and 州 (zhōu) meaning "province, prefecture"... [more]
Guangzhou (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Gwangju.
Guayaquil (Settlement) Spanish
From the older name Santiago de Guayaquil, the second part of uncertain origin. It may have been derived from the joined names of indigenous leader Guayas and his wife, Quil. This is the name of a city in Educador.
Gùernesey (Island) Norman
Cotentinais Norman form of Guernsey.
Guernesey (Island) French
French form of Guernsey.
Güney Kore (Country) Turkish
Turkish form of South Korea
Guōng-dĕ̤ng (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong romanization of Guangdong.
Gürcistan (Country) Crimean Tatar, Turkish
Crimean Tatar and Turkish form of Gorjestan.
Gurcistan (Country) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Gorjestan.
Gürcüstan (Country) Azerbaijani, Gagauz
Azerbaijani and Gagauz form of Gorjestan (the country).
Gurjiston (Country) Tajik
Tajik form of Gorjestan.
Gwangdong (Political Subdivision) Korean
Korean form of Guangdong.
Gwatëmala (Country) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Guatemala.
Gwatimala (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Guatemala.
Gwong Dung (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese romanization of Guangdong.
Gyawgyiya (Country & Political Subdivision) Burmese
Burmese form of Georgia 1 and Georgia 2.
Gyrčiston (Country) Talysh
Talysh form of Gorjestan.
Haelsinki (Settlement) Khmer
Khmer form of Helsinki.
Hah'wjbinh (Settlement) Zhuang
Zhuang form of Harbin.
Haidelaba (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Hyderabad.
Hamamatsu (Settlement) Japanese
Means "pine beach" in Japanese. The kanji that make up the name are 浜 (hama), meaning "beach, seashore", and 松 (matsu), meaning "pine tree"... [more]
Hampshire (Other) English
Name of numerous places in England, foremost a large county in South England, from the name Hampton + Old English scir "division", "district".
Hanekeria (Country) Maori
Maori form of Hungary.
Hannovere (Settlement) Latvian
Latvian form of Hanover.
Hànnuòwei (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Hanover.
Hanoveris (Settlement) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hanover.
Ha̍p-ngì-pîn (Settlement) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Harbin.
Harshanca (Settlement) Tibetan
Tibetan form of Helsinki.
Hato Ruiha (Country & Island) Maori
Maori form of Saint Lucia.
Haydrabad (Settlement) Bengali
Bengali form of Hyderabad.
He'erxinji (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Helsinki.
Heilsincí (Settlement) Irish
Irish form of Helsinki.
Helhsinki (Settlement) Burmese
Burmese form of Helsinki.
Helsingki (Settlement) Korean
Korean form of Helsinki.
Helsingki (Settlement) Korean, Thai
Korean and Thai form of Helsinki.
Helsingør (Settlement) Danish, Norwegian
Combination of helsing (itself a combination of Danish hals "narrow strait, neck" and -ing, a suffix denoting an inhabitant) and ør "gravel" (in this case referring to Øresund, a strait separating Denmark from Sweden)... [more]
Helsinkis (Settlement) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Helsinki.
Helsinque (Settlement) Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Helsinki.
Helsinqui (Settlement) Galician
Galician form of Helsinki.
Hempstead (Settlement) English
Name of a town and village in Nassau County, New York. It is either named after the Dutch castle of Heemstede, or the British town of Hemel Hempstead.
Hengesdon (Settlement) Medieval English
Earlier name for Hingston Down in Moretonhampstead, Devon, recorded in 1333. It meant "Hengest's hill" or "stallion's hill" from the Old English byname Hengest (or from Old English hengest "stallion") and Old English dun "hill".
Heonggari (Country) Korean
Korean form of Hungary.
Hermaniya (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Germania (see Germany).
Herusalem (Settlement) Tagalog, Ilocano
Tagalog and Ilocano form of Jerusalem.
Hestitona (Settlement) Anglo-Saxon (Latinized)
Latinized form of Old English Hengestestun meaning "town of Hengest", derived from the genitive of the Old English personal name Hengest and tun "enclosure, yard, town"... [more]
Heyorhiya (Country) Cebuano, Tagalog
Cebuano and Tagalog form of Georgia 1.
Hiawassee (Settlement) English
The name of a town in the U.S. state of Georgia, located on the Hiwassee River. It is derived from a Cherokee or Creek word ayuhwasi meaning "meadow".
Hibraltar (Political Subdivision) Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Gibraltar.
Hibraltar (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Belarusian, Ukrainian
Belarusian and Ukrainian form of Gibraltar.
Himaalaja (Mountain) Estonian
Estonian form of Himalaya.
Himalaias (Mountain) Portuguese
Portuguese form of Himalaya.
Himalayam (Mountain) Malayalam
Malayalam form of Himalaya.
Himalayas (Mountain) English
Plural form of Himalaya.
Himallaya (Mountain) Korean
Korean form of Himalaya.
Himawunta (Mountain) Burmese
Burmese form of Himalaya.
Hindonezi (Country) Chechen, Ingush
Chechen and Ingush form of Indonesia.
Hindostan (Country) Bashkir
Bashkir form of Hendustan, used as the Bashkir name for India.
Hindostan (Country) Kashmiri, Bashkir
Kashmiri and Bashkir form of Hindustan.
Hindustán (Country & Region) Czech
Czech form of Hindustan.
Hinduston (Country) Tajik
Tajik form of Hendustan.
Hiŏng-gē̤ng (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Min Dong)
Min Dong form of Hong Kong.
Hiong-káng (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Hong Kong.
Hiông-kóng (Political Subdivision) Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka form of Hong Kong.
Hirkanija (Region) Croatian, Lithuanian, Slovene
Croatian, Lithuanian and Slovenian form of Hyrcania.
Hiroshima (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 広 (hiro) meaning "vast, wide" and 島 (shima) meaning "island". This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.
Hispaania (Country) Estonian
Estonian form of Spain
Hiszpaniô (Country) Kashubian
Kashubian form of Hispania (see Spain).
Hjälmaren (Body of Water) Swedish
Derived from Old Swedish *iælmber "noise, rumble". Hjälmaren is the 4th largest lake in Sweden.
Hkaroesha (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Croatia.
Hndkastan (Country) Armenian
Armenian form of Hendustan.
Ho Chi Minh (Settlement) English
From the name of Vietnamese revolutionary and politician Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969; natively Hồ Chí Minh in Vietnamese)... [more]
Hồ Chí Minh (Settlement) Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Ho Chi Minh.
Holandsko (Political Subdivision & Country) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of the Netherlands and Holland 1
Hollywood (Settlement) English
This is the name of several places throughout the United States as well as a few places in England. The most notable place is the district in Los Angeles, California, known for being the home of the U.S. motion-picture industry, whose name allegedly means "hauling wood".
Hondiuras (Country) Dhivehi
Dhivehi form of Honduras.
Hondurasa (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Honduras.
Hondurasi (Country) Albanian
Albanian form of Honduras
Hondurasi (Country) Albanian, Georgian
Albanian and Georgian form of Honduras.
Hongdurah (Country) Khmer
Khmer form of Honduras.
Honjurasu (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of Honduras.
Hordaland (Political Subdivision) Norwegian
From the Old Norse hǫrðar, meaning (and old Germanic tribe) and lǫnd meaning "lands."... [more]
Horowākia (Country) Maori
Maori form of Slovakia.
Horowinia (Country) Maori
Maori form of Slovenia.
Horvaatia (Country) Estonian
Estonian form of Croatia.
Horvātija (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Croatia.
Horwatiýa (Country) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Croatia.
Houaphanh (Political Subdivision) Lao
Hphi-li-pin (Country) Tibetan
Tibetan form of Philippines.
Hsarayebo (Settlement) Burmese
Burmese form of Sarajevo.
Hsomaliya (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Somalia.
Hswazilan (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Swaziland.
Hudson Bay (Body of Water) English (Canadian)
This is the name of a bay in Canada. It is named after Henry Hudson, as he had discovered the bay.
Hui-li̍p-pin (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien form of Philippines.
Hui-lu̍t-pin (Country) Chinese (Hokkien)
Alternate romanization of Hui-li̍p-pin.
Hulontalo (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Gorontalo
Gorontalo form of Gorontalo.
Hunakalia (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Hungary.
Hundurats (Country) Burmese
Burmese form of Honduras.
Hyderabad (Settlement) English
From Urdu حیدر آباد‎ (haidar abad), derived from Arabic حيدر (haydar) meaning "lion, warrior" (see the given name Haidar) and Urdu آباد (abad) meaning "populated area, inhabited area, city" (of Persian origin)... [more]
Hyrkanien (Region) German, Swedish
German and Swedish form of Hyrcania.
Iardaniya (Country) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Jordan (the country).
ʾIdinburah (Settlement) Arabic
Arabic form of Edinburgh.
Illyricum (Country) Arthurian Cycle
A land whose queen was abducted by the barbarian King Milocates. She was rescued from Milocates’ island by Gawain, who returned her to the King of Illyricum.
Ilulissat (Settlement) Greenlandic
Means "the icebergs" in Greenlandic. Ilulissat is the 3rd largest town in Greenland.
Imeldiwen (Country) Kabyle
Kabyle form of Maldives.
Inḍonesia (Country) Madurese
Madurese form of Indonesia.
Indónesía (Country) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Indonesia.
Indônèsia (Country) Acehnese
Acehnese form of Indonesia.
Indonèsia (Country) Catalan
Catalan form of Indonesia.
Indonesya (Country) Filipino, Tagalog
Tagalog form of Indonesia.
In-đô-nê-xi-a (Country) Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Indonesia.
Indônezia (Country) Malagasy
Malagasy form of Indonesia.
Indonézia (Country) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Indonesia.
Indonezie (Country) Adyghe
Adyghe form of Indonesia.
Indonezio (Country) Esperanto
Esperanto form of Indonesia.
Indoneżja (Country) Maltese
Maltese form of Indonesia.
Indonezja (Country) Polish
Polish form of Indonesia.
Îndonezya (Country) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Indonesia.
Indostāna (Country & Region) Latvian
Latvian form of Hindustan.
Indostani (Country & Region) Georgian
Georgian form of Hindustan.
Indoustan (Country & Region) Greek
Greek form of Hindustan.
Indunesia (Country) Sicilian
Sicilian form of Indonesia.
Indunisia (Country) Banjar
Banjar form of Indonesia.
Ingarangi (Country) Maori
Maori form of England.
İngiltərə (Country) Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of England.
İngiltere (Country) Turkish
Turkish form of Anglae Terra, used for England.
Inglatera (Country) Papiamento, Tagalog
Papiamento and Tagalog form of England.
Înglistan (Country) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Engelestan, used form England.
Inglistan (Country) Urdu
Urdu form of Engelestan, used for England.
Ingouchie (Political Subdivision) French
French form of Ingushetia.
Ingurando (Country) Japanese
Japanese form of England.
Ingusetia (Political Subdivision) Spanish
Spanish form of Ingushetia.
İnguşetya (Political Subdivision) Turkish
Turkish form of Ingushetia.
Ingusheti (Political Subdivision) Georgian
From ინგუშური (ingushuri), the Georgian exonym for the Ingush people, and the suffix -ეთი (-eti) used to indicate location. This is the Georgian name for Ingushetia.
Injiltira (Country) Arabic
Arabic form of England via the Italian form Inghilterra.
Inniswood (Other) English
Part of the name of Inniswood Metro Gardens formed from the estate of Mary and Grace Innis.
Innsbruck (Settlement) German
A city in Austria. Meaning "bridge over the Inn", from the river it is situated on.
Insbrukas (Settlement) Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Innsbruck.
Insbruque (Settlement) Portuguese
Portuguese form of Innsbruck.
Inverness (Settlement) Scottish
A coastal city in northern Scotland. From Scottish Gaelic Inbhir, meaning 'estuary, confluence'and nis, the Gaelic name of the River Ness.
İordaniya (Country) Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Jordan (the country).
Iordaniýa (Country) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Jordan (the country).
I'ordaniye (Country) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Jordan, referring only to the country.
Iostanbúl (Settlement) Irish
Irish form of Istanbul.
İrlandiya (Country) Crimean Tatar, Gagauz, Karakalpak
Crimean Tatar, Gagauz, and Karakalpak form of Ireland.
Irlandiýa (Country & Island) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Ireland.
Irlandiye (Country & Island) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Ireland.
Irlandyia (Country & Island) Belarusian
Belarusian form of Ireland.
Irlandyjo (Country & Island) Silesian
Silesian form of Ireland
Irrawaddy (River) English
From Burmese ဧရာဝတီ (Eyawadi), ultimately derived from Sanskrit इरावती (iravati) meaning "gaining drink or refreshment, satiating, endowed with provisions". This is the name of a river in Myanmar.
Îslamabad (Settlement) Kurdish
Kurdish form of Islamabad.
Islamabad (Settlement) English, Hindi
From Urdu اسلام آباد (Islam Abad) meaning "city of Islam" from the name of the religion and Urdu آباد (abad) meaning "inhabited place, city". This is the name of the capital city of Pakistan.
Islamabat (Settlement) Thai
Thai form of Islamabad.
Islamapat (Settlement) Tamil
Tamil form of Islamabad.
Islandija (Country & Island) Lithuanian, Slovene
Lithuanian and Slovenian form of Iceland.
İslandiya (Country & Island) Crimean Tatar, Gagauz, Karakalpak
Crimean Tatar, Gagauz, and Karakalpak form of Iceland.
Islandiýa (Country & Island) Turkmen
Turkmen form of Iceland.
Islandiye (Country & Island) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Iceland.
Islandyjo (Country & Island) Silesian
Silesian form of Iceland
Isle of Man (Political Subdivision & Island) English
Means "mountain isle" in English, from Old Irish mana, a cognate of Celtic isles having mountains, itself from Proto-Celtic *moniyos "mountain". This is the name of an island and crown independency of the United Kingdom and a rural locality in Scotland.
Islomobod (Settlement) Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Islamabad.
Islovènia (Country) Sardinian
Sardinian form of Slovenia.
Ispaniola (Island) Greek
Greek form of Hispaniola.
Isra'iliye (Country) Uyghur
Uyghur form of Israel.
Istanboel (Settlement) Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch and Afrikaans form of Istanbul.
Isvìtzera (Country) Sardinian
Sardinian form of Schweiz, used as the Sardinian name of Switzerland.
Isztambul (Settlement) Hungarian
Hungarian form of Istanbul.
Ithiopiya (Country) Bengali
Bengali form of Ethiopia.
Ivoorkust (Country) Dutch
Dutch form of Ivory Coast.
Iyerebhan (Settlement) Bengali
Bengali form of Yerevan.
Jakareuta (Settlement) Korean
Korean form of Jakarta.
Jakkartha (Settlement) Malayalam
Malayalam form of Jakarta.
Jalalabad (Settlement) Afghan
"Jalalabad" is a city in eastern Afghanistan. The name "Jalalabad" means "City of Glory" in Persian, derived from "jalal" meaning glory or grandeur, and "abad" meaning city or settlement.
Jamestown (Settlement) English
Jamestown, named after King James, was a settlement in Virginia, one of the original thirteen colonies.
Jarj Tavun (Settlement) Tamil
Tamil form of George Town.
Jarmaniya (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Germany.
Je Gaa Daat (Settlement) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Jakarta.
Jeongjeou (Settlement) Korean
Korean form of Zhengzhou.
Jerizalèm (Settlement) Haitian Creole
Haitian Creole form of Jerusalem.
Jermenija (Country) Serbian
Serbian form of Armenia.
Jerúsalem (Settlement) Icelandic
Icelandic form of Jerusalem.
Jeruzalém (Settlement) Czech
Czech form of Jerusalem.
Jeureuman (Country) Acehnese
Acehnese form of Germany.
Jharkhand (Political Subdivision) Indian
The name "Jharkhand" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Jhar" meaning "bush" or "dense forest," and "Khand" meaning "land" or "region." Therefore, "Jharkhand" translates to "The Land of Bushes" or "The Region of Dense Forests," reflecting the state's abundant natural vegetation and forest cover.
Jia'ergeda (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Kolkata via the older English form Calcutta.
Jialandan (Political Subdivision) Chinese
Chinese form of Kelantan.
Jibraltar (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Armenian, Bengali, Breton, Cornish, Hindi
Form of Gibraltar used in various languages.
Ji Daai Lei (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Italy.
Ji Laai Hak (Country) Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese form of Iraq.
Jinxiasha (Settlement) Chinese
Chinese form of Kinshasa, primarily used in Taiwan.
Jirlandiô (Country) Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ireland.
Jislandiô (Country) Kashubian
Kashubian form of Iceland.
Johnstown (Settlement) English
The are 27 settlements in the world named Johnstown. They can be found in the USA and Ireland.... [more]
J̌okuuskay (Other) Yakut
Yakutian form of Yakutsk.
Jordanaya (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Jordan (the country).
Jordānija (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Jordan (the country).
Jordańijo (Country) Silesian
Silesian form of Jordan (the country).
Jordánsko (Country) Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Jordan (the country).
Jorjiyawa (Country) Sinhalese
Sinhala form of Georgia 1.
Jurutungo (Settlement & Other) Taíno
A town in Vieques, Puerto Rico.
Jyväskylä (Settlement) Finnish
Possibly a combination of Finnish jyvä "grain" and kylä "village". Jyväskylä is the 7th largest city in Finland.
Kaameruun (Country) Oromo
Oromo form of Cameroon.
Kaap Verde (Country) Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Cape Verde.
Kaboverde (Country) Latvian
Latvian form of Cape Verde
Kaenbeora (Settlement) Korean
Korean form of Canberra.
Kagoshima (Political Subdivision & Settlement) Japanese
From Japanese 鹿子 (kako) meaning "fawn, young deer" and 島 (shima) meaning "island". This is the name of a city in Japan, as well as the prefecture in which the city is located.
Kahoolawe (Island) English, Hawaiian (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Kaho’olawe, derived from Hawaiian ka "the" and ho’olawe "to subtract, erode"... [more]
Kaho’olawe (Island) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Kahoolawe.
Kaikikana (Country) Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Kyrgyzstan.